Why does my iPhone 5S (IOS 9.0.2.) Groove app find the shared OneDrive music folder?


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Oct 7, 2015
iPhone 5S (IOS 9.0.2.) Groove app doesn't find shared OneDrive music folder

I'm in the process of transferring files from my Windows 7 laptop to OneDrive's "the cloud." (Migrating to a Windows 8.1 2-in-1 later in the week.) I'm an Office 365 Home subscriber, so my spouse and I both have Microsoft account pages. I've shared my OneDrive Pictures and Music folders with her, which show up as such on both her Windows 7 laptop and iPhone 5S OneDrive apps. Problem is, her Groove app doesn't find and load the Collection from the Shared folder. My Groove app works fine, finding and loading my account's Music folder. I've logged into both OneDrive pages on her phone; makes no difference. I spent all afternoon at four different Microsoft support stops, concluding with XBox/Groove. They sent me here. Any suggestions?
Re: iPhone 5S (IOS 9.0.2.) Groove app doesn't find shared OneDrive music folder

Sounds like more of a bug/feature as the shared folders are not real folders. A similar thing happens in that my photos are shared with the wife and yet her Photos app on the desktop doesn't display my photos despite being able to browse them on the OneDrive website.

There is a OneDrive uservoice website you can post to, or perhaps use the in-app Feedback if one exists on the iOS app.

Personally I think it needs to work. Why else share files if they aren't fully shared.

Perhaps someone else has more insight and knows how to make it work on iOS for you.

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