Windows 10 pointless without Windows 10 Mobile

It'll be interesting to see which markets Microsoft withdraws Windows phone from. Right now, Lumia phones represent more than 9 of 10 Windows phones. Now Microsoft doesn't think mobile hardware is worth the dollars and risk, or as much dollars and risk. Do you seriously believe that third party manufacturers will take on the risk and fill the void left by Microsoft?

Continuum looks good but will it be enough to sell Windows phones to the enterprise? It appears the only hope for Window phone going forward is that Windows 10 universal apps becomes a success and drives Windows devices sales.

I know for me an 'uh huh' moment was during E3 when Bethsoft announced the release of the companion mobile app for the upcoming Fallout 4 game. The game is being released on Xbox One and Windows PC. Two Microsoft platforms, right? Yet the companion app for the game is being released on iOS and Android. Think about that. That's illustrates what the outside world thinks about Windows phone (maybe Microsoft can get Bethsoft to release a Windows phone version wink wink).

I read it as they will continue to make a premium Windows Phone, which honestly is exactly what they are lacking, just like Surface Pro 3 is a premium table (and I would love one to replace my SP2). My contract is up in a few months and I wouldn't mind a new phone, but I'm not sure there's anything that's really compelling compared to my Lumia 920. Most of the WP I've seen in the past year and a half seem to be low end.

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