Window Mobile Fan Survivor Pack: Lumia 950 + two new OEM batteries + Microsoft Continuum Dock $160

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Ay @bunky1971, and anyone else who might be interested in this package, i'm likely going to put this on Ebay this week because I want it to be in someone's hands rather than my bedside drawer.

I'd definitely sell it to a Windows Central person before I sold it to a rando on Ebay. So let me know if you're interested!
Ay @bunky1971, and anyone else who might be interested in this package, i'm likely going to put this on Ebay this week because I want it to be in someone's hands rather than my bedside drawer.

I'd definitely sell it to a Windows Central person before I sold it to a rando on Ebay. So let me know if you're interested!
I've been a bit unlucky in moving many devices. You may want to check with meattray on the forums before you eBay this bundle. I'm pretty sure he was looking for one.
Hey @bunky1971 what are you trying to move? Maybe we can make this a three way deal and ill pay him and he'll send to you and you can send me something?
was more looking for the idol 4s or the elite x3 if anything. Open to anything most times though. the 950 battery issues don't sound promising to me though which is why I shy away a little bit. if you've got some different things you're looking to move, let me know. if not somebody else can snag this!
Open to anything most times though. the 950 battery issues don't sound promising to me though which is why I shy away a little bit.

That's actually what makes this package appealing, IMO. Two new OEM batteries should be able to eliminate any battery issues in the next eighteen months.
I more meant battery life on the regular as opposed to battery degradation

Ah, that's true. You're going to get better battery life out of an Elite x3 or Idol 4s. But I found the Lumia 950 to be passable. The wireless charging is super convenient and i never found myself running out of battery by the end of the day.
what did you want for this again? I'm in Canada also so would cost more for shipping.
yikes. yeah seems off. anything else I've had from the US has been around 16 to 20 dollars.
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