Why *haven't* you bought a Lumia 950?


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Sep 19, 2015
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Gee, you be like in need of an Android phone dude!
hahaha i know i sound like that but it's just feels android way of implementation is closer to windows desktop OS than the windows mobile.

So many things to hate in android though -> esp the fragmentation, need to wait for the OEM or Service provider for update and can't expect a perfect integration with windows OS, no continuum etc.

I just looking for the middle ground, where windows mobile will be more customizable and totally integrated with OS like apple.. Hopefull we will be there soon.


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Nov 7, 2014
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The competition to win an 950 or 950XL currently has over 3,500 posts with most people posting how great the phone is and how they'd love to own one. I find it odd that so many people could love a phone so much yet not already own one and seemingly not consider buying one. Sure, we all love free stuff, but I just wondered whether there's some common reason why so many people who profess to loving a phone, haven't bought one? I'm sure Microsoft would be very interested if it was something they could address.

I figured that reasons might be:

(a) Waiting until W10M is properly released and is more stable
(b) Expecting the price to drop soon (or simply consider it to be too expensive?)
(c) Hoping for a 1020 style version
(d) Expecting the Surface Phone to be out quite soon

Or anything else?

I'm referring to this competition:

I agree with all of your reasons. I will add that I don't expect a true 1020 replacement. I'm just loath to "upgrade" for an unfinished, unstable, and overpriced product. When they sort it out, drop the price, and my 1020 is closer to its end date, I'll switch.

Virtual Enigma

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Sep 27, 2015
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I bought 950xl. I was pissed off with it when I first encountered the issue with the sd card. Then I took out the sd card and the phone has been working fine. I love the very intuitive interface. The phone is very snappy and takes excellent photo's. I miss one app ..... and for that app I might get an iPhone 7 if windows phone doesn't have it by December 2016.

Jon Snyder

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I will preface this conversation by saying that I bought a 950XL from the MS store and happy albeit frustrated with it.

I believe people are sitting on the fence, wanting to come over but hesitating, waiting to see how everything plays out. People in large are followers and only want to get a 950XL once it's been declared a "success". People don't want to own a phone that's labeled a failure, etc...

Sure, there's an app gap, Windows 10 mobile isn't there yet, but that's not really the cause.


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Mar 25, 2012
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Boring, bland design.
On screen buttons.
Current revision of Snapdragon is underwhelming.
Too expensive for what it is.
Windows 10 Mobile is not at a point where I can comfortably spend Lumia 950s asking price.


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Apr 6, 2013
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Simples... it's not in my neck of the woods. I need to physically inspect the 950 before I dish out the $$$$$... and my orange 830 is not even a year old yet,

830W10 via mTalk


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Sep 3, 2013
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Various reasons:

1) Price. Too high here in Canada (Yes, I know it's the current state of our dollar).
2) Design (and features) didn't really excite me. MS was very obviously finishing up what they had in the pipeline with Nokia.
3) Current state of Win 10 mobile. Still months away from stability and feature parity (at least). They dropped the ball somewhat with development, in my opinion.
4) App ecosystem. I'm not convinced Universal Apps will change anything long-term and didn't wish to roll the dice.
5) My Lumia 830 was still working perfectly.
6) I think the Surface Phone is what we all really wanted.
7) Decided to move to another platform.


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Oct 29, 2012
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Well I was planning to get the Lumia 950XL, but then used that money to get my wife the Sony A6000 instead. Will upgrade my Lumia 920 this year... hoping for the Surface Phone ;) ...


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Oct 19, 2013
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Mainly for me its apps. I have my 1020 and 1520 still but no SnapChat (vital IMO), Chase/BofA and honestly ticketmaster makes this an easy no purchase. I am nitpicking for ticketmaster since I go to a ton of concerts and it would benefit me, but SnapChat is gaining so much steam even a Microsoft dude mentioned they need it. Luckily Instagram and FB universal-app support is coming this year full-speed but its still too early to invest in what is really a true Insider beta test. After polish and app support people will flock...I hope.


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Aug 26, 2013
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I bought one, used it for 3 weeks, returned for replacement, then a week later returned for refund. I'll keep it simple, Windows 10 is not ready, way too many bugs for a consumer device. Had I been given a free test or developer device I wouldn't care so much about the bugs, but after tax I paid about $950 CAD for the 950 (with complete). At that price it better be in 100% working order on the hardware and software sides, it wasn't.

I'm back to using a Lumia 928 atm.


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I think the reason is simple. Not even the most fanatical WP fan is convinced about W10 or the possibility of MS getting the apps needed for most people to come over to WP. I have been a WP fan from the beginning and still keep a small WP while using my 6+ on a regular basis. I entered for a 950 to see how W10 runs on a current gen phone. If it runs good I would think about boxing up my iPhone for a while and using the 950XL to give WP a chance again.

Viktar H

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Jul 29, 2013
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Price is high but it is ok for me.

Waiting for double tap to be confirmed before bying XL. It is still not clear if it is coming or not.


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Sep 23, 2012
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Main Reason: They punish you if you get a 2 year contract phone instead of the Next plan. Under the Next plan I don't expect I will EVER buy a new top of the line phone again. My parents, my sister and I all used to buy new phones every two years. Now, only my sister does with her iPhone. My mom is running a Moto G and my dad has a Lumia 520 and I run a Lumia 820.

Our phone bill used to be about $110 a month for 3 people. Now our bill is $270 a month for 4 people (most of that is my sister's iPhone and iPad).

So personally I am hoping the 950's price will bottom out here soon after it's considered a failure and I can pick one up for cheap. Or maybe I will pick up a cheap 1520.


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Mar 8, 2013
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Straight up, I have been loyal to WP since 2010. Lg quantum, HTC 8x, lu.ia 1020 and lumia 830. Two days ago I got an iphone 6, and im very pleased with it. Windows 10 mobile has alot going for it, dont get me wrong. But it's not finished, and after so many hard resets and bugs with wndows 10, especially as a canadian consumer (cortana js broken, no support from carriers in canada) I gave up. I hate the iphones UI, but it just works. It's stale, but it works. Apps are better. It's faster. I dont care what phone you are ru ning windows 10 on, ive used it on 3, and it's not co.parable to other OS's


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Oct 23, 2013
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Already have a great phone....... Lumia 640 XL. I don't need a super phone like the 950/XL because I won't use all its features.

My reason too - though I am sure I could use some of the features of the 950XL, but my 640XL is performing like a champ! And, the 950XL does cost an arm and a leg at this point.

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