Why Don't I see My Onedrive files (Windows 10)?

This is the most trashest move from Microsoft! I'm using Windows 8.1 because of Onedrive intergration for my work, then they **** it up!

If they don't fix this soon then I don't need windows 10 anymore... I can't believe how stupid they are right now!
Onedrive Intergration on Windows 8.1 is THE ENTERPISE & MAJOR FEATURE! What the hell were they thinking!!!!!

I agree with everyone here. This change wasn't totally clear to me because I was running the preview builds in a VM that was light. I wasn't syncing OneDrive or anything because it was just a test machine. Luckily, I upgraded my laptop with a 500GB HDD first by sheer luck. My Surface Pro and Dell Venue 8 Pro staying on Windows 8.1 until further notice. This is such a bummer... I'm slowly starting to believe Microsoft really should have pushed this release of Windows 10 back to October. There's too many things on their end in transition/non-finished states. MS Edge isn't done and is missing, what most would consider, some pretty basic features (it doesn't sync bookmarks and tabs like IE11 did, missing extension support, doesn't allow tab pinning or stacking, doesn't allow custom download locations, etc). Office 2016 isn't done yet. The "Project to Screen" is missing for apps, so I can't push videos and pages to my Xbox One (though strangely, Xbox to PC streaming is done and done well by release. Headscratcher...). OneDrive is supposed to have this Smart Files stuff figured out "by the end of the year?" Come on... Either redo the idea or leave it as-is, man.

They've got to realize that this kills the HUGE OneDrive incentive on Windows 10 machines. They offer 15, 100GB, 200GB, 1TB, and Unlimited packages for OneDrive. Now your device has to EXCEED those storage amounts, so you essentially have to a device larger than 128GB (because you've got the OS to consider) for any account other than a free 15GB account. How aggravating...

It's all so annoying because they're getting SO CLOSE to getting everything right but things like this make me more annoyed than not having the functions at all. I guess I just enjoyed Windows 8.1 more than most and some of these changes don't seem like a company working towards innovation but, rather, towards compromise. Guess it's time to fire up my NAS again...
Another complainer here. And those of you saying MS is working on this "issue" I'd like to see sources please. Personally, I don't think it will change. Too many people were confused by the "placeholder" method of 8.1. They always wondered why their file wasn't present offline yet the filename was there.
Re: Why Don't I see My Onedrive files (Windows 10)

I'm still trying to get used to OneDrive on W10. In 8.1, I had it set to auto upload/backup photos taken on tablet to OneDrive. Is there an option for this in W10? I can't find it. Has the fetch files feature replaced this?

Luckily the Flickr uploadr works perfectly.
So, let me get this strait, with OneDrive on W10 it stores the files locally and in the cloud? Can you assign the local storage to a 2nd drive?
8.1 usee placeholders for files not stored locally. 10 does not. OneDrive on 10 is exactly like it is on Windows 7 and OSX.

As it is now OneDrive for Windows 10 is completely useless to me. I have over 240 Gb's of data on my OneDrive and it basically goes up daily - don't ask. I need to be able to see this on a tablet which has a 32GB drive on it and also a 64 Gb SD card in it. The maths don't work.

I know that I can map the OneDrive "cid" to a drive but that's not the point.

Microsoft should have given us a solution at the release of Windows 10 that works like "Online Place Holders" where you can see what you have on OneDrive and copy to / from it.

Currently I am using a the browser interface to download the files I need - absolute rubbish solution but it does work more than what can be said about Windows 10. :crying:

Jack, like you I am hoping that they fix this in THR2 but I am not holding my breath.


Infinidim :cool:
I came to Windows Central from Crackberry just to make a thread about this issue.

Glad I am not the only one having this issue.

WTF Microsoft!! Windows 10 is so good, but why did you have to ruin the Onedrive app?

Now I actually have to go to the Onedrive website to access files I do not have room for on my tablet.

This really is terrible.
This makes onedrive completely useless on my Venue 8 now.

I used to replace local libraries with my OneDrive libraries and now theres no point since I have to download everything locally to view it.
This worked wonders for watching videos I had on onedrive (mkv) on my tablet without having to actually store them locally.

And you can bet Onedrive's web portal doesn't support .mkv files.
I must say, I'm surprised that Windows Central's writers haven't made a bigger stink about this now that Windows 10 is officially out. Hopefully MS hears their end users out and rectifies this. I guess I'm off to find the OneDrive Uservoice website...
I must say, I'm surprised that Windows Central's writers haven't made a bigger stink about this now that Windows 10 is officially out. Hopefully MS hears their end users out and rectifies this. I guess I'm off to find the OneDrive Uservoice website...

When you find it, post the link please... This needs to be pushed up somehow!!
Same problem here! How can I move folders and make them "online only"? This screws my whole win 10 experience. Also I could not find an app. Browser only onedrive for win 10? wtf?

Someone at Microsoft thought that doing this is ok, and so it happens, this I the new OneDrive.... Please sound your voice in the feedback app.... Search for placeholders...

I wonder who too this decision.
I must say, I'm surprised that Windows Central's writers haven't made a bigger stink about this now that Windows 10 is officially out. Hopefully MS hears their end users out and rectifies this. I guess I'm off to find the OneDrive Uservoice website...

I agree, I thought Windows Central would have been making a really big stink about this - moderators would you like to tell us why?


I think this is the link that everybody is looking for, it has over 15000 votes to get it fixed so far.


I would suggest anybody that is un-happy with OneDrive on Windows 10 goes to this URL and votes to get it fixed.

I have also "tweeted" everybody I know in Microsoft as well as Windows commentators to get it fixed as soon as possible. :wink:

Hope this helps.

I found this and it might help some of you.

OneDrive placeholders are gone in Windows 10, here's how to get them back
OneDrive placeholders are gone in Windows 10, here's how to get them back

I have seen this one but to me it's "a frig". It also takes a long time to bring all the indexes across for my 240 Gb of files.....

I want Microsoft to fix the issue properly and fully support the solution. Given that they have at least 20 million customers on Windows 10 currently they should be fixing this quickly one would hope.


I have seen this one but to me it's "a frig". It also takes a long time to bring all the indexes across for my 240 Gb of files.....

I want Microsoft to fix the issue properly and fully support the solution. Given that they have at least 20 million customers on Windows 10 currently they should be fixing this quickly one would hope.



Yeah, I tried that, it was awful - unbelievably slow
I agree, I thought Windows Central would have been making a really big stink about this - moderators would you like to tell us why?Infinidim
I want to say that MS is working on merging "engines" and OneDrive will eventually get back placeholders (like 8.1) but I'm not ready to bet the farm on it.

This would be great for an "AskDan" segment. He does a pretty good job of clarifying what MS is working on for the future.

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