Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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I am windows phone developer.
For developing universal windows 10 applications I need a device to work with.
Let's hope I win this time.
I envy one because it is bigger, badder, has a micro sd-card slot, supports glance and comes with windows hello. It would be the perfect follow up of my almost-perfect lumia 930! Off course, being free is putting no harm... :-p
I want it because it's simply the best possible Windows 10 (M) experience right now and my Lumia 925 is starting to get a bit old.
Lumia has been my favorite since because of their simple and universal design. I want lumia 950XL because it is one of the best Windows phone and I can do a lot of college work with it where my Lumia 820 is out dating(Still a great phone with no issues since 2.5 years. I had never a good luck. Lets see now:sweaty:
The reason why I want it is to gift it to the wife and convince her to WIN rather than carry on with a SUNG.
I didn't know you had a forum. I'm a Lumia 1020 user and I think I'm not going to buy any newer Lumia because I'm waiting for the Surface line. Yet I still want a Lumia 950... :)
I wanted Lumia 950XL as a first Windows 10 flagship phone from Microsoft. I also want to use the Windows Hello and Continuum feature. Good luck to everyone.
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