Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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I want this device but just not my budget. I like the plain look and the phone itself has all the features I want fast, good display continuum and of course running Windows 10! My 1020 is showing it age and don't mind my 6P but would switch to this phone in a second!
I already have one, but my girlfriend wants one too. Think us together having same phones. Would it be the cutest thing ever? :wink:
I want this new windows phone because windows has kids corner and such great games in the Windows app store. They have great quality heavy duty phones. All around great.
I Want to Win This as I'm Dying To Get This Phone Which Will Be The Ultimate Upgrade For My 2 And Half Year Old Dying Lumia 720. PLZ !! PLZ!! PLZ !! PLZ !!! CHOOSE ME THIS TIME PLZ !!! Thank You Windows Central For This Opportunity
Would be nice to have the only 64 bit Windows 10 phone out their and use Continuum.. Just realized today I'm beta closed & open testing four games so far plus the insiders track on a couple different devices. I know that Windows phones is dead until the tech in 950/xl is lower priced and has greater availablity like the Android eco system. Here's hoping MS can bring what its customers want to its phone line up (3rd and 1st party)
This is my first time I post in the forums: a Lumia 950 XL is well worth it. I'd replace my aging Lumia 920, on which I'm enjoying W10M. I'd love to use the new camera, which seems pretty impressive, and to try out Continuum (I might find myself using it quite a lot if it performs well).
Hi Windows Central crew!

I'd love to win the 950 XL! I need to go down with the ship in style. Like right now I'm using a 640 with Windows 10 on it. Slapping Windows 10 on a 640 was like turbo charging a Ford Pinto. I'm going to sink in a FORD PINTO, DAN! A PINTO! I need to move onto the Ford Fusion of phones. Not amazing. Not terrible. Stylish but still a ways off from a Jag. When I go down with Windows Phone, I want my friends to say "Well at least he didn't sink in a Pinto".

Hook me up brah!
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