Yea, I will be getting COD Ghosts for the 360 then the X1, I want to play some of my friends and family that will be getting it on release as we can't do Cross platform chat or multi-player (still sucks).
What I think I am going to do to save a little cash, I am going to get the COD:Ghosts on release day for the 360 from Gamestop, They have a promo that if you buy a game from them, you can get $50 credit towards a X1/PS4 version (so, it will cost you $9.99 to upgrade to the X1 version).
So, I will use it for about a month, do multi-player, play the single player, etc, then I will return to Gamestop to get my X1 version even if I don't have the X1 by then (Pretty sure I will), so in my eyes, I am renting the game for a month for $10.
I know once all my friends get the X1 and Ghosts for it, I will never touch the 360 version again, so might as well get the version I want with out having to spend $120($59.99 for 360 and $59.99 for the X1) on 1 game ..
BTW, that gamestop offer expires on 12/31, so you can use the game till the end of December before you have to turn it in...