Just in case someone is interested, I made a smal batch file that when run copies today's pictures from "Assets" folder (Windows Spotlight), puts them to some folder (in my case C:\Downloads\Wallpapers\asset-new), if folder is not there it will create it, no worries, and after copying it renames all files to .jpg (JPEG). Final step is opening that folder with today's pictures in File Explorer - all nice and ready for you to do as you wish.
Here is the code, just copy and save as "whateverYouWant.bat":
CD %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets
FOR /f "tokens=2-4 delims=. " %%a IN ('date /t') DO (set mydate=%%b-%%a-%%c)
XCOPY * C:\Downloads\Wallpapers\asset-new\ /D:%mydate%
CD C:\Downloads\Wallpapers\asset-new
REN C:\Downloads\Wallpapers\asset-new\* *.jpg
explorer .
Few remarks:
- if you change the destination folder, please make sure you change it in all 3 lines. Also, if folder has spaces you'll need to put quotes("") around the whole path
- the todays date is created in the third line, starting with "FOR"... in case you have PC date/time setup with something different than me (31.12.2015.) you'll need to do 2 modifications. First, if your date is delimited with slash (/) you'll need to change "deli=." to "deli=/". Also, if your date is not DD MM YYYY you'll need to swap the "%%b-%%a-%%c" to the order that gives the right combination (eg. 10-16-2015 for today's date). Play around in command line, it's not that hard.
I think that's it! Have fun with your daily dose of Windows Spotlight pictures
Btw, since I still don't have right to post URLs, and you want to see images in my OneDrive folder please msg me and I'll send you link. Also, if someone wants to post it for me, msg me, and I'll send it to you.