Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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My sister's boyfriend bought iPhone 6s in February mid.Every time he comes home he has something to flaunt about his iPhone mostly slow motion recording or time lapse videos.Since I have been declared the brand ambassador of Microsoft OS/Lumia phones by my sister and GF, I am obliged to defend Lumia phones at any cost which I love to do otherwise.So for slow motion recording I have no answer but I generally mention that this feature is available in high-end Lumia phone (I have Lumia525) and in addition to that we have now advantage of mobile *** desktop feature (Continuum) and of Project Islandwood(IOS) (good move to eliminate duplication of apps by dropping project Astoria) for extensive app ecosystem not to mention Xamarin?s acquisition .To show above technological innovations in Lumia phones I have to rely only on youtube videos because I don't have high-end Lumia phone to demonstrate.So in short we both are on mobile (phone) war and like all other times, I want to win this war :winktongue: and I cannot afford Lumia 950 XL :crying:
I am always fascinated with the Windows Phone. Started with Windows CE, now with a Windows 8.1 phone. I would love to have a Windows 10 phone!
Context: Started with HD2 with WM and after flashed with WP7.1, after I passed to Lumia 920 and now I own a L950. All my working environment is based on PC's with Windows OS (7, 8.1 and 10) + MSDNAA+Office365 Education (where I'm also admin).

Why? I want to use it as intense as possible the compatibility of the windows ecosystem with my working (university) environment

What I'd do with it? I'd like to make this L950XL as my working phone trying to exploit its potential with Continuum for my teaching activities (presentations, office applications so on), remote desktop usage and another remote applications, Skype for Business usage. The camera potential I'd like to use it also for my daily academic needs.
I've been living in a Windows ONLY eco system since the 950 came out and I love it, haven't looked back since!!!
i really want to get a Lumia 950 XL because i really want to get in depth of it and i am big fan of windows phone and i am waiting for this phone from a while. Lumia 950 XL is a big bang from the company and i am sure it's gonna hit up in the markets.
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