Windows 10 Mobile build 10549! How do you like it?

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To me, the biggest improvement in this build is that the phone doesn't only vibrate once while ringing and then stop. It vibrates throughout the call like it should've many years ago! :D

Apart from that, I actually thought restoring the backup would re-install all the apps I had installed during the backup as well. But it didn't.

The phone app seems to be crashing as well. Don't know what the reason is. A soft reset hasn't helped as well. :(
I'm using this build on L720.

After some idle time it starts 'windows logo' screen saver. Does anybody knows how to disable it?
Also, hard reset is not showing in 'about' settings. Did they change it or I am the only one with that issue?

EDIT: Also, why does Groove requires data connection? It doesn't shows/plays the songs in my SD card unless data connection is on.
Re: Windows 10 mobile build 10549 its on available on fast ring

multitask menu for phablets

Sounds really interesting. but i don't get what " multitask menu for phablets" is. could you please explain this if possible with a screen shot?. with this scaling option in the new build i hear lot about "Phablet mode'. it sounds like something like tablet mode on W10 but don't know how it works.
When I press long back for task view it shows me grid! no more single line, now its grid, lovely.

All this because of scaling, default is still single line.

So it works even with scaling, most likely it does not work for you because of no hard reset?

PS, im on 930 and 250%

It's an issue with Lumia 1020 as far as I can tell.

If I scale to 200%, the task view comes but if it's on 175%, it doesn't. Which to choose?
I would hate if this is true, but perhaps...

The Redmond giant back in July had come with a list of handsets likely to receive the Windows 10 Mobile update which includes Microsoft Lumia 430, Lumia 435, Lumia 532, Lumia 535, Lumia 540, Lumia 640, Lumia 640 XL, Lumia 735, Lumia 830, and Lumia 930.

So maybe microsoft is working towards improving WP10 for these models and thats why many of us have almost flawless experience on their models while others experience headache. Maybe microsoft will first optmize WP10 for some models and added more later, if at all, maybe they just wanna sell more newest models...
Anyone else having issues with the phone app?

I downgraded to 8.1, got 10549 and again hard reset and backed up a backup I'd made just before downgrading. The phone app was alright until this morning where it began to act up and kept crashing everytime I opened it.
Re: Windows 10 mobile build 10549 its on available on fast ring

Phablet mode means, I think, using two apps side by side. One on top of each other for example
Im using l625 and after 5h of using this build im happy this is everyday useable, instalation took only 2h and before took 5 soo good job microsoft
Great build, but is anyone having issues with OneDrive and File Explorer transfers? I go to OneDrive to copy something from that to my phone and when i select where i want to save it File Explorer exits right away and OneDrive shows file transfer complete, but it doesnt show up at on my phone or sd card locations.

I am having exactly the same problem but didn't find a solution yet. It's the only serious bug I found so far!
Overall much better. Less lag, start screen comes up fast as it should.

A few odd things on my 1020
- I don't have Cortana, just Search. When I opened it, it went through setup like Cortana and as far as I can tell, it is Cortana, but its called Search.

- When I make text smaller and enable more tiles, it looks great, but the long press on the back button no longer opens the multitasking screen. If I drop back to normal, it comes back.

I have the same issue, can't get to task viewer when at 175% scaling. I've submitted a report via the feedback app
Totally disappointed.

faithful to the insider program until this build...i rolled back to 8.1...i reinstalled everything....then when the 10549 finish the download and finally make the keeps recover. Only using the recovery tool i was able to get the phone back...

My mistake? I did it twice....same issue.

Now i am stuck in frustrated.
using it as daily driver, in fact, I am using it as daily driver since previous works for me ...lumia 640 att
The biggest issue I and others had with the last build was the stuck on loading that the start screen would frequently get stuck on. That made the last update frustrating as a daily driver. This new update seems to have fixed that issue, so far. I even rebooted my phone several times to see if it had been truly fixed. So far so good. Now, I'm running this on my Lumia 1520, and I forgot to mention, apps seem to load up much faster than before. Some may disagree, but I think Windows 10 Mobile is nearly complete enough for public release. Granted, there will be people who will find things wrong and still call it half-baked, but if MS keeps up their update ritual, we should see regular updates, with major updates that add major features twice a year, I'm thinking. Also keeping in mind, current generation WPs will likely see marginal features added, but much more performance refinement.
With all that said, I think this version is one that can be used as a daily driver. I would recommend waiting until next week to see if everything still holds up, because bugs could begin to surface. If I find that my phone is still running smoothly by next week this time, you should be good. I will reply an update, if I remember to do so.
The only two things keeping me away from installing Preview on my (only) phone are battery drain and the fear of bricking it if and when the restore to 8.1 is needed.

I had horrible problems with my late 920. The roll-back process bricked it but in all fairness, it wasn't completely the Recovery Tool's fault - my USB port was busted and it kept losing connection.

Anyway, my 920 is currently alive (cracked after hitting the concrete floor - and no, it didn't make a whole all the way to China) but I just don't have the time to do the upgrades, downgrades, rollbacks etc. Battery life on that phone with Windows 10 is horrible. It wasn't a shining example of a good battery before, to be honest, but with Windows 10 battery drains right before your eyes. I took literally half an hour of figdeting with the phone to drain it completely! WITH CORTANA DISABLED totally.

I currently get full two days of battery life on my 640XL with slightly above moderate use. I'm not about to give that up just yet, and something tells me even with this newest build, Windows 10 drains battery nonetheless... I'll wait a little bit longer until the official release and keep playing with 920.

Btw, is there anyone out there who keeps Cortana disabled, absent (by staying in unsupported region, for example), to tell me how's the battery life?
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