Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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Looking to make the leap from iOS to Windows and think the 950 XL with Continuum support is an amazing way to make that transition!
I want to win it because I never used a Windows phone but am dying to try one out (and I read great things about the 950 XL on Windows Central!)
I would like the Lumia 950 because I've been a Lumia user for 3+ years and because it would take really long for the local companies to have it (I live in El Salvador)
I'd like the Lumia 950 XL to replace my ageing Lumia 630, specially for the bigger screen, better camera, Win 10 and of course CONTINUUM
I would love to get one of this. It's a shame that it is easier to hit the jackpot at a slot machine than to win this contest but, hey, i'm still trying.
All of my friends have iPhones or Android Devices. I have a buggy Lumia 930 and want to show the others that Windows Phone and Lumia are not dead yet, and that they still have a lot to offer :)
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