Windows 10 Mobile build 10549! How do you like it?

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Re: Windows 10 mobile build 10549 its on available on fast ring

The messaging app now shows profile picture on the left side of the screen, clicking each will make you jump from conversation to other. ! nice

That was an update for the Messaging application right before this build was released. It also introduced search and Skype integration.
Re: Mobile Build 10166 - 10536 how do you like it?

Hey man, I have this issue where my Lumia is stuck at "Almost done". This was after I upgraded to the latest build and then did a hard reset to do a clean install. No matter how many times I hit the Next button, it just doesn't take me to the next step.
can you lock/unlock with double tap? i can't... with the previous build i was capable to at least lock with double tap

I am able to double tap lock on the navigation bar once I enabled it. I can't double tap unlock on the HTC, I think it's Lumia specific or I'm missing an option somewhere.
Re: Mobile Build 10166 - 10536 how do you like it?

You have to rollback to Windows Phone 8.1, install Lumia Camera, jump onto Windows 10 Mobile and then do not do a hard reset. It's only available for Lumia 1020's I believe.

I performed a hard reset.I got Lumia Camera back..I can see film & TV app in the app list...awesome...and so far I would say battery drain is less compared to previous build.In 10536 my phone will die in hours if I use the mobile data.In this build 10549 am on 3G..playing it from it is 6PM..Still battery is at 40% and shows 14 Hours remaining.Thats good.
Lets see what happens if I install some more apps.
updated my Icon from Denim... Wifi Networking will not allow me to turn on Wifi (Can't do tis right now.. try again in a little while)

I've tried to turn on I both settings and from the main screen drop down....

When at the beginning it starts downloading all these apps what you have to do is pause all and do one at a time(store last). This is only right after the main update. Once things are updated, including store app and you have restarted a few times (you need to go to extras >glance, motion) and restart after both times. And once again do store updates and once you're in the clear you can download all you want. I downloaded over 28 apps/games from my library after that.

Anyways this is so much faster and more responsive, not getting crashes yet. Line Cubeheroes would reboot my unit when trying to play it in the past, so far it's been working good. Still get resuming in scenarios where i'm in a game and go to something else but it's quick. And since games eat up memory it's probably not easily avoidable.

Overall I played with it for a few hours last night and this morning and so far i'm super happy with this build. Let's hope it doesn't slow down over time *fingers crossed*
Re: Windows 10 mobile build 10549 its on available on fast ring

There is this amazing size scaling feature in the settings which gave my 735 the multitask menu for phablets and 5 icons in the action centre when it's not expanded. I can even get the option to show more tiles so that each row can be filled by 4 medium sized tiles. It's really cool.
Has anybody cheked the settings in landscape mode after scaling the size to 150%..Its two rowed..awesome..Y can't they make it happen in normal size also.
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Re: Windows 10 mobile build 10549 its on available on fast ring

this is amaaaaazing... i feel like i have new phone. the text is more crisp

what size did you use?

i set my 930 on the lost, i think 200%.

update: my 930 just got waaaay more faster after i did this.

Are you talking about "size if text, apps and items on this dispay" setting under Display? I have 930 also, but I cant get it lower than 225%.
Re: Windows 10 mobile build 10549 its on available on fast ring

Are you talking about "size if text, apps and items on this dispay" setting under Display? I have 930 also, but I cant get it lower than 225%.

U have to move the slider and restart the phone.There are four levels namely 150%,175%,200& and 225%.
If u still cant,go for a hard reset.I got all default apps after a hard reset without any data connection.(Including Lumia Camera,Keek--which I removed from 8.1 itself).I don't know how..mystery
I have 225, 250 and 300% (default) options on the slider.

I did hard reset.

motion data unable to update, error 0x803F8001, also lumia storyteller, lumia beamer and microsoft photos plug-in, unable to update all these apps.
I played with the latest build on my 640 LTE. Within an hour I was back on 8.1

What I liked:

  • It's becoming a more complete OS with each build. Smoother, faster, more responsive.
  • Still locks up and freezes in places, as to be expected with a pre-release/beta/alpha/whatever build, but they are confined to specific areas rather than all over.
  • The Windows 10 look is nice. It makes your device feel more modern, even if it pales by comparison to the upcoming 950/950 XL.

What I didn't like:
  • The OS defaulted to an orange accent color on my 640. It's a bit jarring when you are used to the default tones or the accent you selected in 8.1.
  • Loading and resuming still present in this build. It's not better, it's not worse. It's just there.
  • Camera on Windows 10 is slower in my opinion. My phone responds faster in 8.1
  • Still experience fonts on applications shifting between large and small based on orientation and whether navigation bar is hidden. Just pick a size!
  • Phone would freeze during an inbound call and I couldn't multi-task. The only thing I could do was turn the screen on and off, and even that only worked 50% of the time.
  • My system sounds defaulted after updating to 9/10 on calls (I use 5) and 25/30 on media. Phone rang loudly the first time and took me by surprise.

These will get better in time. I'm sure of it. I've seen the progress but Microsoft has a lot of fine-tuning left to go. I voluntarily left the Insider program and reverted both my PC and Windows Phone to 8.1. For now both my home computer and mobile device run better on 8.1 than they do on 10. I would like to think after 20+ years of owning and operating computers, PDA's, and smartphones that I could properly install an OS and not bork it along the way. I don't think it's user error, nor do I think my hardware could use some upgrading. But, that's the great thing about having choice in the marketplace. I don't have to upgrade to Windows 10 if I don't want to. Eventually, sure, I will probably need to if not want to. But for now I can use what works and let people with far more time to tinker with and complain about Insider builds to do the dirty work for me. I'll choose to live vicariously through them, wishing I had that kind of time to log issues and submit feedback. I simply don't, and to effectively use this program you have to participate in order for it to become better.
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

My only gripe thus far is my missing Movies & TV icon. It happens for me too.

Go for a hard reset.You will get Film & TV app back in the all apps list.And the store icon moving to a corner is a scaling issue.I had it when I change my scaling to 150%.Put it back to default 200 % and it is back in center.
Re: Windows 10 mobile build 10549 its on available on fast ring

Are you talking about "size if text, apps and items on this dispay" setting under Display? I have 930 also, but I cant get it lower than 225%.

Yah I went to the lowest level on my 830 and it looks really nice. More tiles per screen, extra action bar item! Loving it!
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