Why does my phone how do re-download longer email conversations each time I open a message?


New member
Sep 30, 2014
New WP user - Email question

I purchased a Nokia 520 off of Amazon a couple days ago to give the WP OS a try (I currently use an iPhone). I have an outlook.com email account and set that up on my phone. I noticed that the phone seems to have to re-download longer email conversations each time I open up a message. Is this normal behavior for a WP?
Re: New WP user - Email question

I'm not sure. Have you poked into the account settings and made the phone download emails from a longer time period perhaps? (default is the past 7 days, that may be it)
Re: New WP user - Email question

Check the settings...

Settings > email + accounts > tap the account name > download email from (use this dropdown to select a length of time)

You may be saving too short a span on your device.
Re: New WP user - Email question

You also got the Lumia 520 which has slower connection speeds. Lumia 520 doesn't support 4G at all. I have a Lumia 521, it supports low-end 4G, but not 4G LTE. The Lumia 1320 I'm getting soon does support 4G LTE. Also whenever you first set something up the first time and go to run it, it usually take's longer the first time, especially for any email/messaging, etc. apps. Just let it do it's job and later it will speedup as all your past emails are already downloaded. I have mine setup to get all my emails and after maybe 3-5 minutes the first time, the lag is gone.
Re: New WP user - Email question

You also got the Lumia 520 which has slower connection speeds. Lumia 520 doesn't support 4G at all. I have a Lumia 521, it supports low-end 4G, but not 4G LTE. The Lumia 1320 I'm getting soon does support 4G LTE. Also whenever you first set something up the first time and go to run it, it usually take's longer the first time, especially for any email/messaging, etc. apps. Just let it do it's job and later it will speedup as all your past emails are already downloaded. I have mine setup to get all my emails and after maybe 3-5 minutes the first time, the lag is gone.

Thanks for the info. I actually do not have the phone hooked up for cellular use, I only have it on through the WiFi in my home since I only purchased the phone to become familiar with the OS. I do have the email setup to download all messages, but the phone seems to go through a "loading message" prompt when I pull up any message that is a rather long conversation back and forth. Even though the phone is set to download all emails, it seems to have to re-download any of these with longer conversations.
Re: New WP user - Email question

Open your email app > Push the 3 dots ... > go to settings > scroll down to "always download full message and internet pictures" and mark it.

This may do the trick.
Re: New WP user - Email question

Open your email app > Push the 3 dots ... > go to settings > scroll down to "always download full message and internet pictures" and mark it.

This may do the trick.

Thanks for the tip, I already had that option checked though.

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