Why don't my Coloud Boom headphones work anymore on my WP (but on other phones they work)?


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Feb 11, 2016
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Why does my Coloud Boom headphones doesn't work anymore on WP (but on other phones they work)?

So I have Lumia 630 and Coloud Boom headphones. I bought them year ago and they worked brilliant! But about month ago, they stopped working. I thought that it was problem in them, but they work normally on everything else. I send my phone to a service to fix the problem because my headphones (that are "made" for Lumia phones) doesn't work on my Lumia, but worked on other devices (Win 10 laptop, Lumia 520,535,640)...They fixed the phone but it's still the same problem. I tried soft reset, hard reset, Windows Recovery Tool, even other headphones with microphone but nothing... I'am very confused what the heck is the problem..Headphones without the microphone worked normally, but with the microphone they work if they are not all the way in, but when I put them in it's like there are no headphones connected.

Shahroz Naeem

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Aug 21, 2014
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Re: Why does my Coloud Boom headphones doesn't work anymore on WP (but on other phones they work)?

I have the same devices. I bought mine around 2 years ago and they work alright. True, that the 630's headphone jack isn't in a good shape - the original ones work but if I try any other headset, that requires a lot of pushing and stuff. I think maybe the jack just needs cleaning?
Have you tried any other head set with the phone? When you plug it in, does the phone register anything at all?

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