Will Nokia Software Recovery Tool get you Cyan if you are on T-mobile?

I have a T-Mobile 925 running 8.1 Developer, the phone is unlocked, and I'm using it on AT&T. Should I reflash it to something else (i.e. AT&T) in order to get Cyan?
The AT&T ROM won't flash to a non AT&T phone. You will need to flash to a South American ROM. Check post 24 of this thread for one that works, been using it for a few weeks and it's great on AT&T's network.
@Munter2 have any ideas why i can't get my Microsoft Account to update ( up to date ) sync to my phone!! I was fine until i hard reset while on Developer Preview. Did the step up and couldn't get the account to sync. Message I get is OUTLOOK error Not Updated: We can't sync right now. But you may be able to find more info about this error code atwww.windowsphone.con last tried 6 mins ago. Error code:80070490.

I have made sure the Calendar and clock/time zone was correct ( took it off Auto ) shut back ups completely off ....Unchecked Content to Sync email check box on the actual account even shut off Sync my setting!! - I read all the above for work around to no avail. I have soft rest and hard reset! The only time i was successful was when i used another Email ( Hotmail ) when setting up and used what I normally use as my primary MSN account ( accounts/billing /game history ) as OUtlook secondary and that both finally syced come the morning after many failed attempts through out the night . Now i could have left it that way but because the Hotmail wasn't the account I've used for over 10 yrs or more with Microsoft - I wasn't able to bring up my content /purchase history so i had no choice but to hard reset again and well now it's been 2 days and still my MSN account will not sync stand alone as the primary !! very pissed !!!!!!!!
@Munter2 have any ideas why i can't get my Microsoft Account to update ( up to date ) sync to my phone!! I was fine until i hard reset while on Developer Preview. Did the step up and couldn't get the account to sync. Message I get is OUTLOOK error Not Updated: We can't sync right now. But you may be able to find more info about this error code atwww.windowsphone.con last tried 6 mins ago. Error code:80070490.

I have made sure the Calendar and clock/time zone was correct ( took it off Auto ) shut back ups completely off ....Unchecked Content to Sync email check box on the actual account even shut off Sync my setting!! - I read all the above for work around to no avail. I have soft rest and hard reset! The only time i was successful was when i used another Email ( Hotmail ) when setting up and used what I normally use as my primary MSN account ( accounts/billing /game history ) as OUtlook secondary and that both finally syced come the morning after many failed attempts through out the night . Now i could have left it that way but because the Hotmail wasn't the account I've used for over 10 yrs or more with Microsoft - I wasn't able to bring up my content /purchase history so i had no choice but to hard reset again and well now it's been 2 days and still my MSN account will not sync stand alone as the primary !! very pissed !!!!!!!!
I answered this on another thread, but probably wasn't very helpful. I know Microsoft is trying to push everyone to outlook.com and away from MSN and Hotmail accounts so don't count on quick support from them. You might give it a day or two more before you do anything as there have been power issues here today. Here is like 4 blocks from the Microsoft Data center that runs their cloud stuff. Of course they have plenty of generators over their, but it just makes me wonder when I've seen a high voltage power line switch across the street pop open twice this morning. That thing is loud too.
So flashing it to the South American ROM will get me Cyan, and I'll lose WiFi calling (I'm not even using it on T-mobile, so I sure don't care).

I assume I could still hope/wait for the T-mobile update, put my old Sim in, and update it over WiFi, as an alternative option? My family is all on T-mobile, so this actually holds some appeal for me (i.e. if my wife needs a new phone, and I am willing to let her use my 925 - but that means I have to use my iPhone 5S :( )

I'm assuming this process is much much easier than the horrible android unlocking/rooting/flashing I've done in the past! S off? S on? What?? Arghhhhh!
So flashing it to the South American ROM will get me Cyan, and I'll lose WiFi calling (I'm not even using it on T-mobile, so I sure don't care).

I assume I could still hope/wait for the T-mobile update, put my old Sim in, and update it over WiFi, as an alternative option? My family is all on T-mobile, so this actually holds some appeal for me (i.e. if my wife needs a new phone, and I am willing to let her use my 925 - but that means I have to use my iPhone 5S :( )

I'm assuming this process is much much easier than the horrible android unlocking/rooting/flashing I've done in the past! S off? S on? What?? Arghhhhh!
It doesn't matter what SIM is in the phone. It is totally dependent on the ROM loaded into your phone as to when, if ever, you get updates. Flashing to a different ROM with the Nokia Care Suite is the only way around it. As long as you follow the directions from the link in my previous post, it's very easy and takes less than a half an hour with most of the time spent waiting for the firmware to download. Just make sure the SIM is out of the phone during the process and you do the master reset after the flash.
Well product code: 059T883, variant name: RM-893 VAR LTA MV WHITE ROM I can confirm has wireless and Internet Sharing. Although this is my 2nd flashing of my Lumia 925 again My main Microsoft account still refuses to sync and this time instead of doing a fresh install i reverted back to a previous date ( so that the apps and settings were the same before the flash ) and Now I get a big list of a screen

Hotmail error

Not Upated

We can't sync right now. But you may be able to find more information about this
error code at The Smartphone Reinvented Around You | Windows Phone (United States).

Missed Items:

Filed as:Ruby Lee
This contact couldn't be synced to your phone

Last tried 8 minutes ago
Error Code :80070490
Will flashing the south America ROM disable my internet sharing and MMS?
MMS works on both Cricket and T-Mobile, Internet Sharing does not. But the switch is enabled and your carrier might support it. Also this ROM does not have the APN settings editable, you'll have to use Access Point to enter the settings
I have a T-Mobile 925 which I unlocked and am now using on cricket wireless. It works great except I have no Visual Voicemail, does anyone know what other firmware I can use that would support cricket vvm? From what I have read online there is something in the registry on windows phone that blocks vmm when going to another carrier. I love my 925 but no VVM is killing me!
I have a T-Mobile 925 which I unlocked and am now using on cricket wireless. It works great except I have no Visual Voicemail, does anyone know what other firmware I can use that would support cricket vvm? From what I have read online there is something in the registry on windows phone that blocks vmm when going to another carrier. I love my 925 but no VVM is killing me!

Why not add internet sharing to the does not work list as well. BTW there are no known firmware for the 925 that would support Visual Voicemail on Cricket
Why not add internet sharing to the does not work list as well. BTW there are no known firmware for the 925 that would support Visual Voicemail on Cricket

Is there a list of WP8 phones that support cricket VVM other than the two they offer (630 and 1320)? Or does the att 925 support VVM on cricket, maybe I will just buy one of those?
Is there a list of WP8 phones that support cricket VVM other than the two they offer (630 and 1320)? Or does the att 925 support VVM on cricket, maybe I will just buy one of those?

Nope its just those 2, no other Windows Phone supports Cricket's VVM
Wow that sucks this no VMM is killing me. So either I deal with it, downgrade to the 630 or 1320 or go back to android, ugggg
Well 1320 is a nice phone minus the camera. Plus i don't know why cricket does not support VVM for non-Cricket WPs but supports it for iPhone and Android (it has a separate app to be downloaded from the Play Store)
Well I should have waited not your fault but if I had known that when switching back to T Mobile would crippled my Net Sharing I would have stayed the course because any other rom i can get net sharing but my dam account refuse to sync/update !
Why not add internet sharing to the does not work list as well. BTW there are no known firmware for the 925 that would support Visual Voicemail on Cricket

Correct T Mobile firmware via the Nokia Recovery suite M$ and Nokia recommend cripples the Net sharing for no god dam reason! I have had it since i purchased the phone out right and T mobile unlocked it for me !! Tmobile says they are stumped as too why and Nokia hasn't so much as answered my posts on their forum every since last week or more !
Did a full recovery again with Nokia Recovery suite and did the T mobile update and still my Internet sharing is dam crippled !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I click it on it looks like it's broadcasting and a window pops up saying currently unavailable ! I am no hard resetting see if that will work !!!!!!!!!!

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