Why do you use / love Windows Phone?

- Why do you use Windows Phone?
Sucker for build quality of Lumia handsets and the smoothness of the operating system. For speed of moving from one app to the next or quickly sending a text message to snapping back to make a phone call it never stutters. Have a 1520 and 1020 and recently picked up a 930 again. Screen touch quality is also high on my agenda.

- What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?
One drive and Xbox games (wish there were more) Camera quality with Zeiss optics

- Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?
Love it, from my Surface pro 3 to my windows 8.1 laptop and then my Xbox one. Feeling of familiarity across the platforms and integration is second to none for me.

- Why do you use Windows / Xbox?
Been a windows user from day one, through work and recreation I've used every iteration of Windows, Xbox been on the platform since release day. Still have my old original model stored in the loft. For me the Halo franchise has been part of the reason but through constant evolution I've stayed with the platform and culminated in sitting listening to the music of Halo : The Master Chief Collection playing on the TV and switching between classic and remastered mode remembering everything about the games.

- What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone
I'm hoping to see a successor to the 1020 to be honest or a real flag ship phone, I don't want to see WP being known for low spec low cost phones although I don't think this will happen it really needs devices that can show the platforms possibilities, the software's good at the moment but more features for power users would be nice, I would like to see more xbox games integrating into the platform, hopefully windows 10 will introduce that and give us more as MS shows how powerful the system can be.
It's because of Nokia teams who are known for quality! I hate every other windows phone except Nokia's!
Non-Lumia Windows Phones do not match the app provision strategy by Nokia to support Windows Phone!
On the other hand, Microsoft OS is still evolving and till 2016 when Nokia and Microsoft deal will end, I may not part ways with Windows Phone!
I hate Xbox integration with WP especially their XBM and XBV integration with the formal native player of the OS. This is simply because they have not helped me at all enjoy full customization of my personal media files without seeing the ***** delay as loading. I'm only happy that soon I will have Windows Phone 10 OS which will probably address this. If not, I'll be one of the most disatisfied customer of MS, not Nokia (because Hardware wise, I'm happy with my Nokia Lumia)!
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- Why do you use Windows Phone?

Well, I have never bought an Android/iOS device before and I intend not to do so until there's some radical change. My first smartphone was a Lumia 620 which broke 2 months ago after which I immediately bought a Lumia 630 even though my parents were offering to buy me a much better spec-ed Android device. But why didn't I agree?
Simply, because I had never faced any major problems from my first device(Lumia 620). The OS is simple,smooth,fast,malware free, everything I could possibly want/demand from a device. I'm not being a ****** here but whenever my friends try to show me something on their Android devices, there are moments when I see definite lag which sickens me. I mean, I have a 512mb ram low end 630 but the lag is not as serious or as frequent as on the even mid to high-end devices(Samsung Galaxy S3,S4,Duos,Xperia L,and some other Xperia model I don't remember etc) my friends own. Note:I sometimes do face a bit of lag on my device but it is only limited to blank tiles or something and is really rare so I negate it as a problem of the device.
Another reason is that since only 3 people in my college own a Windows Phone(a Lumia 920,520 and some old WP7 Samsung device), my phone really stands out and the bright orange color of my 630 really makes it eye-catching. People are eager to hold my phone when they get a glimpse of the orange color but the first question they ask when they swipe up the lock screen is that "What the hell were you thinking when you bought a Lumia, this piece of sh*t doesn't have any apps/games."
*Sigh* But that's because Nokia didn't advertise it all well here in Pakistan, we still have age-old posters of 1020 on Nokia stores instead of 930,630,730,830,530 etc which is a major reason for people running away from Windows Phone.
Windows Phone has all I need, it is my daily driver and I'm satisfied with the app quality and quantity(Though I do wish that we get some more games) but basically yeah,it has the apps/games I need.
An iPhone would have suited me pretty well as well since I have noticed no lag on my friend's iPhones 4 and 5s but as you might have noticed from me owning a 630, that an iPhone really isn't something I can afford but yeah,absolutely no regrets buying a Windows Phone.

- What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?
The smoothness of the OS, the simplicity and the unpredictability in future updates. I really like that there is little to no device fragmentation which means I'm enjoying almost all the features present in other WP8.1 devices as well.Windows Phone is suited to my needs, I can make notes in One Note or compile data in different ways in Office, I can save my work,photos,videos to One Drive and the easiness of doing these tasks on the phone on the go really helps make life a lot faster and easier.

- Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?
Huh....that's a tough question. I own a Windows 8.1 HP elitebook 8530w(a budget laptop) and all use it is to transfer files and other things between my phone and my laptop. I do not game on it and hardly use it for Windows apps so integration doesn't matter to me all that much.
About Xbox,sadly,I don't own one because I can't afford it and my parents wouldn't want to spend so much money on a gaming console as well, so yeah,integration with my non-existent Xbox doesn't matter that much as well.

- Why do you use Windows / Xbox?
As mentioned above,I use my Windows laptop to transfer things between my phone and my laptop and to do college work on Visual Studio. And no Xbox once again.Would love to buy it once I can afford it and once I'm finished with studies though but that will take nearly 6-7 more years :( But I love to game and watch Paul's Xbox One streams every week even though it's 6:00 Saturday in my country when he stream.

- What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?
What really excites me is the unpredictability of the OS.WP8 was a huge change from WP7 and WP8.1 is an even bigger change.I hope Windows 10 will offer even more and the prospect of Microsoft under control of the Lumia series really has be excited. It means we can expect much better devices in the future just like 535,730,630 etc which are beautiful and powerful devices at their price point.
I would love to see more Xbox games in the future as earning achievements playing Xbox games on my Windows Phone is the only way in which I feel that I'm related/connected to Xbox in some way :)
I expect and would like to see the app gap reduced and more platform exclusive apps and games like Halo as well.(I loved the expressions on my friends' faces when I showed them Halo on my phone) :)
Here's to a better future and the hope that Microsoft completely turns around the game for Windows Phone.
- Why do you use Windows Phone?

The primary reason I use Windows Phone, is because of Nokia. Yes. I was a fan of Nokia since my first device (N73). Their excellent build quality and fantastic design was what drew me to them, and I went through several of their phones (X6, N8) before getting my first Windows Phone, the Lumia 920 (red). Even then, they retained their excellent design choice of material and colour (believe me, the first day I bought the 920 out many people asked me what device that it). After the 920, I went on to a 1020 (dream phone since the N8's camera was fantastic). The 1020 is my main phone now and I am quite happy with it, give or take those days where the battery life is horrible. But yeah, I guess my primary reason is because of Nokia. Another reason was because I want to stand out. I have experience with all major platforms (iOS, Android, BB10) and I respect what other like about them, and there are features that I like about them, and some that I don't like. I know many people who would get and iPhone or Android device, but I felt that it was too commonplace and there were already enough of them in the market that one less would be all right. So that was another reason to choose Windows Phone for me.

- What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?

First up, design language. Like I said before, I wanted to be different, and Windows Phone design Language was something that drew me towards it. Unlike Android, Windows Phone UI had a cohesiveness from the start (no pun intended). The use of a black background, the use of tiles, the use of large text headers which all defied convention of having app icons in grids and what not really drew me towards it. The way the UI flowed showed that it... worked. The more I used WP, the more I appreciated how it worked. Not to say other OSes UI are bad, they all have their strong points and weak points, but I feel that in WP, it really had something that stood out from the rest..

- Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?

I dont really use my Xbox much, but as for PC, I feel that the integration is there, but not well developed. Desktop app is still rudimentary and works at best. Otherwise, the integration is not too bad.

- Why do you use Windows / Xbox?

I use Windows as my primary OS, and what I like about it is that it is open. Although people might argue the Linux or Ubuntu is more open, but the support is not there. Windows has the largest user support, and works nearly with every program available. Also, it is quite easy to use on a day to day basis. Because I game alot, the support for drivers and programs must be there, and thats why I choose the Windows OS.

- What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?

The future ? That is a hard thing to say. But what I really want, and I guess a lot of WP users want also would be better support from both Microsoft and Developers. Microsoft has done plenty for the system this year, but there is more work for them. The OS itself is not very complete, and there are still several issues regarding it. But they are working hard, we can tell, but we need them to work even harder to polish up the OS itself in order for them to truly succeed. With Windows 10, I really hope they complete the integration of the OS together and make the system even more integrated than ever, with a more polished system. For developers wise, I hope that we get more apps and the current ones are updated more often !
- Why do you use Windows Phone?

I generally enjoy the Microsoft user experience, on other platforms or services too. In particular, Windows Phone provides a unique user experience. Such user experience is the right balance between the "Android chaos" and the "iOS blindness". In other words I just think that with Windows Phone I can pretty much do whatever I need/want to do on a phone within a reasonable amount of time. The majority of Windows Phone features are automatically delivered to every phone, without needing effort on behalf of the user. Furthermore I believe Windows Phone devices have an extremely good price/quality ratio, even compared to Android phones.

- What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?

The user friendliness, the fastness and the live tile experience. I think the Tile itself is a great idea, I truly believe my start screen is the best solution to deliver informations to myself with just a glimpse. Again, using Windows Phone I do more than I could on iOS an with less effort than I should waste on Android.

- Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?

I don't have an Xbox, but I do really enjoy the integration with Windows Desktop.

- Why do you use Windows / Xbox?

I can't live on without a Personal Computer. Apple desktop products have the worst price/quality ratio EVER, and I don't even recognize Linux/Ubuntu as a competitor for Windows Desktop. Windows Desktop (7 or 8) and more generally Microsoft products' software quality is really improved in the last decade. I can't even remember the last time I had a problem on my Desktop, and I can hardly imagine a better user experience. But, hei, there is always room to improve ...

- What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?

I want Windows Desktop and Windows Phone to converge to some kind of "One Device". I wait for the day when I will be able to run x86/x64 applications and make a phone call (GPRS/UMTS) from the same device. And I am eager to PAY MONEY for such device.
- Why do you use Windows Phone?
At first, it was because of Nokia. Well, not entirely, but that played some part. In 2012 I was 15 and I really needed to get a new phone, I had done some research on the net and was confused by all the Gingerbread, Ice Cream Sandwiches and Jelly Beans I could find. Then I walked into an EE store to get a phone, and I saw it. The Nokia Lumia 900. Every thing about it looked so different, so elegant in a way. I wanted it. I had to have it. I ended up not getting a phone just then as I did some more research and learned about the 920. While I waited for that to come out, a cousin of mine had a Lumia 610 to save money. I used it to demo WP, but I found it slightly confusing. Unsure of what to do I waited a while longer till finally, my old phone broke. Instantly, I sprung into action. Falsifying my age and then shuffling money across three different countries, I harnessed the power of the internet to buy a Lumia 620.
Fell in love with it. The hardware, the screen, everything but the Music + Videos hub which was slowish on that. Otherwise, the phone had everything I needed, NFC, clearback, ffc. It was awesome and I liked it enough to buy a new Windows Phone. I still like the 620, but mine got killed during a BSOD while flashing it.
- What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?
The design. It's awesome. Live tiles. The people hub (used to be great for stalking people across social networks). The Start Screen which I described earlier as:
unique feature which, when properly utilized, provides a convenience that cannot be easily replicated.

The Start Screen is that convenience.

The Windows Phone8.1.1 Start screen is more powerful than the Windows 8, Android or iOS Start/Home screens.
and a host of other little things.
- Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?
There isn't really any besides Internet Explorer and Accent colours.
- Why do you use Windows / Xbox?
I've always used Windows I guess. For me, it just works. I find Macs and their app bar most annoying.
Also, the Surface Pro 3 rocks.
The Xbox is just a thing I have, I'm ambivalent.
- What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?
I don't know anymore. The future is uncertain. Various members of the Microsoft Defense Squad have fallen over themselves to assure us that Windows Phone and Windows in general is unimportant to Microsoft's bottom line. If that's so then I'm deeply unsure of what the future holds.
Honestly its because of the Nokia design and the way Windows Phone works, its does things differently to Android and you don't get the issues you do when using a Samsung android phone for example.
The camera on my 925 was the main selling point though, still a great camera.
Have to say though that the lack of proper app support and the relatively slow development of Windows Phone when compared to Android and iOS will see me switch back after that contract is up for an upgrade.
Its been a great time though, just I believe there are much better alternatives out there. Especially at the high end, the 930 and 1520 just aren't near the competition.
- Why do you use Windows Phone?
Windows phone is fast and fluid even with my Lumia 635, which means the Windows phone team must have been at pains to optimize their software, but they didn't stop there. You don't even need antivirus software for it, because it's rock solid and secure. Most importantly, I love the user interface. It's simple and elegant. The live tiles displays enough information so that we don't constantly need to open an app to know the weather, breaking news, or a new email message.
- What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?
- Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?
I don't care for games. If I did I would go to iOS or Andriod. They have plenty of games.
- Why do you use Windows / Xbox?
- What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?
I'm hoping that Windows 10 ushers in more developers to create apps. Also, I'm hoping that Microsoft makes it easy for developers to create apps such as ones for audiobooks. The lack of a decent audiobook player makes me grind my teeth.
I am new to windows phone, I purchased the HTC One M8 windows phone 3 months ago. I was on IOS for the past 4 years, 1st with the iPhone 4s and then the iPhone 5. Apple makes good products but I got tired of it, and they make it so it does not work very easy with non apple products. Many times syncing my iPhone to my Windows 8 desktop computer I would come back to find my music a total mess and spending hours fixing it.

Why do I use Windows Phone?
I wanted a change from IOS and IPhone, Thought I would give windows phone a try since I have a desktop and laptop both running windows 8.1.

What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?
I love how familiar the operating system is being I have windows 8.1 on my home computer and laptop, I also love how using works with all my devices. Make a change to a document or remember something and put a reminder in one note its automatically seen in all my devices. I can't do that with an IPhone.

Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?
I don't use Xbox and it still confuses me when Microsoft renames programs like zune pass to xbox music pass and so forth, but the intergration with windows is probably the reason I will stick with windows phone from now on.

Why do you use Windows / Xbox?
I don't have an Xbox but for over 15 years now every computer I have had has been a windows computer. The world uses windows computers, its just a fact of life.

What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?
Window 10 is what excites me the most. for me it is a live or die situation. It must run on all devices, and intergrade with all of them. The Integration between my devices now is great but I want it better. What I do fear is being such a small market uses windows phone that Microsoft might someday drop it like they did the zune. I hope that does not happen cause android or apple doesn't work with my home computer or laptop like windows phone does now, and I am not about to go buy a mac. Those are way over priced for having something with just an apple logo on it.
I've had my Lumia 735 for just over a fortnight. I moved from Android (always been an Android user since 2.3.6 Gingerbread.)

- Why do you use Windows Phone?
Frustration with Android. It gives a good experience, but not a great one. Android is fragmented, manufacturers such as Samsung rarely provide updates, and there is an inconsistent user experience across phone brands due to manufacturers adding their own overlays.

Having a good quality camera is important to me, but Android phones have only mediocre cameras at the low to midrange... I bought a Moto G 4G as it had great reviews, and it IS a good phone with pretty darn good specs and performance for the price. But the camera is one of the worst I've ever come across. When I discovered that EVERY SINGLE PHOTO I'd taken was OUT OF FOCUS, and suffered OVER AGGRESSIVE NOISE REDUCTION I decided I'd had enough of Android. There was little point buying a new Android phone when I knew the camera wouldn't be up to scratch, so I decided Windows Phone was the way to go.

I'd only toyed with the phones in shops, but was impressed with the fluidity of the interface, and I love the start black look. People with Windows phones raved about them, and a friend eulogised about hers.

The lack of apps isn't an issue for me - I'm not a social networker, so all I need is a decent dictionary, Telegram Messenger, Sat Nav, and a good camera. The Lumia 735 ticked all the boxes.

Other things I like about Windows Phone - I can move / install most apps on an SD card, 3rd party apps can't write to an SD card, inconsistent layout between different apps.

- What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?
It's fluidity, consistent interface across most apps (MS is breaking its own rules with some recent apps), superb camera, speed.

- Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?
I don't have an Xbox!

- Why do you use Windows / Xbox?
I use Windows because I can't afford an Apple Mac and Linux just isn't use friendly enough. Also, the video editing software I use is Windows only. I aama not a fan of Windows on the desktop. It remains slow, resource hungry, clunky, and insecure.

- What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?
Not excited, but I would love to see more OEMs coming on board, and I'd love Microsoft to push harder to make Windows Phone more accepted. Although I don't use them, Official social networking apps would go some way to increasing Windows Phone appeal, as would Microsoft releasing its apps first on WP, and making them just as good as on other platforms.

I forgot to add that it did take a while for me to muster the courage to take a chance on Windows Phone. The words Microsoft and Windows are tainted due to bloat and security issues. Also, in all promo material, the phones are bursting with live tiles, which I personally find quite distracting. But research helped lay my concerns to rest.
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The os is fluid and the camera but that's about it for WP as for my Xbox one I love it as my windows 8.1 tab. I do like one drive integration. But what I and many here DON'T like about WP is the lack of apps and support even from ms them selves it has gotten better but when all you got is a smooth os and a decent camera ..... I guess its not compelling enough hence 3-4% shares. Voice assistance and notification center have been on the other two for a while and have more function . So I guess for me its the lesser of the three evils
Being Finnish it is a matter of pride to own a phone from Nokia. And when I bought my Nokia Lumia 925.1 Nokia made only phones for Windows Phone. Easy choise.
- Why do you use Windows Phone?
I always felt disappointed with Andoid and iOS. The UI design was the first thing that grabbed my attention on Windows Phone. From there I got hooked by the fluid OS, the Nokia handsets, and particularly the awesome cameras.

- What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?
It's actually hard to pick! I have been ecstatic about the camera on my 1020. But for Windows Phone in general, I'll say the hardware.

- Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?
Basically yes, but it could be better. In that regard especially I am looking forward to Windows 10.

- Why do you use Windows / Xbox?
I don't use Xbox, I do all my gaming on the computer or my phone. For the time being, Windows is actually my secondary operating system behind Mac OS X. I use Windows for gaming and for relatively obscure applications that don't have any Mac compatibility. There's a good chance I'll be using Windows a lot more in the near future. If 10 becomes more integrated with Phone, it might become my primary OS.

- What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?
I'm excited to see what Microsoft does with the (Nokia) hardware for Windows Phone. I love what they did with the Surface, the Pro 3 especially is quite stunning. I look forward to better phone/desktop integration in Windows 10. Also, I think I'll enjoy the multiple desktops and app-switching tools in 10.
because I've a pc, no seriously, I just hate free code GNU Linux whatever, and even worst if it is from google(ads) and also hate apple and its toys, the way they are like a "walled garden" I don't like being treated like a kid

my desktop computer is my main machine, anything that plays nice with it is welcome, that and my hate for both too closed(apple) and too open(google) software made windows phone my only natural choice

apart from that, I just like it, its very different from anything else and I like that, it strikes the balance just like windows x86, I mean, its meant to just work without any tweaking or messing around with settings, but it also lets you some space to experiment and change things, ios and android are the total opposites, its the kind of phone I can take every morning with full confidence that it wont fail me(like an iPhone) and I can do things like connect it to a computer and move files around but without failing me because I downloaded something that altered this so called "open" OS kernel and bricked the damn thing(like android)

I have some hope that some day they will make it as wonderful as its x86 big brother, Microsoft clearly is on the long run for this so im pretty confident I will be using a windows phone 5 years from now
The one feature on WP that is head and shoulders above all other platforms is the keyboard and predictive text. I've resigned myself to the fact that physical keyboards went out with my Pre3 so I went with the best in the business. I don't play games so that's a non-issue. OneDrive integration is the number 2 reason. Before anybody says the iOS or Android versions are better, can you access your Recycle Bin on those versions? No, unless they've updated this week. The third reason is the Cam Scanner app. With the PureView camera and the WP interface, it's the best out there. Probably the only app that is better than the iOS or Android counterparts. Last, but not least, the contact integration with Facebook and LinkedIn is awesome.

As you can tell, I'm more of a business-centric user so I can't comment on Twitter, Instagram or any of that stuff. I don't even have any of those accounts.
- Why do you use Windows Phone?
It was the best deal at the time. I was a T-Mobile pre-paid minutes customer and wanted to upgrade to a smartphone and the T-Mo $30 plan. I could have gone with Android but the Lumia 521 was better than any other device in that price range. I carried a Blackberry (work) for five years and played around with my son's iPod touch/iPhone, wife's GS3 and daughter's Nexus. I chose to go with the best deal.
- What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?
The integration with MS online/cloud services and Win desktop. The UI is different and good. The resource usage seems lower than Android and iOS so lesser hardware still runs WP very well. The Cyan/WP8.1 update pushed my battery life into a 3rd day.
- Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?
Windows yes, I don't Xbox.
- Why do you use Windows / Xbox?
- What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?
Hopefully stability and longevity of the WP platform. MS has the resources to continue development and seems to be interested in showing the other players how to get along. Funny to think of MS as the company that is more open than the others.
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I'm not going to get model or OEM specific here... Just the OS, yes?

- Why do you use Windows Phone?
It does what I want in a pleasing manner, with a minimum of fuss. Between the customization of the Start screen, Live Tiles, Glance, Notification Center and Cortana; I feel like all the info I need and tasks I want to accomplish are very close to the surface, readily available and highly palatable. Set it up and run. No constant tweaking, no digging through layers of menu, no searching static grids. It's a very flexible and fairly intuitive UI. What you want when you need it and not a lot of clutter from what you don't use or rarely use.

- What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?
The Live Tiles and Glance Screen - getting information on the fly without poking and prodding at the device makes for a powerful experience and enhances the usability of the device tremendously over other mobile Operating Systems I've used. Cortana is a fantastic extension of that power and something I rely on more and more as time goes by. For those who don't have Cortana yet, or just an Alpha - hang on, she's coming and the wait should be well worth it.

- Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?
Xbox is a non-issue for me. I don't have a gaming platform apart from my mobile devices. The integration with Windows is nice, but plug and play backup via USB could be a bit better. Cloud sync is awesome and OneDrive kicks a lot of ****.

- Why do you use Windows / Xbox?
Xbox = N/A. I use Windows mainly due to conformity and availability not only of the OS, but 3rd party support as well. I have dabbled with Linux, but again; all that poking, prodding, tweaking just gets to be a drag. Windows just works. I like that. Mac? I don't like overpaying. I feel that Apple is really ripping people off for both Desktop and Mobile. I just can't find any justification to their pricing.

- What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?
IMHO, Microsoft is really showing me a commitment to the mobile space. Windows Phone has changed a LOT in just the past 16 months that I've been using it. I really like the pace of updates and the upcoming conformity across screen sizes should really ramp things up and bring the mobile platform even more to the forefront. Computing is increasingly about mobile and bringing a power and seamless ease of use to the smallest devices. I feel like Microsoft gets that and is striving toward opening a new chapter in their software offerings.
One word (if there's even such a word): Customizability. They say that for a device to be considered "well-made", the user experience has to match the personality of the user. That's why top shoe brands (especially for men) have custom-fit soles for individual customers so that the shoes match the shape of the customer's feet perfectly, or why top-of-the-line luxury cars offer so much customization options to their patrons. It all goes back to user experience... and I've never seen a platform that offers the same level of "personalization" than what Windows Phones offer.

I like just how I could completely customize my start screen, phone theme, ringtones and location-based reminders all in one device. Being able to resize and change the tile layout, in tandem with being able to choose a "fitting" background are just a few of the many things only fellow Windows Phone users will be able to relate to - it's just how each and every Windows Phone reflects it's owners personality, that no two Windows Phones would look the same*, that gives this phone its exclusive edge.

About market share: I don't really need a thousand apps installed on my phone to make it functional and productive - though I've got at least 150 apps installed in my L1020 now. I'm also not really affected by less than 10% statistics being thrown against Windows Phones - doesn't this give us a sense of "exclusivity" after all?:cool:

I don't have an XBox (not yet at least), but I'm definitely looking forward to how Windows Phones would evolve in the coming OS updates. I've been with Windows Phones since Windows Mobile 5.0, and I don't see myself leaving anytime soon.

*- Unless two people agree to arrange their phones in exactly the same way.

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