Why isn't Microsoft doing this with Windows 11?


New member
Oct 21, 2011
Microsoft should have a URL with Windows 11 set up virtually so that anyone can visit and play with it. It would help introduce all the new features hands on. It would be a huge selling tool with pop up windows helping you discover new things like when you first install Windows on a new machine. And might even be the precursor of sitting at any machine in the world and logging into your Windows account running on the cloud, getting people used to the idea. Of course the URL would be a simple demo but would be a huge helpful experience to anyone looking into it.
Microsoft should have a URL with Windows 11 set up virtually so that anyone can visit and play with it. It would help introduce all the new features hands on. It would be a huge selling tool with pop up windows helping you discover new things like when you first install Windows on a new machine. And might even be the precursor of sitting at any machine in the world and logging into your Windows account running on the cloud, getting people used to the idea. Of course the URL would be a simple demo but would be a huge helpful experience to anyone looking into it.

Several reasons:
1) Site traffic
2) Latency

Being the primary reasons, as too many people try to use this hosted demo - it will slow down for everyone and will provide negative impression that W11 is slow and clunky etc.

Even with a queueing system, people will complain that it's taking to loong... there is no net positive unfortunately.

It's a great idea, but in reality it's won't work for large group of people due to bandwidth limitations and latency issues.

As you need to bear in mind, most broadband connections are lopsided connections with slow upload speeds.
They could use the same systems that they have in place for Xbox Cloud. Using stripped down versions of Windows that only show what they want to showcase for each demo. Allowing each time zone certain times of the day that they can demo it... or staggering the time zones available to use it over a few weeks span, and then opening it to everyone after it was controlled for the first weeks or so. Just shooting ideas, but I think it's doable and needed. Of course Microsoft doesn't advertise, even when it does.

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