Why do you use / love Windows Phone?

I've been using "cell phones" since the original Panasonic that I had to carry in a backpack. I've used a wide variety of phones over the years, but my Lumia Icon is the best I've ever owned. The only downside is there are about 3 apps I really could use on my phone and the companies are only releasing them for iPhone or Droid ( and there are no competitors ). Otherwise, I'm covered 100%.

I love the interface. It is clean, simple and very easy to group similar apps. I also love the ability to pin things to the start screen on a temporary basis ( like OneNote pages with a shopping list ).

Perhaps the one feature that stands out more than anything is the integration as shown by the People hub. First, it is far easier to view and find the information I'm seeking on a contact than either of the competing systems. However, when I show people what a simple "swipe" on a contact record reveals, they are astounded. I don't see that anywhere.

I don't do games or watch videos on my phone, but I certainly use it for quick photos. The Icon pictures astound people, and that is without the use of any of the available photo apps.

Everyone in my extended family uses an iPhone, and many of my friends are confused by Droids. Thus, I'm quite aware of the capabilities, and I am totally satisfied with my device.

The only thing I don't like is the attitude of Verizon. I can't change carriers because the others cannot give me reliable service in this location. Verizon is arrogant now, and are actually trying to divert people away from the Windows phone. I realize the pressures that take place in this industry, so I know Microsoft doesn't have a lot of say in the matter. I would love to see Microsoft totally bypass Verizon, and let the carrier decide if they simply don't want the clients anymore. Since they don't really sell the phones, it would make sense for them to have a "services only" agreement with those of us who use the device, and leave everything else between us and the phone resellers who want to carry it. Since subsidized phones are being phased out anyway, this might become a potential reality.
Why do you use Windows Phone?
Because of Nokia. The old Nokia were the best, they were easy to access anything. The Motorolas and Samsungs were just horrible. But Windows Phone also attracted me, I liked the look of it and since diamonds are cheaper than an iPhone and every Android phone I used looked ugly, sluggish and is operated by Google.

What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?
Design, the OS looks modern and is pleasing to look at. If we include Nokia here the design applies again, Nokia has always created beautiful phones even on the time of the "dumb-phones" and to me most Lumia are sexy, no Galaxy is that beautiful.
It's also fast, specially transitions. I find transitions to be an important feature to improve the visual and look of any system as long as it doesn't get on my way slowing me. That's something I always hated both in Mac and Linux, their transitions take forever. Alt+Tab? A stupid 500ms transition. Minimize? 1s to finally get out. Maximize? ZZZzzzzz... I saw someone requesting that Alt+Tab had a transition in Windows, dude, Alt+Tab was created for fast switch. At least many distros have improved a lot in this.

Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?
I don't have a Xbox but the integration with Windows is ok, could be more integrated. With Nokia Suite I could send/read messages and send/receive calls without the need to touch my phone. Windows 8 already has a notification system, the phone could use it to show that I received messages/calls or any other update.

Why do you use Windows / Xbox?
It's not insanely expensive as a Mac. And Windows has ease of access, I already told about transitions so let's say that I have and use Linux but I can't get used to it even after installing it already customised. I also like how easy it is to find any piece of software for Windows for any solution. I'm a PC gamer too so Windows is mandatory for me.

What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?
That Microsoft is listening more to its customers but always keeping a standard of their own and that they've been improving Windows performance, Win8 seems faster than Win7 that seems faster than WinXP. I'm yet to see Win10 for phones, but Win8 GDR1 is already a good improvement.
This are the reasons why I use/love windows phone :

First of all I have a Lumia 630 that cost me 110 euro, that is my first windows phone, I never liked windows phone because i thought that it is a premature software. I made the change from Android because I was tired of the complexity and lagginess of the OS, also no matter what I did with Android, I still can't make my tasks simple..So I thought it was time for a radical change and boy I was right!

As a person not deeply invested in social media, you see I only use viber, I don't have any problem with the apps, I have what I want and then some.
I really love TubeCast, converge, levitagram and many good written 3rd party applications, but what I love most is how straight-forward the native apps are.That's it, if you want a perfectly functioning phone, you can pick you phone, throw a Sim in it and be happy!

Great integration with Windows 8.1 , I was shocked the first moment that I have made an appointment on my WP calender and the notification popped right at my computer screen! or I can see my the exact same teams on the pc through the Sports app!

Clean,fast,consistent. I looove how easy to use WP is! And no matter what to do you can't bug it down! You see, on Android you have to constantly close the applications you don't use and use Task killer to close the apps running on background. On WP you are worry free of that Sh*t.
Because that is what I want in my pocket, A PHONE, not a freaking computer!
My friends Galaxy S3 after 1 year of ownership, has huuge signs of lag.. Trying to go from an app to your homescreen is taking 2-3 seconds without any other app running.The fact that you have to root it, take samsung's bloatware out, constantly trying to keep it clean so that it runs with LESS lag, makes the whole concept of the phone geeky and time consummating.
While I was an Android user, I was constantly going back to future-phones and always admiring the fast response that they had!

Battery life, optimization having to charge your device 1 time per 2 days is pretty awesome. Yesterday I suck the life out of my phone from 8 in the morning through 7 in the evening with, you know, the casual stuff (many hours music,more hours radio,1 hour gaming,2 hours web surfing) my battery life at 19:00 was 51%..So after the night's bed-TubeCasting (that's a new word), I end up with 46%.
My point is that I am worrying-free about battery life.If I have to leave my house with 30% charge, I won't feel the need for charging it for the rest of my day, or peaking on battery percentage for a reminder of my battery life.To tell you the truth, I only open The battery app thingy, so I can feel good about the consumption, or better lack of it, of my device!

Last thing I want to talk about, MY start screen. I USED CAPS LOCK for a reason..Because it is mine, that's how I want it, how I like it, how I need it.
It is unique to my preferences and I have EVERYTHING I want there on a single unscrollable page!
I hopefully put an image bellow of my home screen :


I have many many reasons why I love WP but that were the major ones for me!
The only reason I like WP is updates.

Specially Developers Preview.(thanks to this we don't have to wait )

Updates keep OS interesting because something always going on/changing/improving.
- Simple interface
- No ridiculously complicated menus
- Easy/Fast to swipe and navigate

Yes. These reasons I agree with. I also like how I was able to get a high quality phone with a good carrier without spending a ton of money or signing my life away via a contract. The windows phone interface is so smooth and slick. I tried a few cheaper android devices and they are junk. Plus, android itself is obnoxious, IMO.

As for the future, I'm just hoping windows phone keeps chugging along adding new features and trying to get more market share!
- Why do you use Windows Phone?

Because it just works..no lags, crashes,restarts, roots etc.

- What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?

The Live Tiles.

- Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?

Which integration??

- Why do you use Windows / Xbox?

Is there a viable 2nd option? I dont think so.

- What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?

That we will be able (?) to get firmware updates through Developer Preview!
I use Windows Phone Lumias smartphones because of Nokia quality with an also amazing OS. Light and fast. Has everything I need.

I have two Lumias now, 620 and 830.

The 620, has low specs but I use it almost for 2 years now. Still works very well, has updates, there are only a few apps with problems for the 512mb ram devices, but almost any other works. Had used it in the sun, hot, cold, but mostly on MTB where you have the bad weather for a phone: rain and humidity.

It worked almost every time but my Galaxy S also had problems with pouring rain and high humidity. It takes nice pictures and has all software I need. So I dropped my Galaxy S almost as I got the 620.

A few weeks ago, I bought the 830. And this is just wow. When you have the 3.8" 620 and then you buy a 5" Lumia... just wow. Super amazing camera with an amazing screen.... running WP 8.1.

I find it much better than almost any Android device, for the exception of Nexus devices. Nexus and Lumia don't have bloatware that breaks the experience and soon you will replace it for a new one. I had that problem with my Galaxy S I and soon as the warranty ended, CyanagenMod was running on my Galaxy. Tired of no updates and bad software, from Vodafone and Samsung. The GS I still works very well today and my soon is the one using it.

Lumias are beautiful devices, exclusive, and have the quality that I wanted. WP8.1 just enhances it even more, because I love the tile OS and it is so easy to use and configure. I have there my 3 email accounts and I will add a few Gmail too soon.

And I have been recording videos of my son handball games and training and they are just amazing. The 10MP camera is wow. But all other little Lumia details, from software and hardware, made them my choice.

I would use a Nexus if I had to, but no way I would use Apple products, too insecure, very very very expensive for what you get and very limited by free software. Android is 1000x times better.

But when you can have a Lumia, why WHY use Android?
- Why do you use Windows Phone?
Out of the three main smartphone platforms, it's by far the one which suits me best. Windows Phone is nice and fast and gives quick access to what I want to do, see, hear and write.

- What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?
I like its speed, ease of use, logical and intuitive interface, functionality and simple beauty.

- Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?
I like its integration with Windows but feel it doesn't go far enough.

- Why do you use Windows / Xbox?
I use Windows because it offers all the tools I need to work and play.

- What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?
I am excited about how much closer the platforms can integrate with each other and I am excited because I am here for the ride.
First reason - Nokia.
Second - Windows Phone 8

Nokia 920, I think is the best design they have till date which I own. The size is right. A little heavy but its ok. I am used to it now. The camera is good. At the time it was the first Nokia Windows Phone device in my country and needed one smartphone badly so preordered it.

Other than that, of the three major platforms, I found Windows Phone had a much better interface. Android was out of question because before Lollipop their design was like excrement. I do not like Apple either. But if i had to buy a phone now for that much amount of money that 920 cost me, I would prefer an iOS 8 or Android 5 device for obvios reasons. I feel Microsoft is losing focus.
I prefer Windows Phone over Android or iOS simply because I've always felt like Android/iOS is like that girlfriend everybody WANTS. But Windows Phone is like the wife that every man NEEDS

- Looks better a lot of times, has A LOT of customizations. The sky is the limit on how good you can make it look
- Android phones are far too many on the market. I know a lot of people like this, but I, for one, do not like that mad amount of choice
- Android will let you down. Sooner or later, it will let you down. It will freeze when you need it to work the most. After a while, its going to need a refresh every few weeks to work the way it worked when you first start using it. One may mention some high-end Android phone saying it doesn't behave this way. But out of the hundreds of Android powered handsets, how many are capable of giving you a seamless experience?

- Personally, the iPhone is way too expensive. No denying its a great phone, off-contract, I do not think its worth all that money. Its great to show off, though. Like a trophy
- There's just 1 of it every many-months, and its too expensive O_O

Windows Phone
- WP is stable. In my experience, its really solid. Its going to be there for you when you really need it. You can count on WP to run the way you want it to, when you want it to as long as its running
- Its not the prettiest piece of software out there, but its got its own style and I, personally, think its really beautiful. I'd pick the WP style and design anyday. I do look at iOS sometimes and think, "hey, that looks quite nice" . But I always want to come back to the WP tiles and the Metro design
- It supports your creative side with the way it deals with photos and the suite of apps available to process them
- It supports your professional side with out of the box support for spreadsheets, presentations and documents, and OneDrive to have them all on the cloud so you can access it anytime, anywhere
- The hardware you have may not be top-notch. Maybe you have low ram and a weak processor. But with WP, you have the same experience you get with any high-end phone
- Its lively [excuse the pun]. Every time you look at a screen powered by WP, it interacts with you. You don't even have to do anything. Just look at the screen and its talking to you. Telling you what's up with the things you care about
- Even though its so great, it doesn't always allow you to do the things you want to do or like to do [I'm referring to the restrictions in the APIs and the "App-gap"]

So, Androids are a dime a dozen and very likely bails on you. iOS is the one out of your league and even if you get one, you realize its not THAT great. But WP is the one that will make your life easier. It is the one you can depend on. WP is THE one for me
I use Windows Phone because I remain optimistic about the potential in the OS. I recall the early previews of the concept of the Live Tile and how it blew my mind. Then Nokia came in and devoted themselves to making unique and desirable hardware that sealed the deal for me. In the face of the push of Apple and Google I fell in love with MS's offering.

I love the Live Tile. I think it needs an evolutionary leap forward like the other mobile OS have done, though it has inspired major changes in mobile OS design. I love the design language of WP and its focus on functional digital design. The promise of industry-leading integration has been there since WP7, execution needs to live up to that.

I don't use an Xbox but I feel it's a work in progress - the synergy.

I use Windows because of familiarity and accessibility. I have come to respect the strengths of other platforms but feel Windows has not always lived up to its full potential. I love Microsoft and really wish they could attain the complete and intuitive synergy of ask they have to offer. Looking forward to the efforts of their Research and other divisions being integrated into a flowing, wholesome whole. Cortana is something I plan to use well once it is available to me.

My thoughts on the future? That Microsoft again defines not just the possibilities (Zune, Live tiles/Modern, digital personal assistants) but actually builds the best user interface of a mobile/cloud world. That powerful design. security and intuitive use remain the cornerstones of the mobile offerings. That Microsoft's Phone OS becomes the most productive mobile device on the planet - without any hobbling or second-tier development status.

I think the opportunity exists for Microsoft to take the lead again and to surpass their current level, in everything they produce. They need to commit themselves to bringing out the best solutions in the Market, and engage ever more with their users and the larger market, and never be complacent even when they win. Which they will.
Why do you use Windows Phone?
I've been a BlackBerry user for several years. Have had a Z10 since shortly after it launched in Canada. While I like the BB10 platform, I wanted to get some experience with Windows Phone, so I picked up a Lumia 520 on sale to try as a daily device for a while. After a while, I feel reluctant to go back to the Z10. In a big way because of the common experience and ecosystem across the Windows devices.

n.b. I have no significant experience with the other mobile platforms

What do you like / love most about Windows Phone?
  • The integration with Microsoft's other tools e.g. Outlook, OneDrive, OneNote, etc
  • The simple-enough tile interface
  • Ease of customization, at least of the home screen

Do you like the integration with Windows and Xbox?
  • Can't speak to XBox, as I don't have one
  • I use Windows 8.1 on a non-touch laptop and the Surface Pro 1
  • Synchronization via OneDrive and Outlook (calendar, mail, contacts) is a timesaver

Why do you use Windows / Xbox?
I've always used Windows. It works for me. I have dabbled with various Linux distros, but always go back to Windows.

What excites you about the future of Windows / Windows Phone?
  • The upcoming/rumored unification of operating systems
  • Universal apps
  • The common ecosystem

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