Why I love Zune

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
I come in from work plug my phone in to my charger next to my couch open my laptop place it on the coffee table. Play XBOX watch TV what ever pick up my laptop open Zune pick some songs add some apps to my Arrive new play list whatever. After dinner I pick up my Arrive off the charger start playing around with my new apps that have been wireless synced to the phone. Pick up my laptop again go through all my pod casts pick the ones I want to listen to on the way to work tomorrow. Go to bed plug my arrive in to the charger and in the morning all my pod cast are wireless synced and ready to go.

Through out my day I listen to the pod casts while driving to and from work. While at work I listen to my latest music play list I usually run my play list at around 200 songs but I never make it to the end in one day.

What I want, when I want, done my way that is what I like the most about Zune.

What is your favorite? Why do you think Zune kicks ***

:ninja: Dave
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I love zune because it just works. I currently own a 120GB Zune and it is super durable.

The Zune software never disappoints and runs very quickly compared to itunes even when loading up 1000 song playlists.
I had Zune Classic 30GB since it came out until a few months ago... it was dropped so many times by kids and me... always worked. Its still working, I just cant charge it... someone pushed a charger connector wrong way and broke off the connector inside the Zune... sad... but... next day I bought Zune HD 32GB! now kids have it... since I have WP7 (Verizon Trophy)
Pick up my laptop again go through all my pod casts pick the ones I want to listen to on the way to work tomorrow. Go to bed plug my arrive in to the charger and in the morning all my pod cast are wireless synced and ready to go.
Zune is truly amazing in many ways.

On thing that I found a couple of months ago was that one can set up the podcast settings to automatically download new content, and sync to the device the what you want. For example: "newest three episodes" or "all unplayed episodes". Pretty slick.
Every time I sync my iPad to iTunes it takes over half an hour. That's why I love Zune.
Every time I sync my iPad to iTunes it takes over half an hour. That's why I love Zune.

Apple really needs wireless sync. I hate syncing my wife's' iPhone due to the amount of time it takes. Zune ftw!

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express
Apple really needs wireless sync. I hate syncing my wife's' iPhone due to the amount of time it takes. Zune ftw!

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express
That's coming in iOS 5.

On the subject of Zune though, I love that it remembers where I was when open it again. I was listening to an album, browsed my other media, quit, came back and opened it, and it was opened to the same place I was browsing with the same song I was listening to ready to go. (sorry for the long-winded explanation)
Enough already! I cant wait anymore to get my samsung focus in the mail! I am getting envious!! :)

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