Windows 10 Black Screen During Install 0xC1900101-0x200C The installation failed in the SAFE-OS pha. How can I fix this?


New member
Jul 31, 2015
Hi Microsoft,

I'm download windows 10 pro 64bit ISO file and extracted to pen drive pc restart and loaded windows 10 setup format Disk C give the install windows after its goes 100% all done pc restarted after screen black nothing happening. I'm tried many times but same result please help me very soon give a answer fix this problem

The installation failed in the SAFE-OS phase with an error during APPLY-IMAGE operation

My Pc Information
1Gb Vga Card
4Gb Ram
I3 Processor
500Gb Hard

Thank You
I'm also receiving this error. I was able to install windows 10 flawlessly on my MacBook Pro with parallels however not so lucky when trying on my iMac also with parallels.
Try making more room. I had this exact same problem and changed my available space from 11 Gigs to 26 Gigs. This time with no problems.
You can always try uninstalling as many unnecessary programs, deleting files, and (if you really need to) defragment/compress your drives.

Program uninstall and file deletion will usually do it.
I have exactly the same issue.

I have a brand new HP Pavilion Laptop with 1.7Tb free space, so space is not an issue.

I originally tried to do the update during the initial laptop setup sequence but got the described fail. Since then, I have tried installing Windows 10 several times using the update version as well as using Media Creation Tool to make a USB stick, but the same error happens every time. I even tried going back to the factory state and doing the initial update again, but with no success.

This very frustrating, especially as the laptop was sold advertising the Windows 10 upgrade.

Microsoft/HP please help.
I have the same issue on an EasyNote Packard Bell.
Microsoft, this is a shame you don't give an answer to the first person who created this thread.

We are in 2015, how is it possible to have so many issues upgrading to this new os. It is so complicated due to the licence managment

Well first, due to the upgrade process and not being able to make a clean install. Cause I understand the original key in my UEFI (windows 8 then windows 8.1 on this laptop) will not help me getting the *free* upgrade

Clean install : there's no problem but I'm not activated, the only problem is to get my *free* licence only by upgrading to this sh... OS from windows 8.1 cleanly installed (and activated) with the same tool for 8.1

Each time it fails, you need to redownload the whole thing when using MediaCreationToolx64.exe
I tried making a bootable usb disk, got the same error when upgrading.
I've never experienced such problem, god knows how many windows 7 I installed and syspreped in my company. (we migrated over 700 pcs, both laptop and desktop)

I won't forget this when my manager'll ask us to migrate to win10 plus the privacy issue introduced by win10

Space is not an issue, I've got +200 gigs free
I've got just one partition plus the hidden partition with bootloader

Sans titre.png

At first I though it was the oem version preinstalled on this laptop so I downloaded 8.1 from ms and created a usb key. Then installed on a new hard drive. (not ssd) It worked flawlessy ( funny uh ?)
So many time wasted downloading all the kbs for 8.1. Got the same problem without the kbs
How is it possible not being able to include all the kbs when you download an iso ? Don't you know Apple does this for a while ...
Again this is 2015

Sorry for the angry post but installing a laptop should not be a pain in the *ss, I've been an IT for 20 years and this upgrade process to get a free licence is so ... Got no words
Ok, this is what I did to fix this issue :
Clean Installed windows 8.1 with the tool / iso from Microsoft. removing every partition from the same hard drive.
Windows Updated to latest kbs.
Installed latest nvidia 8.1 x64 drivers. (I have both nvidia and Intel HD 3000)
Every devices in devices manager were also detected and OK.
Launched the update from Windows Update.
No antivirus installed apart the Windows Defender prebuilt in Windows 8.1, Malwarebytes deactivated.
It got past that error during first boot when copying Windows 10 files
Hope it helps some of you
Really a pain in the a** to install this update.
Now I'm clean installing

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