Windows 10 may not come to phones at all?


Retired Senior Ambassador
Aug 26, 2014
Okay, that was a bit of "one of those" subjects, I know.

I was just "rewatching the event" for the Windows 10 event last week.

I noticed the actual announcement, at 1:33:?? during the event, he said, "Windows 10 preview for phones will be released after the Seahawks win the Superbowl."

Well, what happens if they don't win? Just sayin'.
Thank God they didn't say the Cleveland Browns. Microsoft would still be smoke signals to communicate.
Well, one thing for sure, there is a new reason for me to root for the Hawks!

Was going to anyway, but I digress.

So... if Seahawks lose, Microsoft is going to throw a tantrum and cancel all future products maybe? Revert all Desktop units back to Windows 3.1 or DOS? All phones will revert back to having to press the lever a few times and ask for the operator so someone can connect your call? Haha... now that would be a downgrade.

As long as I don't have to carry a stack of punchcards instead of having a microSD card slot. :P
I realy like my windows phone 8.1, just want transparent-translucent tiles and background option as shown on presentation. I don't care for other features from w10p.
That's possible to implement on w8.
Well if Cortana predicted them to win, you have nothing to worry about.

Right, except Cortana predicts the Patriots will win.

So it's quite possible that we won't see Windows 10 on our phones for awhile. Unless the Seahawks end up winning the Super Bowl in 2016?
Well if Cortana predicted them to win, you have nothing to worry about.

Bing, which is where Cortana is basing her answers about who will win, shows the Pats chances of winning are 51%. That's a pretty close call as far as I'm concerned.

Most of the odds makers are giving even odds now, and giving an edge to either team. A few are predicting the Seahawks by 2.5 points.
Bing, which is where Cortana is basing her answers about who will win, shows the Pats chances of winning are 51%. That's a pretty close call as far as I'm concerned.

Most of the odds makers are giving even odds now, and giving an edge to either team. A few are predicting the Seahawks by 2.5 points.

He did also say in the presentation that Bing can give different users different answers about who will win based on the user. Just saying it's not clear cut in many ways.
Right, except Cortana predicts the Patriots will win.

So it's quite possible that we won't see Windows 10 on our phones for awhile. Unless the Seahawks end up winning the Super Bowl in 2016?

I mean, it's like a 51% chance the Patriots will win, which pretty much means that Cortana has no idea and it could literally go either way.
Well I'm a Canadian living in Australia, so I don't really follow the AFL.... Erm... The US AFL. Australia also has an AFL. :P
heh ... this is a hell of a thread !!!!! but what will happen can we expect on 1st week of feb ..... ?
hmmm sometimes i cant believe MS .. !!!! ehemmm

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