Windows Central Photo Contest: Microsoft Hardware & Devices!

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My brother gifted me "My Luv" XBOX on Diwali (Indian Festival) - 2013 , thanks bro :kiss:
Since then I am collecting games and enjoying every moment with XBOX, its my best friend.

My love for microsoft device helped me to add one more member in my best friend list and that was "640 XL", though I was a bit confused should I shift to Windows or not ? But finally I am happy my decision was good , Wo Hooooo. What a device :love:

I tried clicking picture of XBOX controller and few game cds from Lumia 640 XL to participate in this competition and I think its good click :excited:

- Date Clicked : 10 October 2015
- Camera : Lumia Camera
- Lens Used : Lumia Refocus
- Editors : Crop, rotate, auto-fix

No matter who won but I want to thank for initiating this competition, it brings the hidden talent out.

All the best to every one.

Windows Rock !!
My family loves Microsoft. Not only as evident by these devices but also the Microsoft's logo (via app) on the start screen of our windows phones. This photo shows my Lumia 1520, Lumia 800 and my Xbox 360; my wife's Lumia 920; my daughter's Lumia 535 and Surface 3. Not in the picture is my wife's Lumia 1020 which I used in taking the photo. Used Lumia creative studio as photo editor.
WCC1 (2)_edited.jpg

Subject: Lumia 520
Camera used: Lumia 830
Software used: Fhotoroom and Photoshop express (Win10 PC).


The Lumia 520 was my first smart phone. Ever. I had been avoiding them for years as I didn't like the thought of being connected all the time: There's a benefit to being unplugged from the world. But, circumstances change and I couldn't put it off any more. We all know the story of the 520, so my reasons for choosing it as my first should be obvious as well. It served me well, but it retired last year when then newer, younger, stronger 830 took over my pocket.

Of course, the 520 was my first introduction to windows phone. It will always be remembered as a great one at that. :)

Today, I was out in the yard with the dogs. We have a decorative birdhouse in one of our gardens, so in it went.

A surface RT, a Lumia Pen & King Fahd Fountain (The Tallest Fountain ... In The World) taken with a Lumia 930 (Rich Capture & Flash)

I have to be honest with you on this one, I did not sketch the picture of the Fountain shown in the Surface, I took a picture of the Fountain with my 930, used Fantasia Editor to apply a "Sketch Effect", sent it to my Surface & displayed it to look all Artistic & **** :winktongue: & by the way, The Lumia Pen is an actual ink pen, Not a Stylus :cool:
When you gaze into the lens, the lens gazes back at you.

I was inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey, with my Nokia Lumia 920 being a monolith in its own right. :winktongue:
Edited with Photoroom for Windows 10.

Taken with a Lumia 1020. Vanilla.
Trecked out to the Calgary Microsoft Store to see the 950XL!
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Lumia 920 Photoshoot

Of how awesome the 920 is, I've actually spent a day doing a photo shoot.Windows phone design language has always inspired me. I didn't have another windows phone lying around to click a picture, what i had was a friend and his dslr.He was kind enough to lend me his camera for a day.And what better way to show off my phone than to have a whole photoshoot focused on it ! And i know my entry won't be considered, just because i didn't have a windows phone to click this picture. But its okay i had a opportunity to share my photograph and my love for the windows phone community.
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WP_20151011_22_05_40_Raw(3) ().jpg

Any work which I have to do eventually leads me here to my laptop running on Windows 8.1 and life without it is incomplete.
Picture taken with my Lumia 1020 in extreme low light conditions. Edited with Lumia Creative Studio.
Thanks for all the awesome entries guys. The contest is coming to a close shortly (Midnight EST), entries submitted after that time won't be elligible!

Tomorrow we'll post the winner in a blog post on the front page, thanks for participating and good luck!
this is a friend's 535, I sold most of my friends on Lumias, so it wasn't hard getting another Microsoft device. Took this one with 'Lumia camera' manual controls on my 920, and also edited on the 920 using photoshop express. hope you all like it. couldn't upload on the forums using opera mini, uc browser and edge, this is a link to the pic on Facebook: httpsCOLON//fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihdDOTnet/hphotos-ak-xpt1/t31.0-8/12087706_1187833934565990_8609139300347002521_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoiYiJ9 please replace COLON and DOT with the appropriate symbols.
This is a pic of my old Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer from 1996. He is now retired and I caught him enjoying his time hiking the hills of Brown County in Southern Indiana. The photo was taken with my Nokia Icon, using the ProShot App. Photo was edited using Lumia Creative Studio changing the vibrance, shadows, clarity and temperature.
2015_10_04_16_51_44_ProShot (3).jpg
WP_20151011_22_41_17_Pro (2).jpgWP_20151011_22_41_17_Pro (2).jpg
Taken with my Lumia 640 Xl
ISO 400, Edited with Photos App on Windows 10
No Extra Filters.
Showing> Xbox 360, Wireless Headset, Lumia 435, PC Running Win. 10 Pro, Wired Xbox 360 Controller for PC
This is where I play, work, chat, read, etc.
Thanks for the entries guys, the contest is now closed. Keep an eye on Windows Central to find out the winner!
Do we count in hardware whose brand Microsoft owns now, but didn't at that time when they were made? For me these old Nokia phones represents the perfect engineering. They were designed to be user friendly with hugely long battery life, robust as hell, I dropped mine constantly without permanent damage.

View attachment 113529

Camera: Nokia Lumia 1020
App: Lumia Camera
No any post-processing

Microsoft does NOT own Nokia nor its brand.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
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