Lumia ICON/929
Taken with Lumia Camera, no editing done.
We went down to Austin, Tx last month to visit family. While we were there we went to see the bats come out at Congress St. bridge in Austin. It's the largest urban bat colony in the world. That wisp of smoke drifting out of the bridge is actually tens of thousands of bats.
This photo is of Gatineau Park in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. The image has been captured using Lumia 830. I am no pro and haven't used any post photo editing either. I captured a lot of images this day and earlier didn't give much attention to the images but when I was going through the pics on my PC, I noticed that some of them including this came out to be really good. I am using this as my background on booth PC and phone. I just love this photo. Hope you like it. I don't really use a lot of Instagram but I'll be uploading more photos now on. My insta id is nitish_ksharma
HTC 8XT no filter or touch up. I was at the parking lot at work waiting on a coworker, when I saw this lonely leaf with its drops of water. It caught my attention because of the sand grains gathered inside the water droplets. I will call it "Alone With My Grains." LOL
This pic was taken at my Grand Father's Farm. It was Monsoon. I saw a plucked off flower so I thought why shouldn't I give this dead flower an identity!!!
Shared files from OneDrive
Here is an image I captured of late season freezing fog and snow event while hiking in Colorado at about 9,000 feet elevation. The harsh reality of winter was too much for these tiny flowers. For scale, each flower was about the size of a dime.
This photo was taken with a Lumia 1020 and edited w/ Lumia Creative Studio.
EDIT: What is up with the image uploader? When uploading, it shows 100% progress and then fails wit ha red exclamation point and no error?