Windows 8 Frequently asked Questions


New member
Feb 7, 2013
Hey all! I am starting this thread as repository for questions people have about Windows 8. I will start it out with a couple I get asked a lot here at work. We will add to the list as people add questions etc!

1. How do you shutdown Windows 8?

You can shutdown Windows 8 by going to the charms bar by either hovering the mouse in the top or bottom right side corner or by pressing the windows key and C. Once in the charms bar goto settings, power and select shutdown.

2. How do you close Windows 8 Modern UI applications?

You can close Modern UI applications by placing your mouse at the top of the app, it will change to a hand. You then click and drag the app to the bottom of the screen and let go!!

3. What are the different versions of Windows 8?

•Windows 8: For consumers
•Windows 8 Pro: For business and technical professionals
•Windows 8 Enterprise: For enterprise customers with software assurance
•Windows 8 RT: For supporting ARM devices

4.Where do I find the Start button?

The start button has been replaced by the Start Screen. further info can be found at the following link

Also I would like to include a list of my favorite keyboard shortcuts.

Windows + X Advanced menu, this is by far my favorite shortcut! an example of this I use all the time is Windows Key + X and then I press P to open the control panel!

Windows + C Charms Bar
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Good tips! One thing I'd like to add is that Windows Key = I brings up the settings panel. From there you can press Power and then Shut Down or make your computer Sleep. I use it all the time. Only other tip I can think of at the moment is that you can use the start screen to find apps and files really easily just like you did in Windows 7 and Vista - get the start screen up and just start typing and you'll get real-time results which you can filter further.
You can also just press the power button once, just make sure you save your work. Also make sure you computer is set up to do this. :)
there are too many ways of shutting down a windows 8 computer.

charms bar settings.
alt + f4 in desktop
ctrl+alt+delete, you will see in bottom right the shutdown button.
switch user or logout. you will see the same shutdown button.

right click in left bottom corner (new way of shutting down in 8.1), or win + x + u + u. (this looks like a video game cheat lol)

configuring the power options and you will be able to use shutdown button to hibernate or shutdown.

go to cmd and type shutdown -s -t 0 (or many seconds you want to wait)
go to run command and type the same. or make even a bat file or whatever you want to do with that command, you can even make a schedule task with it.

also you can throw up your computer out of the window, and im sure it will shutdown the system as well ;P but I wouldn't recommend this one.

but too many ways :)

and I don't understand why you say "where is start button" and then you talk about MENU. start button is in bottom left corner... hidden, but it is still there in 8.
Is there any way to purchase an app for windows 8 through browser?

If you're talking about a Windows 8 "Modern" app (with the touch-friendly UI) from the store then no, otherwise if you run a machine with an x86 processor (like an Intel processor) then you can purchase whatever normal windows program from the web and run it on the desktop
Will be setting up a windows 8 laptop for my daughter tonight (and upgrading to 8.1 I guess). She is coming from vista and I currently use 7, so I'm sure we will need help.
It takes a bit to get used to. Remember the hotkeys to make your life easier. Windows Key plus x for the advanced menu. Windows Key plus C for the charms bar etc. A easy way to shut down is Windows Key plus X and then U U. To restart Windows Key plus X U R. Once you get the shortcut keys down it's easier and faster then windows 7.

Note these keys are more useful for mouse and keyboard users than those with touch screens.
No touch. I am sure I'll be visiting this forum frequently. Thanks so much for the response. I don't know if the fact that I use windows phone will help or not but will make sure she gets the wpc app for windows
Thanks to all for this thread, i just purchased a dell inspiron laptop and i'm now hating windows 8 a lot less. In fact, after updating to 8.1 i kinda like it.
Glad to hear it! It takes a bit of getting used to but once you know the tricks and shortcut keys it gets a lot better. I love it personally.

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