Win 10 anniversary update failure

Hi Friend! Here's what I would like to see from you. A detailed description of what all you have done if the anniversary upgrade is working. I'm thinking you said in your last reply that the upgrade completed, but I'm not sure. You may need to down load more up dates?? I would very much appreciate any details you can give me. That helps me help other members here on Windows Central. I'm sure you have learned a lot while attempting this upgrade and any thing you can post on this thread will help others.
Thank you. I enjoyed helping you and I'm usually hanging around here if you need more help!:smile:
Thanks for asking. I think this thread already covers most of it. I tried every suggested installation method and repair method to upgrade without a fresh install which all went through the full process to about 9% installed then restored previous system and showed the same error as listed above. I found no way to correct that so in the end did a fresh install. That went smoothly. The activation was automatic. I am only now reinstalling and trying to set up everything. System appears to be operating a little differently but need time to be sure all is ok. I think it is best to wait a bit prior to additional comments. I will be back. Thanks for the help.
Hi, Not fully ready but the new set up has raised a different question but related. When I first set up One Drive it was also a little complicated. I did not want to use Outlook mail and have a number of pop email accounts which share the same data file. The instructions I used were the ones to set up a second prime account with same address labled (2) except an exchange server and had to copy and past my contacts. This also led to having two sets of contacts and sometimes an accidental using of the outlook mail. I thought in the new set up I would use imap accounts, and imported the contacts, calenders and old mail from the original .pst file which has worked. However, even though one cloud says all ok the changes in calender and contacts are not syncing to the cloud or being shared with my other devices.

How do I make this sync without another big project?

Now ready for my feedback., for what it is worth...1. The anniversary update is clearly not easy for everyone. I recommend trying the various ways to update prior to a fresh install, but don't wast your time reapeating each effort, if unsuccessful the first time move on.
2. If your only alternative is fresh install, the suggested process works well. However, I suggest not trying to change partitions unless you really understand what you are doing, and, most important, be sure ALL your files are backed up and ready to reinstall.

As to performance, this has not been a problem free system. There have been times I could not shut down and I can not use the sleep function. I have also had a number of times reboot was necessary to unfreeze the system

And lastely, the update on my lumia 950 has caused a number of problems, especially the problem of not being able to reinstall my emails which I will share on a separate thread.

Hope the update is worth it....
Thanks for your update. Sorry to hear you are still having some problems. Maybe you could start a new thread about your freeze ups and your other problems.
Here's a good link about freeze ups!:wink: Windows freezes or stops responding.
PS Good advise about having back ups. I always have a current back up image on a external drive.
Thanks for your update. Sorry to hear you are still having some problems. Maybe you could start a new thread about your freeze ups and your other problems.
Here's a good link about freeze ups!:wink: Windows freezes or stops responding.
PS Good advise about having back ups. I always have a current back up image on a external drive.

Thats a good advice indeed. Do you do a full backup of the c: drive with windows installed or just the important files?

Thats a good advice indeed. Do you do a full backup of the c: drive with windows installed or just the important files?

Hi friend! You just gave me the chance to get on my stump and preach. If you want to be a fearless PC user, the best thing you will ever do, is learn to use a 3rd party image program like Macrium Reflect. I do a full back up of my OS just before MS puts out their Patch Tuesday. I have a 1TB seagate external drive that is used for this. I keep about 6 or 8 full back up images on it. I don't like incremental or differential. IHHO, it's to easy for them to get corrupted. I save the oldest and the newest images, and delete the ones in between. I can not count how many times Macrium Reflect has saved me. I'm not as active with trying new stuff, as I use to be; and so Macrium doesn't get used as much, but knowing I have a image that will restore exactly like the day is was created is priceless. I could go on for ever about how everyone should learn how to use a 3rd party image program. The image program in W10 is better then nothing, but it can;t compare to Macrium IMHO.
Thank you for your reply friend. I would love to teach a school here on Windows Central on how to use a 3rd party image program. There are several free programs on the web and there is no reason why everyone shouldn't be learning how. Take some time learning how to create a back up image instead of playing war games all day. LMAO!
Thanks friend!:wink: You are appreciated!
I use Acronis for full backup periodically and both Acronis and the Windows back up functioin on the micro sd for files. Even so it is not so easy to reinstall everything.
I use Acronis for full backup periodically and both Acronis and the Windows back up functioin on the micro sd for files. Even so it is not so easy to reinstall everything.
Hi Thanks for your reply. I use Macrium Reflect and it's very easy to restore my OS. When I restart my PC, I'm given two options. Start Windows 10 or Start Macrium Reflect System Recovery. I have been using Macrium for several years. Macrium will restore my PC back exactly like it was the day I created the image in less then a hour!
Hi friend! You just gave me the chance to get on my stump and preach. If you want to be a fearless PC user, the best thing you will ever do, is learn to use a 3rd party image program like Macrium Reflect. I do a full back up of my OS just before MS puts out their Patch Tuesday. I have a 1TB seagate external drive that is used for this. I keep about 6 or 8 full back up images on it. I don't like incremental or differential. IHHO, it's to easy for them to get corrupted. I save the oldest and the newest images, and delete the ones in between. I can not count how many times Macrium Reflect has saved me. I'm not as active with trying new stuff, as I use to be; and so Macrium doesn't get used as much, but knowing I have a image that will restore exactly like the day is was created is priceless. I could go on for ever about how everyone should learn how to use a 3rd party image program. The image program in W10 is better then nothing, but it can;t compare to Macrium IMHO.
Thank you for your reply friend. I would love to teach a school here on Windows Central on how to use a 3rd party image program. There are several free programs on the web and there is no reason why everyone shouldn't be learning how. Take some time learning how to create a back up image instead of playing war games all day. LMAO!
Thanks friend!:wink: You are appreciated!

Thanks for that insightful tip :)

Thanks for that insightful tip :)

Thank you my friend for giving me the opportunity to preach what I love to preach about. Creating a back up image of your OS regularly and you will be fearless like me. I'm working on a thread here on the forum about this subject. Hoping it gets some attention, but it probably won't! :wink: If I could get one person to learn a 3rd party back up program,it would make my day!
Cheers to you friend!
Check this out my friend!

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