Windows 10 lost everything.. TWICE! How can I get it all back?

Re: Windows 10 lost everything... TWICE!

After having lost data before, I trust no one with my data. I back it up twice to Ext hdd and use OneDrive, and it syncs to multiple devices in case one crashes. Cannot blame Windows or MS or hdd OEMs. They are not responsible for your data. Things fail. Have a backup plan.

Now if you got dedicated online backup service like Carbonite, and they lost your data that is a different story.
This has just happened to me I thought it was just a standard upgrade like the ones on windows 7 ....nope when i first updated to windows then it did the whole deleting everything but found the folders in a network not even on my computer so i got the files back that i wanted and left the rest in the file after the second update its returned all my old files but deleted everything that I have done since so all the files i didn't really care about are back and all the files i took out of it that i wanted are gone now of course why didn't i back anything up well i dont have much money atm i'm living on a bit of a budget and i cant afford a external hard drive and the whole cloud thing I've only recently bin made aware of my point is if these updates just happen and everytime it updates its going to delete recent folders it would be a nice thing to be made aware of and sure its easy for people who have quite the knowledge on computing they can just back up their folders and recover them when they want but lets say a very old person doesn't really know jack about computers updates and on their computer they had all their family pictures and now there all gone and alot of people on this thread will be going " tough luck suck to be you" it doesn't help someone who has just lost everything people like that never help they are always just part of the problem
Same thing happened to me (Windows updated and we had trouble finding photos and docs, and then it underwent some other update and everything disappeared completely), and I was still able to successfully recover my photos.

I spent $50 on Stellar Windows Data recovery software. I ran a deep scan on the photo files (Bc that's what was most important to me), and it recovered many folders full of random image files and my personal photos.

From here, get an external drive with plenty of storage, and 1 folder at a time, recover the files and send them to the external drive (the software doesn't allow you to recover the files to the internal drive for some reason).

Within the hard drive, you can view as image thumbnails to identify which files you care about. Side note- you can also do this within the software but you literally have to click on each file to view what's in it. This takes forever.

Hope this helps.
The only advice I can give is to avoid doing an upgrade install of W10 like the plague. Otherwise you should expect q?eer behaviour especially during further updates. Yes, I know MS says it'll be alright but they always do, and it never EVER is. Clean install W10 and I suspect you'll never see this issue again. Even if it doesn't solve this issue, a clean install is still the way to go. You'll save yourself a lot of hassle in the ling run.

I realize this thread is old but was there a clear resolution? There's a bunch of computer lingo I don't understand. I used my laptop for a few hours (haven't picked up in months) and out of nowhere it updates! I finally look at it in the morning, log in and I've got Windows 10. Sounds cool but the only photos are from my camera roll. Nothing else is there, all my files are gone...Did you ever get yours back? How'd you do it?
Hey all,

This thread was a while back, but I wanted to get this out there. A lot of you found ways to get your backups restored. Stellar Windows Data recovery software and Piriform Recuva seemed to be ways that you've gotten your files back. I hope it's worked for you! I have not tried these 2 yet, but everything else I have tried and it did not work. I also mentioned that when I plugged in my external hard drive to this computer, it appeared to have nothing in there while connected to it, but on other computers, my files were all present and accounted for. This computer is now 6 years old. I ended up getting a new laptop that was originally Windows 8.1. I did not upgrade to Windows 10, but one day it did it automatically. Worked beautifully. I didn't even have to go to a Windows.old folder to recover my files. They were all in their same locations, no work needed from me.

So for those of you who had zero trouble when upgrading, I'm glad for you, and I also understand how simple that process could have been. However, so many people had problems with it. This thread focused on the second upgrade that occurred after the first, when we thought all of our files were safe for at least a little while before backing them up again. It could have been that my computer was too old, or that upgrading from any version before Windows 8 was more of an issue. I don't know. In any event, I was just glad to know that I was not the only one with this issue, and I am thankful for ALL of the advice and suggestions that were posted. I hope they worked for some of you on here. :D

I still have this old computer, and it has JUST started allowing me to view the files on my external hard drive (for no apparent reason, it just decided to work...), so I'm going to try more of the suggestions that were posted on here one more time to see if I can catch a break. I have a lot of friends who are computer techs, and this was a conundrum for them as well. They ended up deferring to forums like this one to try and figure it out. Like I said, most of my files were backed up, and it was definitely time for a new computer, but if I can recover my files, I'll let you know what I did to get them! :)

Cheers, everyone!
Same here. I shutdown my computer at night and when i opened it up the next morning EVERYTHING WAS GONE. My School files, My everything. only 2 programs stayed which were steam and Chrome.

I need a fixx ASAP
Re: Windows 10 lost everything... TWICE!

After passing by long paragraphs......
Install EaseUs / #Stellar data recovery software. I've used both to recover my #pics,data..
*Recuva ISN'T good.

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