Why is there no Microsoft Surface trackpad?

Did you even read the full post? Crtainly doesn't seem like it, because I asked for recommendations on third-party options. If there are "plenty out there" why don't you recommend one?
Try Logitech T650 from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Rec...ag=hawk-future-20&ascsubtag=UUwpUvbUpU3707602. It seems Logitech didn't continue to make one sadly. Other than that, keyboards with trackpad are the options such as from Microsoft and Logitech.
Illuminated Living-Room HTPC Keyboard K830 - Logitech

I think the demand of dedicated trackpad to Windows customers is really small, well because trackpad support on Windows back them were really mostly okay to not-good, thus most are stuck with mouse. Its not uncommon that people carrying laptops still buy and carry a mouse, only lately that trend is slowly changing from that habit.

If Microsoft were to release a Surface Trackpad, that would be great and may encourage peripherals manufactures to make one for Windows.

We get it, we have touchscreen on Windows PCs. But trackpads are more ergonomic and affordable than having touchscreen monitors, actually is there any good touchscreen monitors out there? Touchscreens are mostly available only on laptops and some AiOs.

Hopefully somebody will make one or Microsoft should offer one under the Surface brand. That brand alone may get traction especially if its really good. Dedicated trackpads may never be as mainstream as mouse, but at least having it available is nicer and its actually good for most casual task to most people. Even for work its really usable as long as its good. If we have more advance gestures on Windows 10, it would be great.
I really like the design of the t650 and how it works and how long it lasts between charges.
How about a mouse with a touch Surface? Would love that. Too bad current Surface Mouse doesn't provide gestures.
Hey Al, I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but a few years ago Microsoft released the Microsoft Touch mouse. It's still available on Amazon for $25 -- I paid $80 when it first came out. It takes a while to get used to it, but fully supports 1, 2, and 3 finger gestures. If you download the Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard software, you can edit the gestures to your liking. I've had mine for a few years and like it quite a bit. As a cross between and trackpad and a mouse, it takes a bit to get used to it, but once you do, it's pretty great. The first thing you'll notice is that it's a heavy mouse; this is desirable because you don't want it to accidentally move when you're using gestures. Anyway, at this price, it may be worth a try. But remember, give it time before passing judgement. It probably took me a month before I really grokked it.
Microsoft has one. The Microsoft Touch Mouse. I love mine, and it appears to be discontinued, so it's only $26 on amazon.com.
I just noticed that Amazon has a limited artist edition of the Touch Mouse (not to be confused with the Arc Touch Mouse) for $18! A mouse with gestures for under $20 is a major steal. I've decided to buy one as a backup...mine is probably 5 years old and still going strong, but you never know.

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