Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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I want a Lumia 950XL because it simply rocks! And I also want to try the Continuum feature... Having a phone and pc(-like) device in one, wow...
I'd like a 950XL to replace my excellent 1520 because I want to keep the photo quality I get with Rich Capture, I want to keep having a large screen phone, I want to keep Cortana, I want to keep getting upgrades for the OS, I want the freedom to play my own media files, I want to keep offline Here Maps, I want to keep Live Tiles, I want to keep the excellent MicroSD card support, I want to keep the way I do things, but I'd also like something new and shiny.
I haven't tested Win 10 mobile since my phone is just a Cherry Mobile Alpha Luxe. If I get one, I'd check out the WIP.
Why do i want this phone!? BECAUSE I LOVE WINDOWS PHONE!! :D

Its a great smartphone, a good bet from microsoft, i i wold love to have one and be able to use the continum feature, i would be a grat help on my work.
A white one would be awesome, so much to do with the new lumia 950XL, and I really need to win cause my old 920 is broken :cry:
Hope this time....i will get my hands on one.

one of the best phone with best specs.. only the OS is half

Inshaallah. best wishes all
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