Windows 10 for the Ativ S owners?

14393.82 just installed. Screen appears to be bit snappier. Brightness and stock camera focus bug still there. OS still won't read APN from SIM.
Totally same experience for me but I never had any problems with APN settings here in germany @E-Plus network. Anyway the 14393.82 is working without problems except for the already known bugs and it seems faster ;-)
Totally same experience for me but I never had any problems with APN settings here in germany @E-Plus network. Anyway the 14393.82 is working without problems except for the already known bugs and it seems faster ;-)

Ok, so after a reboot, you can still connect to the internet using your mobile operator? I need to manually write in the APN settings. When I reboot, the settings are lost.
I have two Ativ devices and no problems with APN. Dutch provider. Neither on build .3; .10; .67 or .82

However I noticed problems after a hard reset on build .67. Apps using camera turned to black as also mentioned above. Went back to TH2 and updated to RS .82. Now everything is working fine again. No more hard reset for me.
Preview For Developers is AVAILABLE AGAIN
you can download it via Store so the "old registry" trick Works. You can get WP10 on Ativ S without Spavlins ROM


- changing registry from Samsung to NOKIA doesnt work anymore
- you need to change much more information to get WP10

PhoneManufacturer = MicrosoftMDG
PhoneManufacturerModelName = RM-1085_11302
PhoneModelName = Lumia 950 XL
PhoneHardwareVariant = RM-1085

- after changing the registry you will get WP 10 xxxx.107
- now open Windows Insider and choose FAST RING to get the newest Red Stone build or do a HARD RESET and get the latest TRESHOLD build (.494 - 545)

TRESHOLD build has less bugs = DATA settings wont reset after restarting the device, camera applications work without causing black screen and AUTOMATIC brigtness Works too
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I have two Ativ devices and no problems with APN. Dutch provider. Neither on build .3; .10; .67 or .82

However I noticed problems after a hard reset on build .67. Apps using camera turned to black as also mentioned above. Went back to TH2 and updated to RS .82. Now everything is working fine again. No more hard reset for me.

Hard resets are scary but have to do it when moving from 8.1 to 10. Once your in 10, I don't believe it's necessary anymore.
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I have two Ativ devices and no problems with APN. Dutch provider. Neither on build .3; .10; .67 or .82

However I noticed problems after a hard reset on build .67. Apps using camera turned to black as also mentioned above. Went back to TH2 and updated to RS .82. Now everything is working fine again. No more hard reset for me.

The same bug appeared to me on TH2 once :/
Hello there, I have two questions.
First: I am actually on 14393.5 what should I do get the latest build?
Should I go with the interop tools thing?
Second one: I have a second Ativ S which is actually on 8.1 and I would like to put 10 on it.
What's the right way to go for it?
It's there a method which doesn't require an SD card?
To be known... Windows 10 can be safely installed on SGH-T899M with firmware 2212.15.2.1

Without ROM flash. Using registry "way", the process roughly is:
  1. From 8.10.14203.306 ==>
  2. 8.10.14219.341 (once *.341 is installed, use below registry settings to proceed) ==>
  3. 10586.107 ==>
  4. Hard reset (will save 1GB, and get rig of junk left over from WP8) ==>
  5. 10586.545

-- PhoneManufacturer = NOKIA
-- PhoneManufacturerModelName = RM-1073_1004
-- PhoneModelName = Lumia 640 LTE

Observations (after 3 days of usage):
- battery? light usage lasted for three days on 4 year old battery (each day: 1 hour of music; checking email; minimal browsing; minimum messaging)
- smooth and fluid animations (not as good as 640, 830, or 950)
- UWP apps load much faster in Win10M; then older 8.0/8.1 type apps on WP 8/8.1? "Loading" does not appear; and if it does is for less then a second; and for fewer apps
I have finally updated to Anniversary (directly .67), so I have tested the bug myself.
I am overall pretty happy with my improved Ativ experience, I suggest the update.
I used the register key values of Lumia 640 XL 3G to get into the updated ring (using the register editor "roottool.xap"). Then I had to make hard reset because of an issue with the audio volume, that had actually started before the update. No problem with cameras so far. Along with the volume, the update fixed the app list (it was showing some uninstalled apps before) and finally the notifications in my band 2!
The AU notification improvements are very welcome, and the better overall performance as well. The battery life in particular is amazing. I have realized how 10586 was terrible for energy consumption, I have even bought a new battery recently... Now also my 3 years old battery does it (almost) the whole day!
Regarding the brightness, here is my experience so far:
the automatic option does not work at all, the brightness keeps constant regardless of the lux sensor. So I disabled it, you know, manual adjustment has also some pros after all. The problem is when you approach to the minimum brightness level. If you go below 4% the screen turns off, but not the touch panel. The easy trick is to remember the point of the screen to touch for a "safer" and higher brightness level. Then the lock screen will appear. The phone does not interpret a low brightness anymore (honestly was comfortable in the darkness): even with low slider positions the minimum allowed level is 25%. Since the action toggle is still usable after all, this bug is not such a big deal. The method suggested by Tourniquet could be a good solution though.
Happy Ativ and happy summer everyone!
EDIT: The brightness happens to show "random" behaviour sometimes (e.g. unresponsive toggle) ... And yes, also my APN resets after every reboot, unfortunately.
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I've just updated from 10.0.10586.494 to 10.0.14393.67 by converting from SAMSUNG GT-I8750 to NOKIA RM-1109 Lumia 640 (some info says RM-1109 could refer to both 3G and LTE flavors of 640, not XL one).

I've used RootTool to change registry settings in HKLM\SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo:


PhoneManyfacturer = SAMSUNG
PhoneManufacturerModelName = GT-I8750
PhoneModelName = GT-I8750


PhoneManufacturer = NOKIA
PhoneManufacturerModelName = RM-1109
PhoneModelName = Lumia 640

So far here's what I'd like to note:

? Quick launch buttons and app icons in the app list have become larger like if screen resolution has decreased (same experience as when mimicking Lumia 950 XL).

? Unlike with mimicking Microsoft Lumia 950 XL, third party camera apps, Camera360 Sight and Microsoft Office Lens, work as desired; at least there's no black screen I saw when I launched them on fake 950 XL.

? Battery drain it's still a huge showstopper: 70% loss of capacity in 1 hr of using the phone with Cellular data ON. No WiFi, no music, couple of minutes in WhatsApp, 50-55 minutes of opened Edge. Just this forum, no other tabs opened.

? Edge is plain disappointment and PITA.
Say at the moment I can't manage to select text in this edit box where I am typing my post message.

Surprisingly, there are still lots of small features that make me happy stayin on Windows 10 vs Windows 8.1.
I've just upgraded to 14905.1000
The apn setting now works correctly.
Battery is really ok, camera works fine with proshot and office lens.
I started from 14393.5
Using the settings suggested by Ferdinando as follows:
PhoneManufacturer = MicrosoftMDG
PhoneManufacturerModelName = RM-1085_11302
PhoneModelName = Lumia 950 XL
PhoneHardwareVariant = RM-1085

I chose the fast ring in the insider preview option.!Ap1EzchDmEOppu4D0snw3zALMb-Upw

I think that if you've already made it to 14393.xx using release ring, you would simply change to fast ring to get this update. Can anyone out there concur?
Originally posted by Dave Velo
Originally Posted by Lorenzo Baroni
I started from 14393.5
Using the settings suggested by Ferdinando as follows:
PhoneManufacturer = MicrosoftMDG
PhoneManufacturerModelName = RM-1085_11302
PhoneModelName = Lumia 950 XL
PhoneHardwareVariant = RM-1085

I chose the fast ring in the insider preview option.!Ap1EzchDmEOppu4D0snw3zALMb-Upw

I think that if you've already made it to 14393.xx using release ring, you would simply change to fast ring to get this update. Can anyone out there concur?

It didn't work for me.
Probably because after hard resetting the device it reverted to its original values.
By the way I think it's time to leave this great device. I'm going for a 950 XL.
So far I have to say I loved my Ativ S.
It didn't work for me.
Probably because after hard resetting the device it reverted to its original values.
By the way I think it's time to leave this great device. I'm going for a 950 XL.
So far I have to say I loved my Ativ S.

I paid $750 for my Ativ S when it first came out so I'll have to stick with it a bit longer before I'll feel I got my money's worth. But to be honest, after arguing with Samsung as to why they decided not to continue supporting their most expensive smartphone so we could easily upgrade and be compatible with 10, I have vowed never to buy another Samsung product! The new Asus Zenfone looks very nice and powerful for a reasonable price. They don't support W10M yet but maybe they will in the near future.
I paid $750 for my Ativ S when it first came out so I'll have to stick with it a bit longer before I'll feel I got my money's worth.

I paid 680USD for the 950XL, actual price is around 380USD
I will throw it out of the window and buy a HP x3. It was a horrible investment. Waiting for support for a 3+y. old mobile phone is a joke (3y. in computer science is like aging 10y. in 1 day). The most expensive Samsung / Sony / LG android phones dont get updates after 6m./1y. its normal.... and btw: Nobody forced you to buy such an expensive phone. If you cant afford it, dont buy it. It was your choice. Dont blame Samsung for not supporting a 3y. old device with 1% marketshare. They want to make Money, not loose it.

And not, please dont argue with false claims that the Ativ S is good for WP10 because its not. I have tried it after a long time and the phone overheats after 5min. browsing with EDGE, skype calls etc.. I dont want to loose my hand after the phone explodes. Maybe its good for basic tasks like sms, mms or calls but thats all. Its old now
I paid 680USD for the 950XL, actual price is around 380USD
I will throw it out of the window and buy a HP x3. It was a horrible investment. Waiting for support for a 3+y. old mobile phone is a joke (3y. in computer science is like aging 10y. in 1 day). The most expensive Samsung / Sony / LG android phones dont get updates after 6m./1y. its normal.... and btw: Nobody forced you to buy such an expensive phone. If you cant afford it, dont buy it. It was your choice. Dont blame Samsung for not supporting a 3y. old device with 1% marketshare. They want to make Money, not loose it.

And not, please dont argue with false claims that the Ativ S is good for WP10 because its not. I have tried it after a long time and the phone overheats after 5min. browsing with EDGE, skype calls etc.. I dont want to loose my hand after the phone explodes. Maybe its good for basic tasks like sms, mms or calls but thats all. Its old now

The Ativ S had what I needed at the time since it was, to my knowledge, the only Windows phone that supported a 64gb SD card. I could afford it so I bought it. Anyway, have not experienced any of the problems you've mentioned running W10M. Except for the stock camera focus problem and auto brightness not working, I have no other complaints.