Why Lumia 640 XL RM-1065 and RM-1096 are discontinued?

Arthur Babayev

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Aug 26, 2015
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It is still possible to buy those models on eBay or other sites but there are very few left. I bought my RM-1067 on First for Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops and Accessories - Expansys USA in the past and according to them 1065 & 1096 are discontinued.
In reply to the first post - I do not think these are old phones.
In general, Windows came up with 950 model but this is too expensive. I do not know why they do this, I personally think this is a mistake and will only turn people away from Windows. An those "enthusiasts" who are willing to spent $500++ on any phone are simply crazy and brainwashed freaks... LOL.

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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It is still possible to buy those models on eBay or other sites but there are very few left. I bought my RM-1067 on First for Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops and Accessories - Expansys USA in the past and according to them 1065 & 1096 are discontinued.
In reply to the first post - I do not think these are old phones.
In general, Windows came up with 950 model but this is too expensive. I do not know why they do this, I personally think this is a mistake and will only turn people away from Windows. An those "enthusiasts" who are willing to spent $500++ on any phone are simply crazy and brainwashed freaks... LOL.

the 950 is priced well for it's specs and capabilities. It's been selling at even 400USD in some places and markets. The initial price was high but that is normal for many phones when launched.

Great camera, high pixel density screen, continuum, 3GB RAM etc

Arthur Babayev

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Aug 26, 2015
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I'm glad that $400+ is normal to you, but not to me. No phone should cost same as a computer. They create those "impressive" specs for who? I need to make/receive a call, send message, use What'sApp, rarely send email, make decent picture, maybe watch youtube sometimes when I'm away and bored, which is impossible in Windows 10 anyway because they make fonts and tiles in youtube page sooooo small that I can't read/see. The rest - I do not care for, I'm not a geek and crazy to pay so much for any, repeat any phone The. Lumia 640 XL is perfect phone for me - priced OK, screen size OK and the rest is OK. Lumia 950XL screen size is smaller than 640 XL. THe 950 even looks lk 640 - same all rounded lloks, same "fat" screen edges, no difference...How can you tell what is in my hands - $200 or $500++ phone - 950XL version? And who cares? I do not.
Because of such "enthusiasts" everything is over inflated in this country in general, not only phones. If people were not brainwashed by those "impressive" specs then phones and the rest would be priced right - about half of what they really ask for.

This was not my orig. question though. But thanks for sharing. If you have something to add to my orig question you are welcome.The rest will be ignored. Thank you, Art.

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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I'm glad that $400+ is normal to you, but not to me. No phone should cost same as a computer. They create those "impressive" specs for who? I need to make/receive a call, send message, use What'sApp, rarely send email, make decent picture, maybe watch youtube sometimes when I'm away and bored, which is impossible in Windows 10 anyway because they make fonts and tiles in youtube page sooooo small that I can't read/see. The rest - I do not care for, I'm not a geek and crazy to pay so much for any, repeat any phone The. Lumia 640 XL is perfect phone for me - priced OK, screen size OK and the rest is OK. Lumia 950XL screen size is smaller than 640 XL. THe 950 even looks lk 640 - same all rounded lloks, same "fat" screen edges, no difference...How can you tell what is in my hands - $200 or $500++ phone - 950XL version? And who cares? I do not.
Because of such "enthusiasts" everything is over inflated in this country in general, not only phones. If people were not brainwashed by those "impressive" specs then phones and the rest would be priced right - about half of what they really ask for.

This was not my orig. question though. But thanks for sharing. If you have something to add to my orig question you are welcome.The rest will be ignored. Thank you, Art.

possibly they are out of stock or the demand has reduced so much that making another production run wouldn't make sense. I can also speculate that the production has stpped to give more focus on the 650 and the 550 which have nearly the same specs and pricing

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