Windows 10 Mobile build 15043 Discussion (Redstone 2; Fast Ring)

The one issue so far, I had to change pin. My original brought up full keyboard not just the 1 to 0 numbers.

Very odd.

Sent from mTalk on 950XL

I noticed some keyboard idiosyncrasy immediately after update: 1.) no curser when in Feedback Hub; 2.) no keyboard when replying to an email.

Did a soft reset with no positive result, then did a power down/up cycle which put the keyboard back on track for me.

I also saw in the change log where MS made some keyboard bug corrections, maybe a power down/up cycle is needed in some instances to reset the keyboard in some areas?
Can't stress this enough guys: start clean with these builds. Keep in mind there aren't many of us. So MS isn't doing this for us, they are doing it for later phones. New phones always have a clean build on them and considering how few of us there are, they will likely be new users with no backup. We are testers as insiders. We need to replicate the conditions as best a possible.
I still have a weird bug with my HP Elite x3. Everything is fine, Bluetooth and etc... but when I use the official folio case to magnetically turn it off, the time on the start screen is correct but the system time stops, it's noticeable on the start screen and phone and messaging app. In addition, I lose the ability to hold down the back button for multi-tasking. Last, my screen never turns off. A soft reset fixes everything until I close the phone case to turn the phone off. Currently, I removed my phone from my case but this damn thing was 45.00 dollars.

Have you installed this build? I've been staying on the slow ring on my X3.
Installed last night after a few resets thanks to wifi and what not. So far so good. Bluetooth is working again to add devices. Not sure on battery life yet, but we'll see.
Weird bug I had that wasn't documented but fixed - On my HP Elite X3, after a factory reset on previous insider builds, I couldn't get past the HP Registration screen. This has been resolved with the new build.

I reported this to MS on a couple of occasions in previous builds where if you hard reset the x3 you would be stuck on the reg screen.
Switched from Production to fast Ring, so far so good.
Everything seems fine on L950XL except Camera crashing on close.
My first insider build in months. After seeing the limited known issues I decided to get back on the bus and install this one. Took a minute after switching from release preview to fast for my phone to spot the update. Install went smoothly, but when migrating data it rebooted before the last phase was through. After the reboot it said my SD was corrputed and fixed this on its own. Everything working fine (Edge being much faster, but maybe that is just an illusion. But while I was getting something to eat at a restaurant last night and not touching my phone for a few hours, it was eating my battery life: went down from 43% to 14% in two hours while being idle (no, it wasn't installing apps in the background). So I decided to do a reset. After the reset, the build didn't install the standard apps like Mail and Calender, but I could install those through the store. Battery life still seems less than on 1607, as my phone went from 90% to 80% in just one hour after I woke up and started reading the latest headlines on news websites, but I guess with this rate I'll manage.

On a Lumia 950 by the way.
I thought I will try fast insider tonight L950
my phone went though the update and it is stuck on a blue windows screen
any suggestions it will not respond
An update from yesterday.

From 23:30 last night to 08:30 this morning the phone was on but not used. During this time battery went from 95% to 87%. A loss of 0.88% per hour.

During this time Wi-Fi was on, as well as Location services. Quiet Hours was on from 22:45 to 08:00. I only have Glance Screen set to stay on for 30 seconds. There were four apps open in the background - Messaging (the stock SMS app); Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter. Out of those four apps, as far as them running in the background, the first three are "Managed by Windows" and Twitter I have set to "Never allowed".

One thing I have noticed with Twitter is that, on the Anniversary Update, if the app had been left open in the background then when I went into it next time the News Feed wouldn't refresh automatically, I would need to 'pull down and release' for it to update. On this build, when the app's been left open in the background and I next go into it the News Feed has automatically refreshed.

In the 22 and a half hours I've been using the build I've not encountered any bugs and the breakthrough list bug in Quiet Hours settings (which I mentioned in my original post yesterday) does indeed appear to have been fixed; all contacts that I added to the list are still showing. :grin:

All in all, a very good experience with this build on my Lumia 950.
Been using this build for over a day and few more hours. Can say that it is stable and works just fine, although Cortana suggestions is still broken for me; it kept showing no suggestions for my region. I can confirm that Cortana works in my region (Malaysia) because it is currently working well in my PC (PC is running Release Preview build) and in my phone during the AU builds. Quite a sad situation as Cortana gives me a very concise overview of local news and updates regarding my football (or soccer) team, as well as general weather of my location.

Also, Outlook Mail & Calendar stopped producing toast notifications in the action centre (can only know if there're new e-mails via live tiles), but I don't think this issue was caused by this new build. It was the recent update to the Outlook app that caused it. I believe it is so because this issue started after I updated the Outlook app, before updating to this latest build.

Other than the above, this build is generally stable for me, and performance is quite nice as well. Battery was good for the first day, but I'd wait for a few more days before giving my final verdict. The previous build gave me stellar battery life for two days, before a full charge lasted me from 8AM - 5PM afterwards (phone left with about 15~20% battery), which for me is quite disappointing since I wasn't using the phone that much; used the phone for about 2 hours only, meaning 2 hours on-screen time, and the rest is phone on stand-by on LTE (was outside the house, so had to use data).
One thing for me, go to Settings > Personalisation > Sounds > Manage App Sounds. Does that screen appear unresponsive and slow? It is for me. I have to wait a few seconds before the screen will scroll to the touch. Also, if you turn app sounds off for Outlook accounts, even when you re-enable notifications from Outlook Mail to turn the app sounds back on, it still stays off. Removing and re-adding the accounts in Outlook Mail fixes it.

I have also noticed that battery life is not that good. Hopefully it will sort itself out, like the last build, where battery life started terrible but got improved through further use.
One thing for me, go to Settings > Personalisation > Sounds > Manage App Sounds. Does that screen appear unresponsive and slow? It is for me.
No, it is not unresponsive page for me. However, I just checked that I can add my own ringtones for all, but I can not add my own ringtone for a single contact (even there is a long list of ringtones, but can not use my own ringtone). It is a pity.

EDIT: I did a new ringtone by Ringtone Maker app (MS) and that new ringtone, I can use as a ringtone for a certain contact (even all ringtones, my new and old ones are in the same Ringtones folder - it finds only a new one). Well, let's try to redo all :(
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