Windows 10 Mobile - Wishlist (pre 10586.164)

Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

yes i know u said some of that stuff already thats why i said it would be a rehash .... -_-
1) action center you can only remove notifictions by swiping to the right not the left
2 music controls are accessible from almost anywhere in the whole OS using the volume controls Yes but i would prefer lock screen music controls and usual system wide music controls once not on the lock screen see image sum thing like that just in windows phone manner.
View attachment 68881
3 There are 3rd party apps that do this Third party apps for battery % on the lock screen should be built in the os
4 Settings to me is unorganised will do a mock up of the tiled view or a drawing so you see what i mean and not meh it grouping under categories would be nice

example of grouping settings under tiles or a by category
System --------------
- Start + Theme
- Ringtones + Sounds
- Lock screen
- Notification + actions

Wireless + Networks
- airplane mode
- Bluetooth
- Cell + Sim
- Internet Sharing
- Network+

Email + Accounts
- typical add accounts
- backup
- sync my settings
- workplace

Display (usual items under display +)
- glance
- touch
- project my screen
- screen rotation
- brightness

- accessories
- call + Sms Filter and settings
- audio
- extras + info
- about
- phone update

Ease of Access

Region + language
- keyboard
- speech
- region
- language
- date + time

Sense + More
- data sense
- battery sense
- storage sense
- feedback
- advertising id
- quiet hours
- driving mode
- find my phone
- kids corner

applications would remain the same

Reason for Meh!: I think tiles everywhere will make the system look boring eventually. And i think it will also make windows phone's performance decrease since deep blacks and minimalism makes the OS more snappier
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

That's exactly what people said when windows phone 7.5 was around

nah what you want is android 2.0 just with msft services... half the things you are add more clutter to the OS and the other are redundant . for example you want battery percentage in the lock screen. you can just pull down the notification center and there is the battery percentage. also actionable toast notification? whats the point of having it when you can press on it and go to the app and just type there.
all im trying to say is improve what msft has on windows phone instead of adding more features
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

So you're saying that you want us to go back to the time when all those cheap websites can install their apps on the phone and there was no such thing as an official store that had all the trusted apps pass through a strict testing process to ensure your info won't be leaked or used by other unknown sources ?
You don't have to download them from am external unknown website. .. you cold still get everything from the Windows Phone Store (or whatever the name they give for the universal store in Threshold) but you busy have more freedom with your phone...
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

nah what you want is android 2.0 just with msft services... half the things you are add more clutter to the OS and the other are redundant . for example you want battery percentage in the lock screen. you can just pull down the notification center and there is the battery percentage. also actionable toast notification? whats the point of having it when you can press on it and go to the app and just type there.
all im trying to say is improve what msft has on windows phone instead of adding more features
I also think battery percentage is stupid ... And actionable toast notifications can be faster than opening the app... like liking a status
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Reason for Meh!: I think tiles everywhere will make the system look boring eventually. And i think it will also make windows phone's performance decrease since deep blacks and minimalism makes the OS more snappier

nah i think a tiled view for settings would be cool but the list view would still remain like how in regular windows there is category view and list view with small or large icons.

if MS does not go with the tiles i would like it organised into the following categories (i understand you with the tiles part but categories would be cool)
- Start + Theme
- Ringtones + Sounds
- Lock screen
- Notification + actions

Wireless + Networks
- airplane mode
- Bluetooth
- Cell + Sim
- Internet Sharing
- Network+

Email + Accounts
- typical add accounts
- backup
- sync my settings
- workplace

Display (usual items under display +)
- glance
- touch
- project my screen
- screen rotation
- brightness

- accessories
- call + Sms Filter and settings
- audio
- extras + info
- about
- phone update

Ease of Access (usual stuff under this)

Region + language
- keyboard
- speech
- region
- language
- date + time

Sense + More
- data sense
- battery sense
- storage sense
- feedback
- advertising id
- quiet hours
- driving mode
- find my phone
- kids corner


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Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

nah what you want is android 2.0 just with msft services... half the things you are add more clutter to the OS and the other are redundant . for example you want battery percentage in the lock screen. you can just pull down the notification center and there is the battery percentage. also actionable toast notification? whats the point of having it when you can press on it and go to the app and just type there.
all im trying to say is improve what msft has on windows phone instead of adding more features

battery percentage on the lock screen is useful to me at least when charging it can appear below the battery icon or next to it so i knw my charge level at a glance.

actionable toast notifications is useful and faster than loading up the whole app or waking it up from suspended mode. NB (if actionable notifications was not usefull apple would not have stolen it from blackberry just saying if apple stole it then it must be good just mad MS didnt steal it first lol).

but i realize my list is based on me using Android and missing some stuff but some things ms should steal from apple, BB10 and Android some not all
we all knw even if MS steals it its gonna have a Microsoft spin to it to make it unique.
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

nah i think a tiled view for settings would be cool but the list view would still remain like how in regular windows there is category view and list view with small or large icons.

if MS does not go with the tiles i would like it organised into the following categories (i understand you with the tiles part but categories would be cool)
- Start + Theme
- Ringtones + Sounds
- Lock screen
- Notification + actions

Wireless + Networks
- airplane mode
- Bluetooth
- Cell + Sim
- Internet Sharing
- Network+

Email + Accounts
- typical add accounts
- backup
- sync my settings
- workplace

Display (usual items under display +)
- glance
- touch
- project my screen
- screen rotation
- brightness

- accessories
- call + Sms Filter and settings
- audio
- extras + info
- about
- phone update

Ease of Access (usual stuff under this)

Region + language
- keyboard
- speech
- region
- language
- date + time

Sense + More
- data sense
- battery sense
- storage sense
- feedback
- advertising id
- quiet hours
- driving mode
- find my phone
- kids corner

I would prefer the settings being sorted according to usage over time.
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

battery percentage on the lock screen is useful to me at least when charging it can appear below the battery icon or next to it so i knw my charge level at a glance.

actionable toast notifications is useful and faster than loading up the whole app or waking it up from suspended mode. NB (if actionable notifications was not usefull apple would not have stolen it from blackberry just saying if apple stole it then it must be good just mad MS didnt steal it first lol).

but i realize my list is based on me using Android and missing some stuff but some things ms should steal from apple, BB10 and Android some not all
we all knw even if MS steals it its gonna have a Microsoft spin to it to make it unique.

that's why we have the glance screen ( assuming you have a nokia device) when its changing the little battery icon is shown with the time and you can see it from there :/

but why type on a little box on top of the screen when its easier on the eyes to open the app and type what needs to be typed. for me that ruins the whole concept of toast notification and live tiles.

I wouldn't call it stealing because essentially its the users the give company's ideas on how to make things and improve things ;)
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

nah i think a tiled view for settings would be cool but the list view would still remain like how in regular windows there is category view and list view with small or large icons.

if MS does not go with the tiles i would like it organised into the following categories (i understand you with the tiles part but categories would be cool)
- Start + Theme
- Ringtones + Sounds
- Lock screen
- Notification + actions

Wireless + Networks
- airplane mode
- Bluetooth
- Cell + Sim
- Internet Sharing
- Network+

Email + Accounts
- typical add accounts
- backup
- sync my settings
- workplace

Display (usual items under display +)
- glance
- touch
- project my screen
- screen rotation
- brightness

- accessories
- call + Sms Filter and settings
- audio
- extras + info
- about
- phone update

Ease of Access (usual stuff under this)

Region + language
- keyboard
- speech
- region
- language
- date + time

Sense + More
- data sense
- battery sense
- storage sense
- feedback
- advertising id
- quiet hours
- driving mode
- find my phone
- kids corner

I wouldn't mind the settings to be more organized:amaze: but I don't think a lot of people are going to be using the settings page a lot :confused:
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

that's why we have the glance screen ( assuming you have a nokia device) when its changing the little battery icon is shown with the time and you can see it from there :/

but why type on a little box on top of the screen when its easier on the eyes to open the app and type what needs to be typed. for me that ruins the whole concept of toast notification and live tiles.

I wouldn't call it stealing because essentially its the users the give company's ideas on how to make things and improve things ;)

because an icon is not as valuable to me as a percentage it can be an option for those who don't want it ..... and yess settings needs to be organised
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

because an icon is not as valuable to me as a percentage it can be an option for those who don't want it ..... and yess settings needs to be organised
you know to many options can be overwhelming for a standard user. heck even for me that knows my way around computers and phones find to many options overwhelming. options are good but when it gets to be nit picky to the point where is android like ( yeah they have options for everything ) then there wouldn't be a point for msft to have its own OS and just use android and populate it with msft services :/. seems a bit extreme but that is the way I look at it with the wish lists and changes
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

you know to many options can be overwhelming for a standard user. heck even for me that knows my way around computers and phones find to many options overwhelming. options are good but when it gets to be nit picky to the point where is android like ( yeah they have options for everything ) then there wouldn't be a point for msft to have its own OS and just use android and populate it with msft services :/. seems a bit extreme but that is the way I look at it with the wish lists and changes

I would much more prefer battery percentage on the glance screen while charging.. And all windows phones should have a glance screen while charging only... Including the Icon , 930, 52x, and the phones from All other OEMs
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

I would much more prefer battery percentage on the glance screen while charging.. And all windows phones should have a glance screen while charging only... Including the Icon , 930, 52x, and the phones from All other OEMs
that would seem better than nothing :)
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

my list is shorter now i like most things about windows phone some apps need to be optimized more but if i can get the list into MS some how i would it includes most of what was posted here i also think the store can use a visual update like how windows 8.1.1 has the nicer looking store
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

- Option not to use live tiles.
- Third party keyboards.
- Third party HTML rendering and JavaScript engines.
- Less lag opening apps.
- More personalisation.
- ChromeCast-like function.
- Command line.
- Cortana support for control of other devices (e.g. turn on the lights).
- Proper widgets.
- No support for devices with less than 1GB RAM (to force manufacturers to provide a sensible amount).
- Flash support.
- Phone notifications on my PC.
- Support for virtualisation so I can run other OS's on the phone (or multiple instances of WP).
- Web server so I can run my website from my phone.
- Actionable notifications.
- Privacy mode, where the phone sends no data at all to Microsoft.
- Ability to swap SkyDrive for third party services such as DropBox.
- Less horrible font (I think I saw an announcement that this will happen).
- Cortana in all languages.
- Guaranteed upgrade to new versions for three years.
- Fully compliant with POSIX open standards.
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

new one i kind of hate having to press the volume up to get the music controls and volume adjustment a two finger pull down can also bring up the music controls and volume adjustments tell me if you like that idea
Actionable notifications
Ability to choose message preview on/off
Control music from lockscreen such as repeat music progress bar etc
Actual background customization for home screen and tiles
Add title to sectioned lock screen set up like in Windows 8.1
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Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Actionable notifications
Ability to choose message preview on/off
Control music from lockscreen such as repeat music progress bar etc
Actual background customization for home screen and tiles
Add title to sectioned lock screen set up like in Windows 8.1

sir did you read what arjunan and i posted before you are basically saying what we both said ...
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

- Option not to use live tiles.
- Third party keyboards.
- Third party HTML rendering and JavaScript engines.
- Less lag opening apps.
- More personalisation.
- ChromeCast-like function.
- Command line.
- Cortana support for control of other devices (e.g. turn on the lights).
- Proper widgets.
- No support for devices with less than 1GB RAM (to force manufacturers to provide a sensible amount).
- Flash support.
- Phone notifications on my PC.
- Support for virtualisation so I can run other OS's on the phone (or multiple instances of WP).
- Web server so I can run my website from my phone.
- Actionable notifications.
- Privacy mode, where the phone sends no data at all to Microsoft.
- Ability to swap SkyDrive for third party services such as DropBox.
- Less horrible font (I think I saw an announcement that this will happen).
- Cortana in all languages.
- Guaranteed upgrade to new versions for three years.
- Fully compliant with POSIX open standards.

disabling live tiles!! Widgets!!! No device support!!! Are you lost, my friend?
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

disabling live tiles!! Widgets!!! No device support!!! Are you lost, my friend?

Disabling live tiles - I'm sorry to say this, but the UI seriously holds WP back in the market. It's too unfamiliar and in various ways not very practical. I would recommend Microsoft to also offer, or replace the current UI with something more conventional. They did the first with Windows 8, although that wasn't very successful as they made people use both. Better would be to let people choose, or simply drop the live tiles.

Widgets - live tiles are a kind of degenerate form of widget, presenting live (well, not very live in some cases) information but not allowing any interaction. Why not go the whole way and make them useful - e.g. pause/skip buttons on the Spotify tile? Actually Microsoft demoed this recently, with live tiles even expanding to offer extra possibilities. It looked pretty cool.
And yes, I realise this point partially contradicts the one above.

- No device support. Well, I didn't ask for no devices to be supported. That would be silly. Only devices with less than 1GB of RAM. Adding RAM to a cheap phone will typically give more performance gain than adding extra processor power. The Lumia 630 would be a much better phone if it stuck with a dual core processor but had 1GB of memory.

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