Windows 10 Frying Laptop

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Windows Central Question

August 2015 the automatic free download came thru my laptop, shortly thereafter began experiencing speed issues, laptop freezing up, shutting down, just all around performance deteriorated quickly. I took laptop into repair shop as I had active Virus protection and malwarebytes, repair shop found no viruses and nothing supposedly wrong. That's when I learned after the 30 day period somehow the Windows 10 download wasn't removable from hard drive without scrubbing entire hard drive basically costing more than what laptop was worth.

Now anything I'm wanting to purchase only allows for download if you have Windows 10


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Apr 18, 2012
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And why didn't you open Task Manager and check what was using your CPU so much?
in my dad's laptop happened something like that, and it was the Adguard trial I installed for him, he doesn't even care about ads but I wanted to make his surfing cleaner since Edge doesn't have extensions yet.
But well Adguard service turned to use a lot of CPU all the time, and after I uninstalled it and stopped it and all, everything ran fine and it's running amazingly fast with November update. so it wasn't windows 10 at all. I don't have a problem with adguard, but computers are always different and all.


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Nov 12, 2012
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somehow the Windows 10 download wasn't removable from hard drive without scrubbing entire hard drive basically costing more than what laptop was worth.

You can format your hard drive during installation of an OS and it is free. You can revert to your former OS if you have the key. Use the media creation tool. Do a web search for Media Creation Tool <OS Name and Version>

Works for Windows 7 and higher.

I'm not sure what shop you go to that would not optimize for you at a very reasonable cost. It is a basic service. If that shop is charging you an arm and a leg to format a hard drive, there is something wrong.

I also suggest you find a reputable repair facility.

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