Windows 10/drone integration


New member
Aug 27, 2013
Are there any drone enthusiasts out amongst the Windows Central forums? And if so how are you guys integrating Windows 10 (both from a software and a devices aspect) into your usage? I'm wanting to get into drone flying myself and was curious if Windows 10 lent itself to drone use (control, programming, etc). Thanks!
I'm flying a beefed up 510 sized TBS Discovery PRO which has a CUAV Pixhack Autopilot installed ( derivate of the 3D Robotics Pixhawk Autopilot ).

I'm using APM Planner 2 on a Gen1 Surface PRO as a Ground Station for diagnostics on the ground and in flight.

Wireless communication between the two Systems is provided by the TBS Crossfire Tx/Rx System which can reach up to 100km on a suitable location ( you standing on a mountain ) and with proper additional equipment ( high gain antennas installed ) - Though I've never flown further than 1km away =)

As for the Remote I'm now using a FrSky Horus X12S which has excellent configuration capabilities once you install OpenTX on it - The next best thing.
An cheaper alternative to the Horus X12S would otherwise be it's predecessor: FrSky Taranis X9D+

I'm not gonna lie though... The frame and some of it's tech is pre last Gen and totally outdated in comparison to a DJI Mavic which costs up to 3x less providing more - Though not with connectivity to W10 / W10M

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