My Verizon contract wasn't going to be up until September of this year, I figured I could wait and I'd see a 4G WP7 on the network. I'm not really optomistic with 4G at this point, I think it's too soon. We don't know anything about pricing details and it won't be available in all markets right away.
I jumped ship and bought a Samsung Focus on ATT. Compared to my BlackBerry the data connection seems faster and I've got WiFi if I need really speed. I figure when my contract is up at the beginning of 2013 that's when you'll see everyone making the switch to 4G.
I wouldn't recommend waiting forever either because there's always going to be something to prevent you from getting a phone. I can see 4G coming out, but no front facing camera. Then you'll have a phone with 4G and a front facing camera, but oh no it doesn't have NFC! Then you'll see all those features, but Android will have a 8 core ARM processor phone.
That's for sure, I have a BB Tour 9630 and it is hands down the worst phone I have ever owned in my life. I am on my 5th one right now because they had major manufacturing issues and RIM still refuses to admit to it. I am done with RIM forever. Just give me global roaming on Sprint with WP7 and I am sold.
Haha I'm a former Tour owner too and I didn't mind the phone. The trackball would get stuck from time to time, but the phone was durable and battery life was great. Towards the end it did get annoying having a tiny screen, no touchscreen and the web browser was kind of terrible.