Windows 10 for the Ativ S owners?

On a side note: the battery life is even better than expected. The most I've had so far was 25hrs with whatsapp, whatsapp calls, skype always open (and a small call), instagram, browsing and emails. I'm really impressed. I should say that the battery is 3 months old though, but it is more than I had on w10m (before the .494 which had excellent battery life as well)
The latest version of CostumPFD does not require to be nested in Preview for Developers anymore! :) I found that key on a website, but I cannot find it on my device either. I never tried to change the lockscreen, so I wouldn't know where it would be. Have you tried looking on xda for the complete list of customizations you can do with access to registry?

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEControlPanelLock] is erroneous. First of all, it's missing backslashes. The only key I could find that comes close is [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ControlPanel\]. There's a subkey "Sip" but that's it.

For some reason, am not able to deploy CustomPFD_0600.xap on my phone... get error: 0x81030120. Any ideas?
It has been for 5 days now since I updated from build 10586.494 to RS build 14393.5. Using the root tool and the following settings:
PhoneManufacturer = NOKIA
PhoneModelName = Lumia 640 LTE
PhoneHardwareVariant = RM-1072
Select WindowsInsider fast ring and after +-1.5 hours you?ll be ready. After updating I did a soft reset and until now no hard reset. I must say that this is a very good, stable and smooth build and I like it much more than the latest TH build. Battery life is very good: with normal usage I can reach 1.5 days. I had no problems with the APN settings. Sending and receiving SMS messages went well and the delivered status is shown below right (see figure below: bezorgd=delivered). I did not test the brightness settings. The only thing I noticed so far is that taken photo?s are not synced directly to the one drive cloud. You have to open the one drive app on your device and select refresh 1 or 2 times. Up until now I?m very satisfied with this build. In order to see what will happen with new builds I switched back to the Release Preview ring for now.
Originally posted by Ferdinando Valsecchi
On a side note: the battery life is even better than expected. The most I've had so far was 25hrs with whatsapp, whatsapp calls, skype always open (and a small call), instagram, browsing and emails. I'm really impressed. I should say that the battery is 3 months old though, but it is more than I had on w10m (before the .494 which had excellent battery life as well)
Have you by any chance tried using Facebook Messenger? It drains battery veeery fast and phone gets enormously hot :-/
Have you by any chance tried using Facebook Messenger? It drains battery veeery fast and phone gets enormously hot :-/

It does drain the battery compared to the other apps, but not that much to me. Also the phone gets warm, but not hot (yesterday I was using it while charging and it was ok). I just hope they will optimize it more like they did with instagram which is awesome now: fast, responsive, a little bit of battery drainer but is not meant to be used 24h..

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEControlPanelLock] is erroneous. First of all, it's missing backslashes. The only key I could find that comes close is [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ControlPanel\]. There's a subkey "Sip" but that's it.

For some reason, am not able to deploy CustomPFD_0600.xap on my phone... get error: 0x81030120. Any ideas?:-/

I know that the backslashes are missing...again, I just found it on a website, and I never had to modify mine for the background settings, I have no idea where it is. Don't know why CustomPFD is not working, maybe you already have installed two apps that need a signature (ergo, you don't have interop unlock, you need to uninstall one of those and try again). Otherwise use Interop Tools which you can install from your phone directly (just email it to yourself or via onedrive, latest versione is beta 1.7)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEControlPanelLock] is erroneous. First of all, it's missing backslashes. The only key I could find that comes close is [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ControlPanel\]. There's a subkey "Sip" but that's it.

For some reason, am not able to deploy CustomPFD_0600.xap on my phone... get error: 0x81030120. Any ideas?

Here you go, just search online for Windows phone 8, 8.1 & 10 registry hacks.....I tried and it works.

DisableNever 1 => set to 0
I know that the backslashes are missing...again, I just found it on a website, and I never had to modify mine for the background settings, I have no idea where it is. Don't know why CustomPFD is not working, maybe you already have installed two apps that need a signature (ergo, you don't have interop unlock, you need to uninstall one of those and try again). Otherwise use Interop Tools which you can install from your phone directly (just email it to yourself or via onedrive, latest versione is beta 1.7)

Yes, I have interop tools installed but can't seem to find info regarding the keys handling the never lock options. The old CustomPFD for 8.1 allowed a tweak to customize screen timeout options to include 10, 15, 30 minutes and never. Still had it in my registry even after updating to 10. Unfortunately, the hard reset wiped it out.
If you don't have custompfd installed then you need to deploy from a windows computer using the official deployment .exe program. You can find it on xda or many other forums (again, I don't know if we are allowed to post links in this forum, if you don't find it fire me a pm and I'll send you a link).

I deployed the file but it gives me error Error 0x81030120. Do i need to interop the device to use the new PFD 06?? If yes can I interop WP 8.1.1 with the latest FW or it Works only on GDR2?? Thx for you answer
I think I did my interop with WP8.1.1 with latest FW, however, if Microsoft made Preview for Developers unavailable I don't know how you could do it.

If you have W10M you can install Interop Tools that you can find on xda. The latest version is 1.7beta, you can just download the file and email it to yourself or put it in onedrive in order to access it on the phone. Just click on it and it should install itself (sometimes it takes a few minutes to be found in the app list). Interop tools should not need any interop unlock and still give you the possibility of hacking the registry.

Otherwise you can try and download Interop Unlocker by -W_O_L_F- (xda user) and deploy that. It will guide you through interop unlocking your device, but I don't remember if it's for wp8.1 or w10m... Finally, you can try with other interop unlockers, however I think they don't work on GDR3 and latest firmware because they used to rely on a bug in the samsung's hidden system analysis app which I think they fixed with the firmware update.

If you can't find any other way, there is a thread on xda called New Custom SPVRom Firmware for ATIV-S where the user spavlin made available both redstone and w10m roms for us to install directly by flashing them on the phone. I have personally not done it, but other users have, so it works. Actually if you were to go down this route I would love to have a detailed how-to, as knowing if interop tools works without interop unlock to modify the registry (I installed it with my phone already unlocked, so I have not tried it first hand, even though it should work!) :)
thanks but its a long process with the interlope, not worth it. The custom ROM provided by Spavlin is a working solution (just Flash it as a regulal rom with SMD binary downloader) but I dont want to use a custom ROM, just the original, untouched. But thx for the new infos

I am not sure how much he changed the rom form the originals, but I don't think he did, at least not in a relevant level. Also I think you can just install it and on the next update you'll get the original one (but again, I'm not sure).
I am not sure how much he changed the rom form the originals, but I don't think he did, at least not in a relevant level. Also I think you can just install it and on the next update you'll get the original one (but again, I'm not sure).

he made a lot of changes -
- Developer Unlock
- Interop Unlock
- Bootstrap
- File System Access
- Move PageFile (more free system disk space)
- Search Provider Google & DuckDuckGo
- More Tweaks
- Wide ID_CAP

Hi, no, you just need to modify the values I've posted and subscribe to windows insider

Hello there, thanks for your reply.
Following your settings I am actually on 14393.5
Everything seems ok, the only issue I had is with the brightness setting.
As soon as I tapped the switch the screen went black and it never came back.
After trying several reboot picking out the battery I was lucky enough to get back to the start screen.
Do you have any information about this?
Now I have to lock the screen.... Will it stay black again? Well I guess I have to try...
Hello there, thanks for your reply.
Following your settings I am actually on 14393.5
Everything seems ok, the only issue I had is with the brightness setting.
As soon as I tapped the switch the screen went black and it never came back.
After trying several reboot picking out the battery I was lucky enough to get back to the start screen.
Do you have any information about this?
Now I have to lock the screen.... Will it stay black again? Well I guess I have to try...

Just make sure that you don't use the quick action. It's a known issue, unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any fix available for now. However, if you want to change the brightness, one thing you can do is use the slider in the setting page. To access that quickly just tap and hold the brightness button on the quick action menu :)
Hello there, thanks for your reply.
Following your settings I am actually on 14393.5
Everything seems ok, the only issue I had is with the brightness setting.
As soon as I tapped the switch the screen went black and it never came back.
After trying several reboot picking out the battery I was lucky enough to get back to the start screen.
Do you have any information about this?
Now I have to lock the screen.... Will it stay black again? Well I guess I have to try...

I'm surprised you managed to light the screen back up again without a hard reset. I tried several soft resets, pulled the battery out too but no go.

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