Why does my Xiaomi Mi4 Windows 10 mobile screen stutter when unplugged from the charger?

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My Xiaomi Mi4 screen stutters very badly when it is unplugged from the charger.
Has anybody else encountered this issue on a Xiaomi Mi4 or Windows 10 mobile phone in general?

The issue is immediately resolved by reconnecting the phone into the charger.

It appears to me the CPU is clocking down when unplugged causing scroll stutter and lag. The only time the phone appears to be operating at full speed when it's unplugged is when an app or update is being installed, it seems like the CPU is clocking up to handle these tasks and then boosting general performance.

I have tried every possible thing i can think of to resolve it, but no luck.

These are some of the things I've attempted.

- Update Software. I've tested this on every version from initial flashed ROM up to the latest Insider preview fast ring and the issue persists equally. I am now back to the latest production version.

- Battery Saver. I've enabled / disabled battery saver and settings.

- Remove Cortana live tile. Removed tile and disabled Cortana.

- Reflashed Android. The issue does not appear to be affecting the phone when Android is flashed.

- Removed Live Tiles / Apps - I've tested this repeatedly from fresh install and the issue exists straight away before any new apps are installed or demanding live tiles are place on the home screen.

- Soft Reset / Hard Reset. Both tried many times with different OS updates.

- Home Screeen Layout - I've enabled every combination of layout enabling / disabling extra row of tiles, 'Tile Picture' or 'Full Screen Picture' etc.

- Enable/ disabled hardware toggles. Wifi, GPS, Bluetooth, Cell Data, Airplane Mode.

- Enabled / disabled auto brightness control.

Maybe i have a faulty battery that can't supply enough power (although it seems to be able to when installing / updating)?

Maybe there is a CPU clocking issue on battery?

Anybody have any ideas?


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May 25, 2016
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A friend of mine also has this exact same problem. It also starts when he unplugs the phone.

In his case I presume it has something to do with his MicroUSB port, cause it's not in the best shape.

I didn't observe it's device CPU behavior enough to conclude it's his CPU. I also can't imagine this is the problem, because you've installed Windows and it has the same behavior.

I didn't installed WM10 but did upgrade his phone from 4.4 to 6.0.1 (full wipe) and the stutter is stil there. We're probably going to replace the usb port to exclude he's the culprit.

Your the first one I've found with the same problem though..

I reeeeeeally hope someone has found a solution or at least the source of the problem.

Burning question, do you also have issues with your usb-port?


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Nov 19, 2015
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Thanks for the replies.

PLYRZR0 My phone is out of the box new. I don't see any physical damage on the port or have any problems with the charger disconnecting while it is plugged in.

All my testing above was done with Windows 10 installed. I briefly installed Android and i thought it was running ok, although i didn't spend long on Android. The issue is obvious straight away after flashing Windows. Maybe if i spend a little longer on Android i will see the issue re-emerge there.

In saying all that, I do NOT think it's an OS/software problem.

Remarkably i found out yesterday my friend has the same phone and he allowed me to flash windows on to it to test. I wiped and reflashed both to original Xiaomi Windows 10 ROM and again to current production ROM. Unfortunately the difference is like chalk and jumpy stuttery cheese.
His phone is smooth and buttery, mine is horribly jerky.

This leads me to believe my phone has to have some sort of hardware problem. It might be a hidden physical fault in the USB port like you suggested.

I am going to (try to) return it for a fix or replacement.

Zoomelliott it's good to know that Windows is at least running well on a fully functional Xiaomi Mi4 device. I like the phone and Windows 10 so i think if i can get a replacement / fix i'll stick with it.



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May 30, 2016
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I'm experiencing the same issue using Xiaomi Mi4 with Windows 10, didn't notice it with MIUI.

I noticed the stuttering is reduced (or even disappears) when the CPU is working on the background: for example, while downloading a system update the scrolling was normally smooth...

Did you find some solution? I think it has something to do with the XIAOMITEST firmware, that should be updated (also to support more languages)!
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May 29, 2013
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Originally posted by angelotroina
I'm experiencing the same issue using Xiaomi Mi4 with Windows 10, didn't notice it with MIUI.

I noticed the stuttering is reduced (or even disappears) when the CPU is working on the background: for example, while downloading a system update the scrolling was normally smooth...

Did you find some solution? I think it has something to do with the XIAOMITEST firmware, that should be updated (also to support more languages)!

did you check battery saver? turn it off completely.

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