Wifi Sync


New member
Apr 8, 2011
i notice microsoft didnt change much with this but it would be nice to have a Sync button on the phone like the new ios5 to trigger the wifi sync because besides waiting the 10 mins of waiting for it to sync theres no real reliability to it in my experience

sometimes it connects as soon as i put it on the charger sometimes it takes me like 20 mins to get it to show up on my desktop alot of times if i disconnect from the charger and reconnect then it works immediately

perhaps someone can make a app to trigger the initiation of when it syncs?
I know my Trophy remembers the WiFi sites I have synced to and auto-syncs when I am within range. It never takes more than about 20 seconds for it to sync to WiFi.
i have the trophy too mines sometimes syncs sometimes doesnt but i do have a question say if i drag items to sync when its not connected can it will automatically sync those items later whenever i connect?

it would be more convenient just to have a sync button from the device that automatically starts the sync process.
i have the trophy too mines sometimes syncs sometimes doesnt but i do have a question say if i drag items to sync when its not connected can it will automatically sync those items later whenever i connect?

it would be more convenient just to have a sync button from the device that automatically starts the sync process.

You should be able to drag and drop the items you want to sync and they will sync later when you connect to WiFi and plug it in. Seems like I have done it that way before.

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express

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