I really need this phone my old Lumia 520 is very old now 3 years :winktongue: By the way good luck to everyone , but a day will come when 950XL will be in my hands. :smile:
i am using Android phone and i want to use windows 10 mobile because i think win 10 is also amazing OS. so what device can be better than Lumia 950 XL to use win 10 OS. Thats why i want this amazing phone
To enter a new era of window device & want to use Continuum with all accessories. The camera of this device is awesome & want to replace my old Lumia 1520......
Oddly enough, apps make me want to go back from Android. Specifically, don't want to pay for a Youtube Red subscription just to listen to music from Youtube offline...
I'm an IT student at Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). The purpose that i would like to have this device is i would like to develop an application that can use the benefit of Continuum features. But unfortunately, to make that happen, i must have a Windows 10 Mobile smartphone with Continuum-support so that i can demonstrate it to my supervisor and lecturers. In Malaysia, the Lumia 950/950XL are really pricey (RM2599/RM2999 relatively, around $615/$710). So if (i really hope that) i'm lucky enough to get this device, it is very fortunate for me to continue my plan to build the application that can be used not only using smartphone, but also big screen using Continuum feature.
Oh yes. I also having part time as wedding photographer and cinematographer. For sure if I can get this device, it can help me record the cinematic scene at the wedding event. The OIS and triple LED will help me to get sharper and smoother video motion and PureView technology can help me to get dramatic picture on the spot for me to share the moment with the brides.