Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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Great smartphone. I had Lumia 720 and it was good experience. I suppose that having Lumia 950XL should be the best experience of smartphone. But it is only a suspicion. However I cannot notice that this phone has a great camera, display and performance. I really want to feel this phone in my hand and can say it is mine :)

Oh! And good luck, everybody! :)
As an early Windows Phone adopter (my first Windows Phone was LG Optimus 7 with numerous early Windows Mobile devices before that), I've converted practically all my friends & family to Windows Phones. But I'm becoming very frustrated with the current Windows Phone/Mobile experience. So frustrated in fact, I'm thinking about jumping ship to Android (I can't stand Apple, so iOS is out of the question). This is the only Windows Mobile device, that could stop me from switching, but I just can't justify the cost. Winning one, on the other hand, would get the cost out of the way :) So hopefully I stay on Windows by winning this :)
I certainly enjoy my Lumia 925, but I'm finding it's slowing down and the battery is getting worse, and that's on 8.1, the last time I tried the Win10 insider preview it was a laggy mess. Unfortunately though I'm in university and can't afford to get a new phone anytime soon, so my only hope is contests like these! I'd love to have the larger screen for games, movies and reading articles (big pastime of mine). If I won I'd get the Continuum Dock and hook it up to my tv so I could just come home, plug in and have an instant smart tv. The iris scanner would also be really nice, as I like to have my phone locked, but it's far too easy for people to see me enter my pin, so a biometric lock would be great. I really like the Microsoft ecosystem, using a W10 desktop at home, a SP1 for school and I even got a Band off eBay because they weren't sold in Canada, so I'd like to keep my phone running Windows as well.
I want the 950XL because it is time for me to upgrade to a phone with a large screen and amazing camera
I would love to win the Lumia 950 XL,since I spent my money on a Microsoft Band 2 and now my old Lumia 820 is dying and I need a new phone, too. :orly:
Want to replace my old lumia (with broken lock button) with this beautiful beast....would love explore all its features!
i would love to win because my lumia 1520 in broken and no money to fix it and I'm carrying a lumia 920 with a broken glass and a camera that does not work. no money to even buy a lumia 520. would really really love to win this
Good luck to everyone! I really like the Lumia 950 XL and I am excited by this opportunity. Thank you Windows Central :smile:
Hmm, I don't see my post in the thread or a history of it in my account... so I'm going to assume it didn't go through. Edge also seems to be choking on the site and refuses to let the reply text box work correctly/reliably... so hopefully this Chrome session will fair better. :)

I had posted a silly list of tasks I would do with a 950XL if I won, but in the end, the only thing I want to do with it is... enjoy it! :D
Photos and videos. Able to leave my other cameras home. Would like something a step up from my 640. Good luck all.
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