Will I be able to disable my phone if it lost/stolen from the Windows Phone website?


New member
Aug 6, 2014
question about Find My Phone feature

hi guys!
just a little inquiry about ny 620 lumia's Find My Phone feature

ive checked the necessary options to activate this feature of my phone
ive also signed up and registered my phone in the official Windows Phone website through my microsoft account

now lets say i lost my phone or got stolen...will i still be able to ring, lock, erase my phone through the above website even if my phone's cellular data option is off/closed, as well as my wi-fi settings turned off?

my phone's location setting is enabled by the way

Re: question about Find My Phone feature

The Find My Phone feature does require a data connection to contact the phone to lock or ring. If the phone is turned off, or the data and wifi are both off, you won't be able to reach your phone to lock the handset or ring it.
The Find My Phone feature does require a data connection to contact the phone to lock or ring. If the phone is turned off, or the data and wifi are both off, you won't be able to reach your phone to lock the handset or ring it.

I don't think you'll need a data connection to ring the phone. As long as it has battery charge an has the SIM card inserted you will be able to ring it.
Why not run a test, turn data and WiFi off then go to WP site and Ring your phone. I have tested it several times and there was about a few minutes delay before you hear the creepy ringing sound.
I am not brave enough to try the lock or erase feature just yet.lol
Re: question about Find My Phone feature

I stand corrected. With data off and wifi off, the phone still rang and locked. It must send an SMS message to the phone. One thing I noticed is that the phone locked, but the website said that it could not be locked (it wasn't able to receive confirmation from the phone that it was locked).
Re: question about Find My Phone feature

the find my phone feature also has a selection where you can push (app) notifications

i cant seem to forward apps to my phone via store website and my suspicion is because my cellular data is off

so if i cant push notification, its more probable i may not be able to ring, lock, erase my phone OTA

i just want to confirm my theory

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