Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Inactive)

Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

I don't bother with the iris scanner anymore, it's just quicker to actually punch in the pin (for me at least). I also saw the issue previously though where the iris scanner seemed to come on at the wrong time and the screen was black.

I also now have the brightness issue, though not as bad as you it would seem. My screen goes darker unexpectedly on this new build, but not so much that I can't see the screen, simply locking the screen, then unlocking it brings it back to the proper brightness. I haven't needed to reboot to clear this... yet.

I only have Iris on to wake the screen up. I can't punch in the numbers when its black. :)
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

My lumia 640 is showing battery drain. Disconnected the phone from power at 10am, at 15pm the phone was dead. And is always hot...
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

I've not come across any deal breaking issues ( for me anyway ), although one I have found is odd. In Cortana home page, if I select reminders lightbulb, it crashes back to start screen. If I use Cortana search bar with text, or I tell her, it works fine!! If that's the only gripe I have found so far, I'm happy! Now watch what happens...... ;-)

Yes I found this too, how do I report it lol, I'm noob ...
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

I just replied to a gmail email from my 950XL DS using the Outlook Mail app. The reply did not show up as a threaded message with the original email, nor does it show in sent mail (even after syncing). Basically, there is no sign on the phone that the reply ever happened. But it did, as I can see it in gmail on my PC.

So this seems like a real issue for me, and a serious one. Anybody else seeing it? Replies to emails not showing up anywhere.
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

So this seems like a real issue for me, and a serious one. Anybody else seeing it? Replies to emails not showing up anywhere.

No issues here, pure gmail, and google apps for work, no issues. May be remove and re add accounts?
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

My lumia 640 is showing battery drain. Disconnected the phone from power at 10am, at 15pm the phone was dead. And is always hot...

Not here. Maybe a hard reset is needed in your case or just try to live with it for a day or two
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

So this seems like a real issue for me, and a serious one. Anybody else seeing it? Replies to emails not showing up anywhere.

did you verify that your Incoming email server is correct?

From you Gmail inbox > Hamburger icon (top left) > Accounts > Gmail account (tap and hold) > Account Settings > Change mailbox sync settings > Advanced mailbox settings (bottom of page) > check the settings to see if they are correct:

(, or whatever is correct for you.
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

No issues here, pure gmail, and google apps for work, no issues. May be remove and re add accounts?

They all magically appeared in the email threads and sent mail folder this evening. All's well that ends well, I guess.
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

After researching further the issue I'm experiencing is not the screen. It is a well reported unlock delay of 3-6 seconds introduced in this build on some devices. When I double-tap or hit the power button, it takes up to 6 seconds for the screen to turn on. 950 XL DS US.
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

After researching further the issue I'm experiencing is not the screen. It is a well reported unlock delay of 3-6 seconds introduced in this build on some devices. When I double-tap or hit the power button, it takes up to 6 seconds for the screen to turn on. 950 XL DS US.

It's the hardware. The 950XL is an awful device.
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

Hey Cortana working now, finally !!!
The Cortana Reminder cannot be click to open up as it will crash, but rather you have to "tell" Cortana to set the Reminder and it will work.
Calendar and Weather tile still intermittent lost it live tile info (already broken since few update previously)
Average battery drain ~3% per hour with all data/wifi on.
Notification alert still delay as when screen on only all the mails notification flooding in.
Mails/Whatsapp live tile as well notification sync lagging although the items been open/view.
The audio speaker breaking sound (over amplify) will happen intermittently.
Groove sometimes failed to play on audio shortcut that pin in start page.
WiFi sometimes will failed to re-connect to known/saved WiFi AP.

All from my Lumia 1520
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

My lumia 640 is showing battery drain. Disconnected the phone from power at 10am, at 15pm the phone was dead. And is always hot...

For the 10th time: let your phone updates, syncs and chaching a ouple of days. Let it plugged and under wifi
Check Store updates list, maybe there's some core app stuck and needing your attention
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

There are issues with sharing photos again - see error message below. In some cases the only way to clear this and be able to share photos again is to reboot the phone - Grrrrrr!!! This has been happening on and off across various builds for some time now, yesterday I had no issues after the recent update, but today it's broken again.

Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

did you verify that your Incoming email server is correct?

From you Gmail inbox > Hamburger icon (top left) > Accounts > Gmail account (tap and hold) > Account Settings > Change mailbox sync settings > Advanced mailbox settings (bottom of page) > check the settings to see if they are correct:

(, or whatever is correct for you.

I checked them all in the extensive (not to say panicked!) testing I was doing around this problem yesterday. I noticed first that it only affected my two gmail accounts and not hotmail. Then, last night, I went into one of my gmail sent mail folders and synced (for the 20th time) and, suddenly, all the sent messages appeared. When I checked my linked inbox, all the sent messages were properly threaded into the email trails. Still don't know why it took everything so long to appear but it seems to be fine now.
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

Wrong. It's been horrible on all builds

Mike.. I understand your frustration, but... the experience hasn't been the same for everyone. I have stressed this a dozen times, but here goes again:

20 different people can have a 950 and all of them will have different experiences when it comes the updates and how the phone handles generally.

In some sense, MS is to blame, but in other cases the devices were defective and I've seen countless people coming here to share that they started out with a bad device, but after exchanging it, the user experience did change as well.

Some got a better experience with the very next device and others had to persist.

On top of that, it really isn't the best policy to be on the fast ring and expect smooth upgrades. It happens sometimes, but most builds (especially those with new features) will be unstable
Re: Windows 10 Mobile build 14915 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

Trying to update my Lumia 650 to the 10.0.14915.1000 build. It downloads fine and preparing to installs fin, the need to restart and then the working wheels appear for a few minutes and then it restarts. After that phone says, can't install updates...

Any suggestions?

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