Rodan01, many people inside Microsoft and out, saw the benefits and potential in Windows 8 and Metro and all that. But not enough of them and many, many people resisted and objected to the changes. So Microsoft, in the midst of transforming itself and the way it does business, stepped up and out early with what I see as some promising adjustments. I too, have had the Technical Preview since yesterday. I'm still feeling around in it without words such as "horrible" and "abomination" rising in me. I like what I see in the release so far, and really like what I see as a positive and responsive intelligence within Microsoft. They are acting like a company that sees market share as something other than a cudgel to be used against competitors and customers. This was not always the case. Market share dominance is something perpetually at risk, but it is also a vast and largely untapped resource, if only Microsoft makes itself open to customer and user feedback.
Sure, the release is not an infinitely and instantaneously flexible UI which magically expands and contracts while never losing clarity so that it perfectly fits every device everywhere. Windows 10 shows potential to be customizable while remaining largely consistent across desktops, tablets and phones. I would think that there will have to be some initial effort on the part of users to get the full benefits of "One Platform, many user experiences", as the OS is deployed on various devices. I want to be able to tweak it for my widescreen desktop, tweak it differently for my Surface Pro 3 and still more differently on my Windows Phone, while having access and use of the same apps on all 3. I can howl and caterwaul the whole while. The tyranny of having to fit your OS to your devices and to the idiosyncratic ways in which you use them! Once I've done this customization, I expect that I will largely leave well enough alone. I like that vision a whole lot better than the locked-down, stultifying static of an ubiquitous UI that by its very omnipresence, however scaled up or down, becomes oppressive.