whatever, when someone buys say a phone they expect atleast the "host" to provide them with updates or to give them quality apps
the point is that when they oversee tonns of scam and malware apps, it shows the quality the company has,as for android having more apps keep in mind that for every android app there are 100s of fake apps on the app store with the same name and similiar author names
how could they oversee BBM in the first place its one of the most anticipated releases and they managed to allow 100s of BBM fakes on the play store
it really shows an interesting insight on how malware and scams work
id blame the consumers for downloading the app in the first place but when such an app becomes the top rated paid app, i wouldnt blame them at all,infact if i were google id offer them compensation and assistance incase their phone is affected by malware/scams
ive noticed samsungs service centre personally telling me that the issues i faced with my phone were due to malware and id have to pay them to reflash it, even under warranty,im happier with windows phone and nokia, nokia service centres are more helpful and understanding than most android device service centres