Windows 10 TP Upgrade


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Apr 21, 2014
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Although, is not suggested to use the Technical Preview as primary OS. I still want to do just that. I like to live in the edge (insert meme here lol). Anyways, I'd like to know if I'm able to upgrade to the final version of Windows 10 WITHOUT losing any data. And yes of course I'll be buying Windows 10.

If I'm not able to upgrade to Windows 10 from the Technical Preview, then maybe with the Consumer Preview?

I just can't wait and want Windows 10 now. I've tired it on virtual machine but it runs too slow for me.


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Jan 6, 2014
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I'm not going to discourage anyone from trying new stuff, especially someone who takes the time to participate in forums like this.

That said, if you're not comfortable with making sure all your important information is backed up, and doing a clean install at some point if/when necessary, you should reconsider.

I've not seen any indications one way or the other as to if an upgrade path will exist to get from here to there with Preview builds in between. Based on past experience, there will be a way to do it. You can't upgrade from Windows 7 or 8 preview builds to RTM either but I did both with no issues, your mileage may vary.


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Apr 21, 2014
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I'm not going to discourage anyone from trying new stuff, especially someone who takes the time to participate in forums like this.

That said, if you're not comfortable with making sure all your important information is backed up, and doing a clean install at some point if/when necessary, you should reconsider.

I've not seen any indications one way or the other as to if an upgrade path will exist to get from here to there with Preview builds in between. Based on past experience, there will be a way to do it. You can't upgrade from Windows 7 or 8 preview builds to RTM either but I did both with no issues, your mileage may vary.

When it comes to back up and stuff I really do not have anything to back up. I got some pictures here and there and music but, those things are everywhere for me. On my cloud, on my phone and pretty much everywhere.

The only real reason why I don't just user the Technical Preview as main OS already is because of the games I have. I don't mind downloading 600+ GB work of games my problem is having to do that all over again after I upgrade from the preview to the official release.

I'm a enthusiastic guy and love trying out new things. But, I remember how the Window 8 preview went for me lol. Everything was gone and I was sort of ok with that. Not like I lost anything important anyways. Must kind of sucks that things didn't stayed there.

David Feifer

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Sep 12, 2014
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About the only issue I have seen was corruption of the user profile during build updates. Personally I have a os drive and a data drive so no need to worry about loosing all those gigs of games.

Ma Rio

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Sep 28, 2013
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Yeah why don't you just put your system on one drive (C:\ for example), and games on another (D:\) if you have one, and problem solved.
Also I highly recommend you not to use the TP as your main OS because that just can't turn out well.
You will be on the losing end of it. Too much time spent on installing, and making everything work, and at the end you won't get that much new features or whatever. I installed TP on a VM just to check it out - was kinda disapointed (even though I know it's an early build) and just left it that way.

But to get back on topic - I'm not sure about your question since I never did something like that. If you're thinking you'll just get an update from 'Windows Update' - I don't think that will happen. But you'll always have the option when you insert the install DVD in your PC to "Upgrade" and will save your files and settings.


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Jul 20, 2013
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i've been more than happy to have had technical preview installed on my 6 year old laptop, it runs pretty satisfactory; in hindsight, too bad i paid for the 7 to 8.1 upgrade.

does anyone know if the update to Windows 10 will include the option to choose x64 over x86? thanks!


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Apr 21, 2014
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But you'll always have the option when you insert the install DVD in your PC to "Upgrade"

and will save your files and settings.

This is what I mean sort of. Since Windows 10 will be free. Than upgrading from the TP should be a breeze right? I hope so.

Also, about the files part. So you mean everything will be there or you mean the Windows.old folder?

Ma Rio

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Sep 28, 2013
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I'm not sure what's in the Windows.old folder. I also don't know which files windows saves but my guess would be all files inside your user folder.


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Jul 1, 2013
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I'm not sure what's in the Windows.old folder. I also don't know which files windows saves but my guess would be all files inside your user folder.
It's your previous Windows installation.
When you upgrade the installation tells you what's in it. . .

Ma Rio

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Sep 28, 2013
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It's your previous Windows installation.
When you upgrade the installation tells you what's in it. . .

I understand that it's the previous version of Windows, but I'm saying that I've never used it and that I don't know which files it saves because of that.


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Jul 1, 2013
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I understand that it's the previous version of Windows, but I'm saying that I've never used it and that I don't know which files it saves because of that.
I suspect it saves your Windows Directory. . .

You could compare with the new one and see if they resemble each other.


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Apr 21, 2014
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What windows.old have in is basically all of the data that you had before upgrading or installing windows 7/8 all over again. In that folder there will be the windows and user folders and program files etc.


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Apr 21, 2014
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Also since installing Windows 10 through the Windows Update was smooth and easy I suspect that the final, actual Windows 10 will be just as smooth and easy transaction.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I've installed Win10 TP on a variety of systems/devices; there is indeed an option to upgrade the OS whilst keeping your settings and data. Given that it is indeed Beta, you'll find that in some cases, certain apps don't work or certain features don't work the way that you're accustomed to or some drivers won't work or... but that's what you consciously need to be aware of prior to entering the world of beta testing. As stated above by PepperdotNet, ensure your data is backed up and that you're prepared to do a clean reinstall on any given day. Have fun testing!

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