Wow ! All these giveaways and I have never won once !!
Well, I'm just a student (so not earning really) and I have been following Lumia's and Windows *Phone* for the past 6 years and I'm still stuck with my dad's good ol Nokia N8 (it works, but then you get the point). In my place the 950Xl costs a bomb because of all the taxes. Even without taxes, I wouldn't be able to really buy it. I'm supposed to use the N8 for the next 2 years or so .
It would be just REALLY AWESOME to get the Microsoft Lumia 950XL. THIS REALLY IS MY DREAM PHONE...
I can also add. I love doing photography and also, I just want to really show my Windows hating friends what W10 really is. JUST THIS TIME, please !!
Thanks !!
Me and my friend are developing a universal multiplayer board game in Windows Store, it will help us to test the game in this device.
continuum works in 950XL so we can make our game ready for continuum.