Why W10M/WP?

I haven't returned to the OS it almost two years on Android nothing exciting happened on WM so im staying away from WM until Microsoft decide to really compete against Google and apple and give this OS a hard push forward like what they did with xbox when this happens I will sell my phone and buy a surface phone / note or whatever they are going to call it
1. I love the UI.
2. because of the app gap and lack of developer support, Microsoft has made the OS much more self sufficient than its competitors.
3. constant innovation with features like Continuum, Cortana, iris scanner, Skype Preview, inclusion of bots.
4. the device enables me to do so much more.
5. OneCore across all devices, PC, Mobile and Xbox.
6. Almost each and every aspect of it is customizable.

Never thought of it this way but it sort of makes sense. I'm sitting here with 950 xl in one hand and iPhone 6s Plus in the other. I can't really afford or can justify having two phones. Think I'll put both up for sale and see which one goes first. Keep the second and be happy. YEAH;, Right. LOL
I wanted to be the odd one out, among the very few number of people, in my social circle.

And the NOKIA factor. N70♥, 5530XpressMusic♥, 630♥, 640XL♥.

Android is total BS (had Nexus 7 and a "Samesung" phone) . iOS on the other hand, I guess this :| emoticon will sum it up.

TBH, at that time (2 years ago) I needed something solid and reliable.
I m using windows on lumia 430, the experience is very good.But i think what will be performance If I have high end device!!
Used an iPhone for many years. Tried a MacBook and just could not use the OS. So I had an iPhone and a W7 Desktop that I used. I honestly never liked W8, tried it, and it just felt awkward for too long -- much like the MacBook. I realize things have to grow on me as all OSs change. So I really do give it a solid 90 days before says, yay or nay.

In the end, I just kept going back to W7. Then W10 came out. Here's what I know, if I use a new OS and inside of a week I'm like, "AWESOME" then it's a keeper. W10 came out and I was instantly sold. I loved it. Then I started to see the potential W10 had to really integrate into mobile platforms. And while integration is possible into an iPhone, the SMS part did not work and that was a deal breaker for me. Goodbye iPhone. I was so sold on W10, I went W10M blindly. This would've been around March 2016. There were still issues, but they didn't really bother me. I have never been big on apps. They're normally one-and-done for me. I'm not a big social media person, so snapchat and that stuff has no bearing on me. So I picked up W10M on a Lumia 950 and had a stellar experience with it. I'm fine with the little instabilities with the system and I was prepared for it. But honestly, I think it's pretty darn stable and I don't have any issues other people speak of. So I got a 950XL and just couldn't be happier. I'm very excited as Microsoft continues to grow W10 and W10M. I can honestly say it's changed my life because everything I own integrates. Desktop, Mobile, Xbox. It's just great.

Again, I'm not a big app user/social media user and the most important thing for me is that it integrates seamlessly into W10. Which so far, W10M does a remarkable job of.

As a disclaimer, I did have a 90 day fling with Android about a year before W10 came out and stole my heart. And while I liked Android, I didn't like it enough to peel away from my iPhone at the time.
For me, and it seems many others, it all started because of my love for Nokia, aside from a year or two with a the Motorola razor when it first came out in the early 2000's all my phones have been Nokia. My first phone was the one with the pop off plastic face plates, and I will say until my dying day the expressmusic phones were the best line ever made. I'm also someone who will keep a phone for several years with no real desire to change if it keeps working, so Nokia was great for me. The shift to windows came about because, after 3 years with my 5230 it was time for a new phone, but I had learned the Nokia was no longer using their own eco system so I was debating on which phone to get bec the Lumia 710 originally came in both windows and android. (though tmobile anyway)

I eventually landed on the windows because it came in white and the android didn't. Silly yes, but that's how I roll. But ever since started using it I've loved it and even got a few people to try and made some converts to the windows os. My mom in particular will tell everyone about how much she loves the platform.

What I really like is how easy it is to sync with my laptop. Even the early lumias were fairly easy to use with a desktop by just drag and dropping music or files i to the phone. Although I have to admit having Zune pop up every time you plugged in was annoying, but thankfully we don't have that to deal with anymore.
The other feature that makes wp really top all others is the free integrated office, excel in particular negates any other issues I have. I'm not huge into social media or having all the new and hip apps, so I've never really noticed the lack of apps in the store. Everything I've ever looked for has had an option that worked well for me, and was usually free.

Tl:dr I liked Nokia, they made wp so I bought it and still like it
I started my journey down the WP road via my first smartphone, the Lumia 620. After about 2 years of use, I upgraded to the Lumia 830. Used that for a year, and everything was okay. But I thought that I may need a better phone. The 830, while it is good, felt kinda laggy tbh. The need to change the phone for a better offering around the same price point nudged me into getting an Android midrange phones that people generally agree performs better than my 830.

Then I won a 950 from this site's very own giveaway contest.

Now, I'm a W10M user, and proud.
Additionally, I work in an operations center that happens to be a heavily insulated metal building (close to an airport). No one gets a signal in this building because of the metal roof/siding except for the folks that sit near the windows. My office happens to be dead center in the building -- absolutely no signal whatsoever.

All I have to do is go put my phone next to the window (by an employee I trust haha) and everything gets sent directly to my W10 desktop. I think it's a pretty slick thing, especially in a building where no one has a signal with the exception of a few people. W10M and W10 -- powerful stuff that I couldn't do with an iPhone.
I'm here because Windows Central is about Windows and Windows Mobile, I love W10M but I know it's not in the best shape.

I will like if there is finally a way to port Android apps to W10M as once was rumored.

Another reason to be here is the people here, are nice.
Never thought of it this way but it sort of makes sense. I'm sitting here with 950 xl in one hand and iPhone 6s Plus in the other. I can't really afford or can justify having two phones. Think I'll put both up for sale and see which one goes first. Keep the second and be happy. YEAH;, Right. LOL

early WP7-8 reviews gave it that same remark, "it has QR and music scan built in, even office and so much more, you don't think of many apps to download, why would you?"

but then... "oh no that's total madness that would never work, we need to do what others are doing now, being a niche unique snowflake isn't good for wp, time to decouple everything so it gets updated more(did you need updates to fix anything in wp7-8?) and rely on THIRD PARTY software and bla bla" and now my dad is back to 8.0, because he doesn't have to deal with a QR app filled with ads and.. well, being an app!
For me is 90% about customization. I can customize which apps notify me, when, how, if it's on my lock screen, etc. That's a huge one for me. I love being able to play Tetris with my tiles and really get a unique homescreen like no one else. The phone works like a flash drive with my media, I can just dump it on there and not worry about it. It's fast, much faster than my friend's phones. The app gap sucks though, and sometimes features just randomly stop working, but I see that with iOS and Android as well.
Its the most stabile os what i have tried. Android is buggy as hell, apple products are waay too expensive. I dont care about so called app gap. I find there is enough apps available and don't understand all the anger about it
I've been in love with Widows Phone since it was first announced at Mobile world congress. I love the user interface and start screen/live tiles. I have purchased almost every major Windows Phone flagship that has been released out of love for the platform. Unfortunately the app gap finally got to me and I moved over to Android. I still have a 950 that I keep up to date and use on wifi every day as I wait and pray that some day Microsoft will really push the platform and the apps/development will come.
I'm always getting put into the other spectrum, even though there is a teeny tiny flame driving me towards the platform something always seems to happen causing that little flame of hope to dwindle further.

Recently purchased a 650 but it ended up being defective, without going into too much detail the whole process from purchasing to returning for exchange has been totally messed up by Microsoft. Essentially after 30 days we are left holding an empty bag not knowing what the final outcome will be, now that the holidays are upon us good chance it'll be 2017 before we actually find out. :angry: This once again solidifies my sediments that having limited resources to purchase WM devices doesn't necessarily make it a worthy avenue for all.

Not only have we not had the greatest results w/W10M and now seeing the app-gap has grown, all four of my WPs since 8.0 have encountered hardware issues. Ativ S SIM tray contact broke (yes good chance user error), L1020 camera crapped out after 8 days, L830 flaky capacitive back button from day one, and now my 650 on day three, display refused to come on if out in the cold for more than 2-3 min. Out of all the phones I have ever owned, BB, Android, iOS, WP has been the worst for reliability.

In comparison, 11 months now with my G4 and never an issue nor one reset ever, same goes for my S7 which is going into its 9th month. My 830 on the other hand has seen more resets in this past year than all my Android/iOS devices combined (phones/tablets). So you see Windows Phone hasn't been all that kind to me for multiple reasons which make sticking with it very very hard, believe me we do wish that were not the case.
If you're on this site it's because you're a W10M/WP fanbody (or girl). I'm curious...why do you choose it? If you're like me, you've owned several different devices and keep coming back to the OS. I'm curious as to why. Why do you keep coming back to W10M/WP despite all of its issues from time to time?

I guess I'm part of the very small minority here then because i don't own a W10M device or a WP. I joined because a couple of my friends have WP devices and they seem to like it. So i thought it would be best to learn about something new. I also did a very introductory lesson on how to make a Windows 8 mobile App. Since Microsoft was so big i presumed they could join Windows 10 and their mobile devision into 'One'.

i honestly don't see myself purchasing a WP but i love learning new things and if i was given a device, i certainly would try it out and give it a chance. (recently switched from BB10 to Android) so i know what its like to use a OS that quite rare.
Because I actually enjoy using WP. It also seems to make me more productive for work too.
I've been in love with Widows Phone since it was first announced at Mobile world congress. I love the user interface and start screen/live tiles. I have purchased almost every major Windows Phone flagship that has been released out of love for the platform. Unfortunately the app gap finally got to me and I moved over to Android. I still have a 950 that I keep up to date and use on wifi every day as I wait and pray that some day Microsoft will really push the platform and the apps/development will come.

Exactly the same here
Haha thank you. I sell Windows 10 Mobile in my spare time (voluntarily) and even convinced two Apple fan boys. One actually even bought the HP Elite x3 only to be disappointed by the constant crashing and rebooting. Sigh! But yeah, if they put me up on that stage instead of Panos, I will sell Windows 10 Mobile to the world, lol.
like the os and live tiles and stuff. most of the apps you need are there but wish there was a few. that is the only bad thing really. the os is better then android or ios and it just works. i got a android phone for $10 for chromecast but think should get something to use with lumia 650 instead sometime. why can't windows phones do dlna or something with netflix. there is no reason that it shouldn't just work. it does on ios and android and can use phone as remote on ps3/ps4/xbox 360/chromecast/ ect. why not with windows phone app? i tried adding capital one credit card and a bank debit card to the wallet thing and it says they are not supported for tap to pay. why is this? how hard is it to get this working now? is there anything i can do to get this to work like it should i wonder. i like the os but there are a few things that are annoying
I think I am likely part of a very big market segment - middle aged, non-geek forced to get a smart phone by a changing, wired world. So I looked around and eventually bought a Lumia 640 and w10m because I thought there must be some synergy with the Microsoft I had grown up with on desk tops and laptops. And I am SO glad I went with w10m!!!
My phone works incredibly well and has become one of my favourite things. I look at my non-geek contemporise struggling with Android and I realise why Windows OS is the future for phones - they largely take responsibility for centralising and co-ordinating the myriad applications a phone needs. I now look forward to their largely smooth general updates that invariably address problems us users have. The lack of cohesion in Android is fine for geeks who love to fine tune their phones but is a nightmare for newbies like me.
The absence of thousands of apps is not a big factor...I do not need lots of apps. I just need the important apps and Microsoft store has those.
Right at the beginning of my w10m experience I loaded a very bad app from the store. It was more malware than app and I cursed Microsoft for allowing it into the store... But they seem to watch over their store a little better now. Like I said, I expect them to take responsibility. I think they are beginning to. I will stick with them.

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