Windows 10 Mobile build 10549! How do you like it?

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Still not able to do a device backup

On L535, it freeze when tap on End Call during call, downgrading to WP 8.1 once again :-)
I use it as a DD in my 830, until now, now problems... i follow these steps: downgrade to 8.1, update to 10549, then i reset my device...btw, Cortana is deactivated in my device ;)

Me too on my 830. 10549 is my DD now. There are a couple of nagging issues, but nothing that stops it as a DD. Disabled Cortana and the battery is almost as good as 8.1
Cortana still doesn't speak to me, but otherwise the phone is working pretty well. There are some oddities with dark background and some tile colours which make some of the menu texts illisible. The biggest worry I still have is the battery drain.

Last night, it went from 100% down to 43% in 7h30 and I had closed all apps and phone was by the window and close to wifi - so no extra searching for these. I then used Twitter, FB and Edge for 10 minutes and another 9 percentage points disappeared (went down to 34%). This is too much still even if my 1020 has an old and tired battery.
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

Yes. I updated from 8.1 on my Lumia 930. Everythink works fine! And I didn't reset my phone. It had been running 1 month i think with 8.1 as my primary device.
For those L1020 users who do hard reset for some reasons and want to get your lumia camera app back, you might want to try downloading it from "my library" in store. I did and manage to use it again.
Hi, I haven't read all the thread but I want to give a hint to those with a 1020 and want to perform a hard reset and keep lumia camera:
It's possible to have it, I've lost lumia camera after a hard reset because I wanted to restore my previous backup. Yesterday I could install lumia camera and have it working! You all know that lumia camera is not available for new installs on store, but there is a workaround.
You have to go to store > hamburger menu > My library > Find lumia camera and press the download button! :D

Apart from this, the build feels more solid than previous one, but sometimes apps are very slow, playing recorded videos with photos app is a pain.

After five days I have it running on both my 930 private phone and my 735 work phone. The 735 is more stable now, it only rebooted once while it did 5-10 times a day before this build. The 930 battery drain was horrible and is now better, not exactly up to 8.1 yet and mostly while in use. The phone idle is no longer draining but using it drains still faster than 8.1 did.
Basicly the primairy issue I am suffering is the buggy live tile updates. The graphical live tile (with images ;)) all only update once after a reboot. The iconic ones they do work except for the outlook one, that one updates only when new mail arrives and not when you read it.
Other than those issues it is running butter smooth on both devices, the interface feels really snappy and I like the features. I also feel I am not lacking features compared to 8.1 anymore I think. My Wireless display worked to the XBox One last night.
I am using this build on my 930 as daily device! So far so well since updated. Battery live is abit shorter than in 8.1 but still can handle my heavy use from 9~6. The update took me nearly whole afternoon.
I read all the post and some of yours issue may course by reload the "backup" on this build. I face similar problem like app not working, app force close........., if I reload my pervious "backup". It rum smoothly if I don't reload any "backup".
I also find out after first update to this build do the "hard reset", than reinstall "Windows Insider" again, get in "Fast ring", it will had other update need to be instill, after all the update everything work well. I hope its help.
I know it's strange, and I can see the reason why you're not sacrificing lumia camera app. :) I tried playing with it a couple of times and true it seemed faster than the lumia camera in 8.1 denim. Nonetheless, I cannot wait for hours and hours just to get it back and risk more since I don't have excellent wifi at my home. One thing is also strange, I cannot swap the "Rotation Lock" notification center to any other options. It'd keep getting forced close. Do you have any idea why it happens? The other three are fine, I can swap them all right.

As of now have not faced the notification lock issue yet. maybe try hard resetting the phone? another thing ive noticed is that if the store is kept open and if your display times out as soon as you swipe to unlock the device your back to home screen insted of the store.
Day 2 on build 10549 (after it received another configuration update)
1. battery life- pathetic stand by time. slept with the battery having about 55% woke up with about 7% . no background apps, no cortana enabled, wifi off, and cellular data on (edge , due to the poor reception at my residence). however when the device is in use during the day i am getting the same if not similar battery back up as 8.1
2. camera- its the same as 8.1 being a 1020 user i cannot be more happier than having lumia camera back . performance is the same and shot to shot time is the same .
3. Photo gallery app- MUCH MUCH improved and kudos to Microsoft for getting things better. while its still lil laggy while zooming into pics but no minus points for that as its still a technical build and i am assuming its a few builds behind RTM.
4. Email app has been reworked thoroughly and is much more usable , however the lack of combined inbox is still something i sorely miss from 8.1 and the mails take a tad bit longer for it to open up , even if connected to wifi.
5..animations are quite smooth actually and at par with 8.1
6. the infamous "resuming..." screen still is present but much less than the previous build. it usually occurs one out of ten times when the phone is unlocked and even if it does barely lasts a second or two, however that isnt always the case with certain apps like whatsapp as they for still some reason are little laggy even if the phone is on 8.1.
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