Windows 10 Mobile build 10549! How do you like it?

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My battery was training fast on my Lumia Icon with this latest build. I checked the background apps and ALL of them were defaulted to "on." I turned all but a few off and my battery seems much better now. One weird thing I have noticed though is that I have more than one showing for some of the apps in the background apps list, not sure why. Is anyone else seeing more then one instance of an app in the background apps list?
It's still a bit of a mess on my 1520. Even if it were stable, fast and bug free, it just doesn't compare to 8.1 in features and usability. If some feature wasn't removed it takes more clicks to access.
Does work for me. Enter any value and it crashes. Just like it did before.
Annoying. It works fine for me. However, with it buried in settings it's far from as useful as before anyway. There must be a way of seeing it on the Start screen, right?
It's still a bit of a mess on my 1520. Even if it were stable, fast and bug free, it just doesn't compare to 8.1 in features and usability. If some feature wasn't removed it takes more clicks to access.

I feel the opposite for the functions I use the most. Flashlight, notes in the Action shortcuts for example is a great addition. Search in Settings, most recent Apps in the app list. Hold down the Action icons to get to settings. Quick-reply to SMS messages. Groove Music navigation and right-click-menus that make it a LOT easier to download albums. Etc, etc. Tons of great new things, actually.
Did the roll back to 8.1 then a clean update to 10549 on my Icon yesterday. Did a hard reset followed by a restore after the OS was up to 10549. After all the app installs and updates, today my phone has a crazy battery drain. I've disabled Cortana like Microsoft suggested, but even on the charge plate or plugged in it won't keep up with the drain. Anyone find a solution other than killing Cortana? Battery Saver is showing that Microsoft messaging is using 53% of it.
They removed the option to select "3g only" as the highest connection speed in sim settings. It was very useful for areas with spotty 3g/4g coverage as it prevented the phone from using 2g data mode. To check go to settings>network and wireless>mobile and sim>sim settings.
I've noticed with this build every time I unlock my 830 the location services access icon shows up in the top left and stays there for about 30 to 40 secs. In settings under location I see it says that at least one app is using geofencing but I have no idea what and I have very little installed on this since loading the preview.

Any else seeing this behavior?
I feel the opposite for the functions I use the most. Flashlight, notes in the Action shortcuts for example is a great addition. Search in Settings, most recent Apps in the app list. Hold down the Action icons to get to settings. Quick-reply to SMS messages. Groove Music navigation and right-click-menus that make it a LOT easier to download albums. Etc, etc. Tons of great new things, actually.
I do like the flashlight toggle. But I can pin a flashlight and OneNote to my start screen. I also like the keyboard additions.

But there are no workarounds on what was lost. How can I get contact history for email, messages and calls? A people app that actually does something? Bluetooth track info and audio control for my car. Consistent design and better dark theme implementation? Just very fundamental things that made WP 8.1 a good smartphone. Many basic tasks now require more clicks and guess work as to which menu it will be located under. Feature discovery is much more convoluted.

We basically get a neutered phone OS for a few new apps like groove, weather, mail, calendar and news. It's the desktop OS, which is kind of cool. But as of now the desktop OS does a really bad job at being a good smartphone.

The phone has now inherited the Store problems that have plagued Windows 10 months past official release. As of now my app updates are frozen just like they get on the non-beta desktop. But on the desktop I can run a PowerShell script to fix the problem.
I wa going to wait until I got home but between the 3 hour battery life and not seeing new email notifications on the outlook tile it's not of much use. Rolling back now.
I do like the flashlight toggle. But I can pin a flashlight and OneNote to my start screen. I also like the keyboard additions.

But there are no workarounds on what was lost. How can I get contact history for email, messages and calls? A people app that actually does something? Bluetooth track info and audio control for my car. Consistent design and better dark theme implementation? Just very fundamental things that made WP 8.1 a good smartphone. Many basic tasks now require more clicks and guess work as to which menu it will be located under. Feature discovery is much more convoluted.

I can't speak to all those issues, but for me the lack of individual history is FAR outweighed by the addition (finally!) of message search.
The "dark theme" implementation seems to work for me in this build, at least. The People app does seem fairly useless..

Overall though, all these new additions and the increased speed of this last build (I never expected that!) outweigh what we had before, for me personally.
Same for me, calendar app crashes after 15 second, in 10536 was fine.Oddly, if I disable a calendar I have shared with my wife and the birthday calendar it doesn?t crash. If I enable either one of those...crash after 15 seconds. I have 7 calendars total.
Another problem is with File Explorer. Most of the time it crashes when I select the source, SD or Device. I installed Total Commander and have the same problem.

Despite that, I like that build and will keep it, although my wife will not be happy when I forget the milk because the shared calendar is disabled...
I am running build 10549 now on my lumia 920. I had to go first back to windows phone 8.1.
For the first time I'm really feeling that this one is doing well ! My camera app starts quickly,
my tiles screen is running and refreshing well. Now I can swipe with an azerty keyboard ...
Bluetooth works immediately in my car, copying my photo's to onedrive works now
Downloading offline maps works now ... But still missing Cortana in Dutch ...
I noticed the same wih my Lumia 930. It gets too hot when charging.

Are you having trouble o set a lockscreen password?
Re: Mobile Build 10166 - 10536 how do you like it?

I agree. It has INVARIABLY improved behavior of an applied update. I don't apply an update without completing a reset each-and-every-time.
Not presently. I WAS having that problem when I was on build 10536. After wiping device using recovery tool, updating to 10549, and then reset (normal process) things are working much better than expected. 10536 caused a lot of use problems for me.
Not on the tiles. I mean, when my phone is locked the incoming notification doesnt play a sound or vibrate to wake my phone. But if I double tap it, I can see the new notification icon in the top area. Only phone calls wake my phone from locked state. It's kind of annoying. It first started happening on previous build. Don't know how to resolve it.
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